Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Identity Theft

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In the message "Identity Theft", Pastor Jerry looks at the story in the New Testament of the man that was possessed by an unclean spirit that Jesus would cast out of him. This story represents the things the enemy does to people today. There are some things we can relate to. The man in this story wore no clothes. This would represent how the devil stripped the man of his dignity. It also tells us that the man was driven into the wilderness by these devils. If we allow this to happen, we will be driven away from those that are close to us, even God. When Jesus asked the MAN his name, the devils answered. This man had lost his identity!! He had become so confused by Satan that he didn't know who he was. This spirit is rampant in the world today! ...AND it's in the church. Men don't know they are men. Women don't know they are womenand Children of the Most High God are unsure of who they are in Christ! YOU ARE NOT the fetters that have held you. YOU ARE NOT the places you have found yourself! YOU ARE NOT the job you do, or the habit you have!! YOU have become the FOCUS of JESUS Christ and YOU WILL NEVER be the same!! Jesus desires to restore your identity... that Satan has stolen! ...And give you something worthwhile to do... something of eternal significance.