Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Growing Up In Christ

Minister Brian Hall
In the message "Growing Up In Christ", Minister Brian Hall looks at the similarities between growing up in the flesh and growing in The Spirit. When we come into this world, we were born a child. As a child, we were innocent, very needy and reliable on our parents. The greatest attribute of a child is their unconditional love for their mother and father. As we grow, we become more mature and begin to acquire characteristics and develop friendships. These 2 things will have very much to do with what kind of an adult we will become. The next level of growing is becoming an adolescent. As a youth our hunger for food increases and our bodies begin to develop. Our friends will most likely change and we begin to become independent of our parents. Then we become an adult. At this point in life, we have developed characteristics and skills that we learned from growing up. Eventually, we find a mate and begin to start our own family. In our spiritual growth, we have the same 3 stages in life. We begin as a child, become an adolescent and eventually grow into an adult. This is the way God intended it to be. But many of us don't ever get to being an adult in Christ. We get stuck being a child, never having a desire to grow. Or being a youth, where we think we know it all. We become an adult in Christ when we have the love of a child and the hunger of a young person. We begin to disciple others and showing them the ways of Christ. When we do this, God can begin to move in our lives and we can win this world for Him!