Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Oh Ye of Little Faith

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
Jesus seemed to say, "Oh Ye of Little Faith" quite often to His disciples. Sometimes it sounded like a rebuke, perhaps it was, but in each case it was always to challenge them to believe for more!! Sometimes we need a stern word to shock us into reality. In this message Pastor Jerry looks at the faith that we Christians so often seem to struggle with. Most of us simply have too little faith! We serve an all powerful God, and He has made us promises. Why do we doubt and fear? We are just like those disciples, people of little faith. People of little faith, think "How can I?"... People of great faith think "How will God?" WHAT IF WE TRUSTED GOD just a little more... instead of worrying about how we can? Even if your faith is small, exercise that little faith you have and it will grow! Use that little faith! Step out and believe Him!