Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

What The Spirit Says... Part Four

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In Part 4 of the series : What The Spirit Says...", Pastor Jerry looks at the church of Thyatira and how it relates to the church of today. The church of Thyatira did many things well and helped out in the community greatly. But they had also allowed an unholy spirit of Jezebel into the church. Jesus reproves the Church at Thyatira because they had suffered (allowed) the woman Jezebel to teach and seduce true servants of God to take part in unholy acts. Reminiscent of the reason for the rebuke of Pergamos, authority given by Christ, over false teaching and adherence to false doctrine, HAD NOT been demonstrated. These teachings, this leaven, had been allowed to remain and even flourish within the church! ...And it had seduced, the church (or led it into deception). The Church has been given authority... but it was ALLOWING things that were clearly offensive to God. The same thing is happening in the church of today. With much prayer and study, I think there is considerable evidence that the Spirit of the Lord was warning the church (and pastor) that there are counterfeits. We must not hold onto these non-truths but stand strongly and boldly to the truth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.