Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Dream - Part 3: "Live The Dream"

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
"Live The Dream" is the last message in the three part series titled "The Dream". In this message, Pastor Jerry looks at some of those things that can cause you not to live out your calling from God. Our mind is a battlefield. The enemy wages war there because he knows we are weak when it comes to our thoughts. Every ungodly thought must be taken captive.... if not, those ungodly thoughts will hold you captive. We all struggle with thoughts. YET, our mind MUST be brought into subjection to God's will or it will lead us astray. Unforgiveness is another thing that will keep you from your calling. Forgiveness must be at the forefront of your character... or unforgiveness will consume you …and ultimately destroy you. If you won't forgive… the bitterness will corrupt you and WILL destroy your hopes of fulfilling your dream. Our pride is something that can also interrupt or stop our connection with God. Pride MUST be absent from your heart to operate in the new office God has ordained for you. The God-Given Dream will take humility because ONLY God can exalt you to the office of your God-given Dream. No one can walk in your God-given Dream for you… Step into it today and submit to God’s will above your own… or if you have already accepted it.. WALK in it.