Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

A New Thing

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
We as Christians love to remember the things God has done for us. It's good to remember the mighty things that God has done. It's okay to rehearse them in the ears of our children and grand children. We SHOULD encourage ourselves in the Lord as David did even by remembering what God has done...But God instructed Israel in Isaiah 43:15-21 to Forget ALL ABOUT it! WHY??? Here in Isaiah 43 God is telling Israel that all they have seen Him do, to this point, is absolutely NOTHING compared to what He is about to do. What was He about to do, that was new to them? He would blot out their transgression. He would forget their sins.He would send a Savior. He would take their own sins upon himself. NO ONE could have ever dreamed of such a miracle!! To be innocent, of sin?!! Just like Israel, God is wanting to do the new thing in our lives. In this new year... We need access to the "NEW" things of God. And "God will only do the NEW thing in your life, if you can let go of the old thing."