Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

What's In A "Naaman"?

September 24, 2017 Minister Bill Jacquin
In the message "What's In A Namaan?, Minister Bill Jacquin looks at the story of Namaan in 2 Kings chapter 5 and how it applies to us Christians today. Namaan was a Syrian captain who was a great and honorable man at this time. He was very well liked and had many good things going for him. But he was a leper. This disease had caused him to be separated from people. There came along a young Hebrew maid who had been captured by the Syrians. By this young Hebrew slave of his wife, Naaman's attention was directed to the prophet of Israel, as the person who would remove his leprosy. There isn't a name given to this young lady. But that didn't stop her from wanting to see her master be healed. She didn't let her current situation or her past keep her from serving her master. The same can be said for Christians today. We need to give all of ourselves to God and let Him direct our paths no matter what has happened or what is going on in our lives today. Once we do that, then He can move in our lives and begin to Bless!