Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

God Meant It For Good

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In the message "God Meant It For Good", Pastor Jerry looks at the story of Joseph and how the struggles he went through ended up being for his Spiritual well being. We often think that when we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior that there wouldn't be any more difficulties. We go through intense struggles, sickness, depression, and many many other difficulties. These ARE usually NOT things that are sent by God, yet they are allowed by God. How can this be working for my good? Hardships, difficulties, & trials are experienced because of the weakness of our flesh. Sometimes we bring them on ourselves by our choices. They are sometimes brought into our lives by Satan with the intent of destroying us, or at the least destroying our faith, yet they are used by God to mature us, position us, and bless us! When we are in our difficulty we can't see the good that can come from it! It seems impossible that God could make this hard thing, a good thing... But that is His expertise. God specializes in the miraculous! When we are in our darkest times, we ask, "Where is God??" Rest assured He is right there with you and will give you everything needed to come out victorious.