Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

What The Spirit Says... Part Five

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In part five of the series "What The Spirit Says", Pastor Jerry looks at the church of Sardis. This church was in bad shape. Sardis wasn't just in compromise or struggling with deception... They were spiritually dead. It seemed to be very lively but for the wrong reasons. Their condition was very reminiscent of the spiritual condition of the Pharisees. Which Jesus spoke out against very strongly. This same condition is also present today. There are many that claim to be this and that for God but still can't hear what His Holy Spirit is saying. Sardis was instructed to return to the TRUTH they have known, to hold fast to it, and REPENT. The church today needs to hear this. Getting back in right relationship with Jesus is what He is trying to tell the Christians. Once that happens then we can hear The Lord and go win this world for Him!