Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Stay On Target

June 10, 2018 Minister Brian Hall
In the message "Stay On Target", Minister Brian Hall looks at Hebrews 12:1-3 with a Star Wars story. In this passage of scripture, we are instructed to be wary of sin and things that can distract us from our target, Jesus Christ. There many things that will try to get us off of our mission. In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker had a mission to destroy the Deathstar. During this mission, the enemy came from every direction. They were trying to keep him from completing his mission.We also face many distractions today. Sometimes it seems like they are coming from every direction.Don't give in! Luke would not give in because he would STAY ON TARGET. He couldn't accomplish this mission alone. He would be paired up with a small droid named R2D2. Notice they were sent out in pairs just like the disciples were. During the last run, The Force came and spoke to Luke. This would help him complete the mission in a different way than man thought it would go. The Holy Spirit is the force that speaks and leads us today. Our goal is Jesus Christ and to do as HE commanded "...go make disciples of many nations..". Let's follow Jesus and STAY ON TARGET!