Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

A Sincere Faith

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In the message "A Sincere Faith", Pastor Jerry looks at how our faith in Jesus Christ needs to be genuine and not falsified or fake. Today, many people say they have faith but really what they have is doubt. It is truly something Christians deal with every day. But we don't have to be that way. God has so much He wants us to have and do. We need to believe that God will truly take care of us. Genuine faith is visible, transferable, unashamed, it stirs up the gifts and it partakes of the afflictions of the Gospel. How is your faith representing itself?... Is is unfeigned?... Is it genuine? Is it sincere? IF SO... The World will see it! I urge you STIR IT UP!!! If not... Sincere Faith can be placed in you, through the Rhema word of God... Have you heard Him today? If so, don't hesitate to respond!