Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Counter Culture

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In the message "Counter Culture", Pastor Jerry looks at how we as Christians are called to be different... We are supposed to stand out! You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.Just as salt purifies and light drives back darkness, we are called to be in opposition to this sinful world! Yet we are busy trying to fit in. They used to say, "The church is getting so worldly, and the world is getting so churchy, that it's hard to tell the difference!" It has gone so far past that now, that it's impossible to distinguish between the church and the world in many circles. The culture has driven us to look and act like them... When we should be the ones driving culture! As disciples of Christ, we have to turn loose of the predisposed ideas placed in our heads by the culture we live in... and re-fill our minds with the perspective of God and His kingdom. WE ARE a counter culture... We should not try to fit in. We are not called to conform to this world. We are called to transform into His image... and then be agents of reform in the culture around us.