Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

The Gift Opening

Minister Brian Hall
In the message "The Gift Opening", Minister Brian Hall looks at the story of the 3 wise men when they brought Jesus their gifts. Just like the 3 wise men had their gifts, we have a spiritual gift that has been inside us since birth we need to open up and use for The Lord. In some cases it could be more than 1 gift. But why is it that most Christians don't ever begin to even open up their gift? Maybe it is fear, being submitted, being complacent or pride. The wise men fell down when they came into the presence of Jesus. This would signify them being submitted. This is the first step in finding our spiritual gift. Next they began to worship Him. This is what we should be doing no matter our circumstance. Then the wise men opened up their treasures. We can begin to open our gift by prayer, being in God's Word, being humble, treating others kindly. Lastly, they presented their gifts to Jesus. Once we have opened up our gift or gifts, we use them to glorify God and further His kingdom. The 3 wise men got in the presence of Jesus Christ, fell down, worshiped Him, opened their gifts and presented them to Him. I encourage you today to begin to pursue what God has planted inside of you and to let Him direct your every path.