Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Your "Check Engine" Light Is On!: Study of the Book of Jude Pt.1

January 29, 2017 Minister Bill Jacquin
"Your 'Check Engine' Light Is On!" is part one in the study of the Book of Jude. Minister Bill Jacquin looks at why this book was written and who it was written for. Jude saw some things in this church that were starting to go wrong and wrote this letter to address them. The church had begun to become very relaxed in their beliefs. They started to believe that you could do anything in your flesh and it was ok as long as your spirit was right. Well, Jude being Jesus' brother knew that thiswas a very bad road to go down. He warned them of their dangers and tried to convince them to turn back to God. That is what our 'Check Engine' light does on our car. It gives us a warning or warnings that there is something beginning to go wrong with our car that we can't see. The same can be said for what The Holy Spirit does in our lives. He can see things that are going wrong in our lives. He gives us warnings so that we can stop and turn back to Him. God loves us so very much and wants us to be Blessed. Let's heed the 'Check Engine' warnings that are being shown to us!