Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

The Fruitful Tree: Rooted and Reaching

September 02, 2018 Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In the message "The Fruitful Tree: Rooted and Reaching", Pastor Jerry looks at the offices of an elder and a deacon. In John 15:8, Jesus refers to himself as the vine and us as His branches. It's only in Him that we can be fruitful. Bringing forth much fruit glorifies God! The analogy of a tree can also be used as a metaphor to understand the working of elders and deacons. The difference between the two is that elders rule and deacons serve. There are similarities in the requirements of the offices, but their functions are completely different. Both are appointed, based on character and Godliness, and the fullness of the Holy Spirit in them. Strong’s concordance says: Elders are “those who presided over assemblies (or churches)” It also says, "The NT uses the term bishop, elders, and presbyters interchangeably" Strong's says, Deacon is a “(Servant- one who executes the commands of another, especially of a master. A servant, an attendant, a minister)". Now, let's go back to the analogy of the tree. A tree that is rooted well, has green leaves even in drought and keeps on bearing fruit. Elders are like roots that are rooted deep in the Word and are foundational and unmoving. Deacons are like limbs/branches that have no fear of reaching for the heights, often having great goals or lofty ideas for future growth. A church with both deacons and elders abiding in their calling and functioning properly, will be like a fruitful tree that’s rooted deep in the Lord, and reaching for all that God has destined it to!