Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

The Prodigal Father

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

prodigal [prod-i-guhl]
1. wasteful, careless, reckless 
2. extravagant in giving, overflowing in graciousness, abundant in love. 

Prodigal -- one word encompassing what appears to be two contrasting illustrations. In actuality, these two images run parallel to one another with a unique correlation: grace.

When looking at the Prodigal son, we often fail to see the character of the Prodigal father. Sometimes unconditional love looks reckless. Extravagant giving may appear careless. Overflowing graciousness might look wasteful... 

But we were once mirror images of self-indulgence until someone with extravagant love and graciousness said, "Come home."

Listen to The Prodigal Father by Pastor Jerry Laudermilk for more on this topic!