Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

The Spirit of Christmas

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
People sometimes use the term “The Spirit of Christmas” to refer to the feeling or atmosphere that surrounds the holidays. (Ex. “In the Spirit of Christmas, our boss at work decided to allowed everyone to leave an hour early… with pay!”) But the true Spirit of Christmas can only be found in Jesus Christ. When you look at the account of the Story of Jesus in Luke chapter 2, you don't find stress, anxiety, anger (Traffic or Shopping Rage), depression/ oneliness, materialism/overspending or competition. But what you do see is Hope, Joy, Promise of Salvation, Worship toward God andPeace to those in whom God is pleased. These qualities found in the announcement of the angels at the birth of Jesus SHOULD be the prevalent atmosphere of the day… But we have allowed so many things to distract us from the Joy which is found in the coming of Jesus. Let’s go to JESUS…Jesus is the Spirit of Christmas and without Him, we will never find peace.