Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Tragedy to Triumph

April 22, 2019 Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

In this second message of the Easter season, preached on Easter Sunday, Pastor Jerry takes us from where we left off last week, at the place of what looked like Jesus's greatest tragedy. Jesus seemed to have fallen from the pinnacle of His ministry, where he was being worshiped and proclaimed king and Messiah, to the place that the crowds had turned on Him and demanded His crucifixion! It appeared to be a great tragedy to all who beheld it, especially the disciples and Jesus's mother... But Jesus was not finished yet!  Stay with the story!  He not only returned from this tragedy to triumph, but he was victorious over Death and Hell!!. I hope you are encouraged and blessed as you listen, because in His triumph yours was insured if you will put your faith in HIM!

Tags: Easter,Triumph, tragedy, crucify, crucifixion, Jesus, Risen, death, victory, salvation, Christ, Christianity, life

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Published: Apr. 18, 2019 @ 1PM Edit


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