Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

All Things Work For Good...

July 29, 2019 Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

For the most part, I don’t think Christians believe this scripture.

If we did… We wouldn’t fear or worry so much about everything. We would trust God far more in our everyday lives ...and we would know, by faith, that God will take care of EVERYTHING that comes our way. We would realize that our eternal good, far out-weighs the good or bad we face in our present. We would trust that even the most difficult things in our lives, are working toward a greater Good.

The Apostle says, in Romans 8:28, “We Know…” that all things work together... for good… to them that love God… to them who are the called… according to His purpose.

Do YOU know this? ALL THINGS work for our good, as Christians.