Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Intentions and Motives

Minister Brian Hall
In the message "Intentions & Motives", Minister Brian Hall looks at what really motivates us serving God. We can have the best of intentions, but if the motives are not of God, then we need to really take a look at our lives. Throughout The Bible it is mentioned that God will look at a man's heart to see what he/she truly is being motivated by. Is it for self-gain, to be seen, or is it for God? If we aren't careful, we can begin to be influenced by things not of God. This was what happened to Samson. He was a great Godly man who had a strong relationship with God. But over time and the influence of Delilah, Samson fell and was defeated. He was delivered to his enemies and they gouged his eyes out. Samson was a man of great faith but he messed up and that faith collapsed. This story represents many Christians of today. They are close to God but over time they begin to be influenced or motivated by ungodly things. But like Samson, they don't have to stay there. Samson called out to God even though he was blind. And God answered him! We can have that same rescue also. We just need to repent and have Jesus Christ as our motivation!