Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast


December 11, 2016 Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In the message "JOY", Pastor Jerry wants to present you with an observation of a general truth (an aphorism): "The Lord's presence is the basis of all real joy." Or we could say..."Without Jesus there is no REAL Joy." Many would argue against that point... but all other forms of happiness are fleeting... Joy is found in the person of Jesus Christ! And Joy in Christ is eternal, because He is eternal. Our strength as Followers of Christ is FUELED by our Joy in Him! How do we live in the JOY that comes from Jesus? We must continue IN HIS LOVE...If we keep His commandments, He said we abide in his love. Does it all depend on you? No, certainly not... HIS promises are true, even if you don't walk in them. BUT as you walk in them, you WILL experience HIM in a greater way.... and JOY will be yours in Him.