Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Whatever (Whatever Comes)

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
We are all going to deal with difficult things or circumstances (baffling winds) that arise and bring difficult situations that aren't joyous or pleasant... some are puzzling (How did I get here?!)..But the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:11-14 states that WHATEVER came his way he had LEARNED to be content, or raise a barrier against it. He had learned how to remain stable in his faith and emotions. There is a learning curve for disciples of Christ to do this. So how do we learn to deal with whatever comes, with such a calm demeanor? We MUST put all our hope in Jesus. Take Him at His word, then when He comes through, your faith Grows. What is this barrier that we can raise, against the baffling winds of this world? Our faith, our TRUST, in the Lord is that barrier we can raise against the winds of the world that baffle us. I believe that great faith can still calm storms, move mountains, raise the dead, but perhaps sometimes the ultimate measure of faith is trusting God no matter what comes our way... Through the difficulty. Some winds are good, others destroy...BUT faith will help us raise a barrier to the difficulty... and endure!