Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Whole Faith

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

Many of us are wanting The Lord to show Himself strong on our behalf. The prerequisite though, is that God is LOOKING for someone whose heart is 'perfect toward Him'. I believe a heart wholly toward God is a description of a person who is full of faith! That KIND of faith is what God is looking for. You cannot have faith in God, partially and expect anything. There is nothing wrong with doctors, but why do we trust them more than God? There’s nothing wrong with leaning on friends, or confidants, but why do we lean on them MORE than we lean on God? Why do we trust man’s wisdom, or money in the bank, or governmental power, or ANYTHING more than God? God is always asking us to trust Him for more, and it seems we are always lacking in the faith we desire to Have in Him. Yet He is trustworthy!! His Word speaks of faith in numerous scriptures. If He said it, it’s true! You can believe what God has said, and you can step out on it.” That KIND of faith, WILL ‘do' something because it knows God will meet it where it is. I WANT THAT KIND OF FAITH! Don't you?