Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

When The Pillow of Difficulty, Becomes a Pillar of Remembrance

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In Genesis 28:10-22, there is the story of Jacob's dream of a ladder going to Heaven. At this time in Jacob's life, he had been running from trouble. So, he found this place and decided to rest. He found some stones and made them in a pillow. Some believe that in this day people used rocks as pillows regularly. Sleeping on the hard ground without neck support would be painful. Then Jacob fell asleep and had a dream of a ladder going from the earth up to Heaven. With angels ascending and descending on it. He also saw The Lord above the ladder and realized that He was here in Jacob's midst. We often fail to realize GOD is in a place or situation. I think that sometimes it's because the place seems so ordinary, otherwise. This was just a place... Or so Jacob thought. It was a "certain place" that he had lighted (fell upon). Then Jacob made a pillar, from his pillow. He made a personal memorial, or an altar...from the thing that had given him rest. A seemingly ordinary thing, in a seemingly ordinary place became a meeting point for Jacob and his destiny. Have you stopped and taken notice of God... Heard His promises, committed yourself to His plan, and set up a pillar of remembrance?