Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Are We Happy In The Outer Court?

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In the message "Are We Happy In The Outer Court?", Pastor Jerry looks at the holy temple and the parts that make it up. There is the outer court, the inner court and the Holy of Holies. These parts have significant meaning as to where our walk with The Lord is at. We enter His Outer Courts with thanksgiving. This is a key to entering into His Presence. We enter His Inner Court with worship. This is only accomplished by worshipers. Anyone can be thankful but only those who love can worship. It requires more to get into the inner court. Then there is the Holy of Holies. This can only be accessed by Faith in Jesus, our High Priest. This gives us access to the throne of God's Grace!& Grace gives us access to Mercy! Let's get into the Holy of Holies and truly let The Lord take control of our lives.