Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Love Part 2

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
As Christians we are to love God with all of our heart, mind, body and soul. This should be first before anything else in our life. We are instructed next to love others. We seem to get this out of order and want to love ourselves first. This type of behavior can cause problems in our walk with Him. It blocks the many blessings God has for us. No matter what is going on in our lives, we need to keep our First Love. That is the love for our Savior Jesus Christ. If we focus more on our family, ministry, work or anything else than Him, we are being selfish. He gave all for you and me. And Jesus continues to love us even when we put others/things ahead of Him. You have probably heard of the saying "I take care of #1", implying that you take of yourself before anyone else. With that kind of attitude, it will keep you from having a strong relationship with God. Let's stop being self-centered and get back to loving and living the way He instructed us to. Let's first love our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Then let's love others and show them the Love of Jesus. May God continue to encourage & bless you in your walk with Him!