Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

A Servant's Heart

Minister Brian Hall
In the message "A Servant's Heart", Minister Brian Hall discusses what should be at the very foundation of our walk with God. That is to have the heart of a servant. Many times in our lives we become very selfish with Him. it becomes about the status,title or recognition in what we are doing. This includes our ministry. Jesus gave us a great example to follow while He was on this earth. He was the ultimate servant. If we could just get a hold of that same thing, our lives would make such an impact on others. Being a servant is something we are called to be. It starts out by giving of ourselves to Him. Then, God can begin to direct us in His ways. Be encouraged today, that no matter what is going on right now in your life or what you have done in the past, God sees the greatness in you. Let today be a new day that you will begin to be the servant God intended you to be!