Arsenio's ESL Podcast

IELTS General Training | Speaking Parts 1-3 | 1 on 1 Coaching | The Particulars and Feedback

February 14, 2020 Arsenio Buck Season 5

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Woohoo! So, after discussing that she needed NOT the TOEFL iBT, but the IELTS General Training instead; rest assured, it was far more pleasant.  When it comes to her speaking capabilities, it's sound. There are no real issues, but it's more just staying on topic and getting to the point. I hope you guys enjoy this!

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spk_0:   0:00
that being said. Here we go. So what we have here is a part, too. We have part one part Sioux, part three apart. One goes something like this, right? So they're gonna ask you general questions. Hello. So what's your name? Okay. What's your candidate number? All right. So where you from? Tell me about your family. Where do you live? What does your apartment look like? You know. Are you studying? Are you working? Very, very general questions in part one, which I know, in fact, that you will now no problem. And then you were going to the part, too. And so that's what I'm going to give you right now. I'm not gonna grade you or anything. I just want to give you an idea of what you're going to be or what you're going tohave to look out for. So what a part two is is they're going to give you a small card. Okay, On this card is going to be a topic with some sub points and the topic that you must cover. And then the explanation at the very bottom. Some people say speak for a minute and 1/2 but then you speak for a minute and 1/2 they might ask you a follow up question. They might ask you to continue. I'd like to say keep it on the safe end and aim for about of minute and 45 seconds because others have said, Oh, if you speak for two minutes, the Examiner and again you're facing them. This isn't total i b team, no computer, your face and then right, Uh, they'll just wave you off in the cup, you off And the problem is dependent on what country you're in. I have no idea how these people are in different countries, right? But if you have a bad examiner that day and he says, but it just weighs you off, guess what happens. He's going to use that against you when he scores your part, too. If you didn't answer, let's say two of the four bullet point questions he's gonna use that against you.

spk_1:   1:57
I'm starting to think that a computer is better than a person. Yes, of course it is. Uh, no. Maybe out and both. Just see what preference?

spk_0:   2:10
Yeah. You have a total bore preparation again. Like, but examiners in Brazil might be amazing. Ah, the examiner's here in Thailand. They're assholes. I hate it. I hate this. I hate to put it that way, but they are here. The worst stories ever. Why? Because normally the examiners were here. They're like, 675,000 years old, And then they're all angry. And they're all a just just born. They weren't born assholes, but they became assholes somehow down the life. You understand what I'm saying?

spk_1:   2:47
Don't believe what you say. Hear about Brazil because most president people are assholes.

spk_0:   2:58
Very nice. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I've met some folks from Rio, and they were like

spk_1:   3:03
Like, they're nice with foreigners. Nothing local. Yeah,

spk_0:   3:11
that the locals. Milt sounds like New York. You know, New York. The very, very, very how awful towards you know, foreigners and foreign guests and even people stateside from other states. But when it comes to like, someone from New York is someone from New York, it's just boom, boom, boom, boom. It's just a little bit wild.

spk_1:   3:32
It would basically be like your finer. You go to Rio, people go over the their way to help you. Wow. But if you are local, you can be homeless and starving, and people just keep curing the heads. Did you know that probably

spk_0:   3:51
happens? Every wouldn't say happens every care. But I see it like I'm in Bangkok. Right? So I've been living out here Bangkok, two years time in seven years. And you know, there are people just laying all over the side box at times. Um, but they don't necessarily step on one another. They are a little bit cuckoo. They try touching me. You know, I have to get a little I have to get a little American on Imus that you better get off me, God damn it. But another less. Yeah. Uh, that's that's that's really funny running out of time. That's so weird. Anyways, yeah, I just got a weird pop up message, which was really, really weird. Okay, so, nonetheless, here we go. What we're gonna do here in this part, too, is you are going to get this topic, and then you're gonna take notes, so here we go. That's what You're gonna take some notes. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna guide you through this because you're actually not all I could probably screen share with you. Oh, my God, that is amazing thing. Yes, I can let me see what I can do here. I can screen share. Okay, Let's see what we got here. Share. Oh, my God. Um, that's top. Can I share the desktop? No, I can't, Uh, White board? No. No. Um, Well, I guess not. Share computer sounds optimized. Yeah, I guess. Uh Oh, wait, wait. Maybe allows you Human just shared hold on two seconds. I almost got it. I just have to open up the preferences for some reason from Oh, my God. This is a pain and s Okay, Here we go. Zoom will not be able to record. I get it. Daddy is stupid. No, I'm not gonna screen. Share it. Sorry. Okay, So we got what we gonna do Heart to the topic. Describe something you don't have now, but I would really like to own in the future. Something you have now. But you would really like to own. Now the four cues are what the thing is, how long you had one to own it for. Okay, So you some present perfect pass. Perfect. Well, I saw this about four years ago, and I've always wanted to own it because I realized it would be so beneficial. And the third question where you first saw it. You know, what I would do is go like, maybe 25 25 25. Meaning 25 seconds 25 seconds, 25 seconds. And the last question is and explain why you would liketo own it. That's your explanation.

spk_1:   6:51
That's a tricky question,

spk_0:   6:54
because again, this is when the imagination is goingto have to play a role. Because a lot of my students don't like, Oh, but I don't want to own anything. I'm like, you better make something up, you know?

spk_1:   7:10
Well, let's try it. That's right. Uh, actually, I was saying about the same. I don't have ah, special desire like I want you have dese, but I get a lot of four digits, right? Right, right. But let's fake. It's no problem

spk_0:   7:29
exactly. Let's see it. Let's see if you can fake it real well, too, because they'll never know. They don't know you personally so you could take it however you want to fake it.

spk_1:   7:41
Okay. Ever since I was a teenager, I wanted to have a boat because I want to sail around the blow. I think a boat gives you a sensation off being free. And sometimes if I leaving were you. But tomorrow I want to spend a month in I don't know grease. I can just sail over there because you know I have, ah, saving permission from the Brazil Maybe. Yes, I do. It's true. I'm not faking it. Anyway, I want to have this boat since I started university. I'm a naval architect, by the way. So I want to build my own boat. I'd want to buy a boat. I will build my own boat. It's probably our retirement plan. You know, once I get retired from my job, I will, I don't know. Go to Ah, Rance. A small house with a shed and build my own boots. Maybe with a couple of friends were also retired. We're all big rock actions. That will be Ah, funny project student.

spk_0:   9:06
Good about That was a good way to end it. That would be a funny or a fun project to do. Um, you talked about again. Present. Perfect. Since you were a kid. That was really good. What? The thing was a boat you built up your storytelling. See, I tried telling everyone Don't answer, as in, it's just a sequence of questions. You were able to take those questions and meshing together into a story telling story that was brilliant for the first, you know, for the first for the first segment, obviously. For these part two's. So you have an idea. I don't know if you mention where you first saw it, though. You say you've always wanted a boat, but not a particular boat. Yeah, but nonetheless, you got three of the four questions. Nonetheless, you got it again. Some grammatical things. And over here, over there. But all I wanted you to do is to understand what the part two is. This is exactly what you will do. And you did. Very, very. You did very well for the first time. Okay, I'll believe you again. I like

spk_1:   10:20
nobody actually knows what's the first time they saw boot

spk_0:   10:25
like Well, yeah, that's true. That's true.

spk_1:   10:30
I live in the coastal city is like a living memorial. It's by the beach. Right. There are always fair, you know, Right? Oh, by the time I was lying, I knew I wanted to be a naval architect. So

spk_0:   10:50
what? You are a naval architect right now? Yes. Wow, that is so great. Not a school. That is really cool.

spk_1:   10:57
But that wasn't on the fake fake West. I don't want that. I don't really wanna boats. But my dream would be to build Draco boots with my friends, but will not sail with a drinkable thio if

spk_0:   11:16
you might not even make it. Ah, I'm getting no. But that you have dragon boats

spk_1:   11:21
Well written. You lost over Brazil with president retirements. I'll be too old to Bill. That's well say, That's good. Suck it.

spk_0:   11:29
Wait. So what's the What's the law now with Brazilian retirement?

spk_1:   11:34
Ah, 65 year old years old and you get retired to retirement, not forced. When we can't get retired before you, I would have to work for 30 years. Then I could get retype it.

spk_0:   11:51
Oh, I see. I see. Okay, so when you're like so let's say you're 66 up to 70 whatever age after 65 you want to build a boat, you wouldn't be able to

spk_1:   12:05
be menopausal and probably had osteoporosis. I Thea holding would be my game anymore. Maybe meeting or playing chess on the smooth.

spk_0:   12:19
Is that what they do? Is that what they do out there? Brazil. What is what the old folks out there Brazil do. I'm sorry. Not Brazil. Really? Because Brazil is massive. So what did they do in Brazil? Opens. We just get around it, you know, drink tea at the cafes like I see in Vietnam. War? Yeah.

spk_1:   12:37
Actually, we cannot afford to Too thick to drink tea in car fails. They'll probably be struggling to pay for the health insurance and taking care of their brain. Children. They'll have a shoot your life. It's just the way to wait for that. Oh, my God. Oh, no. It's for me. Yeah, yeah,

spk_0:   13:07
yeah, yeah. Make sure you don't say that to her that I am speaking. Oh, my God. That would be a disaster. I

spk_1:   13:15
just play with the I just want a boat. Oh, Beale bids and explain why low buildings and stuff like that.

spk_0:   13:23
There you go. You got it? You got it. It's so interesting. Speaking of someone, finally from Rio, I found Yeah. Then I got plenty of stories with folks. One prison in the first Brazilian I ever met he was so rude. Ah, but that was in Australia. So I was like, Yeah, you don't count. So then I met some other folks from Brazil. And on my S o podcast, Brazil is the number two listeners. So they love me and Bello Bello Horizonte. And minute mid I and I Did I Oh, my God. I can't

spk_1:   13:52
even I should I

spk_0:   13:54
go midnight, guys. Geez.

spk_1:   13:57
People from militia that ice really love to go live in the U. S. C. It's like they're the main reason why we get our visas dim. I've all the time, I What?

spk_0:   14:10
Why? Because they want to go live out there. That's craziness.

spk_1:   14:15
Yeah, and they go as tourists and they forgets Come

spk_0:   14:19
back. Uh, they forget. Suddenly it just seems like everyone has amnesia.

spk_1:   14:27
Just least my sly for 10 years. You, Mr Flight 10 years. I need my first flights, but then I couldn't afford to buy in.

spk_0:   14:41
Ah Ah. Brazil is so big, man. You know what? And it's funny. I'm gonna be getting into these parts three questions real soon. But I wanted to ask you what's Ah, There's some areas in northern Brazil or something or baby deep within cause you know, the Amazon is massive, but there are some areas that's people really don't know about some really beautiful areas. What's a beautiful area like a city, a small city, a small town that most people don't know about on the outside world. But on Lee Brazilians know about.

spk_1:   15:17
I think since we have made tourists every year, most people know our best place to go and the near really have. Ah, on islands. It's called LaGrange. That's really beautiful, you know. You can schedule song boats, boat treats and the sea. It's really blue. You can swim with the fishes and stuff, scuba diving if you like. We also have upped the loss. Last piece. Not exactly move. We have a place cold mother young that's in the middle of the year they have on their deals. Some sort off rain lagoons that orbit really beautiful. I never went there, but I want to go some someday. Emily, we have the Iguazu phones as well that the re famous that you can see from Brazil in this case I think it's final now am Argentina, and I think from y or far away I'm not sure with one which one but this on the main juris points the Amazon forest, but too many bugs and snakes for me. Thank you. I don't want no God. Purple spiders out there. Sickle, purple fuck, huh?

spk_0:   16:49
I'd even know purple spiders existed until I saw that video. I'm like, Oh, my God. Y'all got the most poisonous dart frogs ever. The strawberry that yellow bury the blueberry, that bat Mary that whatever buried like they they will kill you. Oh, my God, it's scary, but

spk_1:   17:11
yeah, no kissing frog here, please. Can you imagine? And you know, you

spk_0:   17:17
always got that one foolish tourist is like, I'm going to take a picture with this blue frog and the frog just bottles in the next. You know, we have to feel sorry because he died. You'd you damn What? That frog was gonna kill you. Oh, my God. Happens all the time, I bet.

spk_1:   17:36
Oh, do you want it? I'm sorry, you stupid little It's Disney's phones. You said the blue frog, you see? Oh, he must be a gorgeous prince steak.

spk_0:   17:50
Uh oh. I just, you know, hey, to be honest with you, they might ask you some questions about it could be something. It's not gonna be so directly related towards politics. But just know that that specific question I just asked you could be asked in different turns. Ah, but because we know what's happening Amazon right now. And you know that craziness. Uh, is there bias? Ah, do the examiners want youto the answer in a particular way? Do they want you to take a stance? I've heard about that in Canada. Uh, heard about it. I should be careful.

spk_1:   18:33
That depends. The politics, politics questions is a bit hard because we know that we elected Ah, right wing president this time and people who vote for him, they are really passionate about it. So if I answered the wrong the wrong way, they're probably Woods. It's like our president beliefs. That's the the fires in the Amazon Amazon forests, war support it or paid for by you know who

spk_0:   19:10
were not on DiCaprio, right?

spk_1:   19:12
Yes. How can it take someone like that? Seriously,

spk_0:   19:16
huh? What? I heard that I said Leonardo being the guy that he is, so he's an environmentalist. You see that amazing Netflix film about the ivory trade happening in Africa like

spk_1:   19:32
Julia Paragon, a pro am and ago. Britta. I don't know how to say her surname.

spk_0:   19:38
Yes. Something burg from Sweden, right?

spk_1:   19:41
Yeah. Before face to burn our forests. Ow! Ous hold that. He said

spk_0:   19:50
the girl paid to get some. He said

spk_1:   19:54
she's being paid by, uh, the guy from Castle. Uh, I don't know what you're on, but, uh, he

spk_0:   20:03
said, You know what? We got some folks in this world they talk a bunch of hay because you saw obviously my head of state. He's not mine. He's just a person that exists. He has said some really bad things about African Americans. So you already know what I listen. Um, pro world. He's pro world. He's anti everything except specific groups in America that has the disease of racial hatred that's inflicted and runs through their bloodlines right now, here in Thailand. I'm not gonna say anything, but Well, some things are happening out here. Diseases flying around from China. This place could be shut down shortly whom I go to Vietnam, but nonetheless that it's just the head of states right now in some countries. Come on, man. They say some things that I'm like, Why you just I just think it's it's good comedy. It's good. Comedy makes people laugh. It makes people laugh for sure,

spk_1:   21:01
unless ing. But I'm not laughing because it's funny and left him because I'm desperate. I'm concerned about my future on when people actually in my my job, people ask me why I didn't fold for him in my joke. I didn't vote for him because he has sought something about, um, here we have places called articulo. It was not like a ghetto, but only for African December people. It's where this legs rela wait you So they built a small community like a small village, and he said he went to a place like bats and the sea mists for some over there. Waited set seven hobos on mojo. But it's like 15 cules. It's a measure for animals, you know. It is a measure for animals and therefore it would would be a measure for slaves in the past. And he said that in the Jewish Club, and people would laugh and I was like, Come on, I would vote for the devil himself, but,

spk_0:   22:20
uh, you know, it's crazy. Just known about history, especially out there in Australia, you know? Asked Australia with the Albert. I hate to calm Aborigines. Let's call them the really indigenous Australians, the indigenous people of Australia. They weren't even considered human beings until about 1980 or 90 90. A teacher who I work with out here in Bangkok he told me that you can hunt them. You can hunt the app You can hunt the indigenous people like you can hunt animals in Australia about 40 years ago. So it's really anywhere. A lot of people, they say, Oh, they get their their perfections right? They believe that Yeah, like America like America, the ones that beat their chest. And they say America is the greatest country. Unlike you guys haven't been to sea before. You've never been to Finland. You've never been the sweet. Have you never been to Norway? You haven't been to Denmark. Please don't do that until you actually travel because people who don't want to uncover the dark side of history or tell us out Well, that was a long time ago, but it runs in your DNA because guess what? The people in their comments that are coming out of that country show that type of mindset of what people thought of 100 years ago. You know what I mean? So that comment from your boy over there and the things I heard from America in Thailand by, uh a I'm happy, these millennials, they want changed. I'm very excited about the future generations because the older generation's got Dale. Oh, my God, they are Jack. But nonetheless, it's really what is interesting is speaking about this with someone, uh, you know, like you like, straight out of hers. I've only spoken to three Brazilians. One, she's an actress in Bel June, Austria. The number two, she just She has just moved back to a country probably south of Rio. I don't know where. I don't know the name, but she again very successful in her own right. And then there's you and they will architect. So I loved hearing people's opinions about different things, and it's very important to share, you know, to respect others opinions, but also share experiences. So yeah.

spk_1:   24:43
Whoa, Right now, here is not the moment to share jazz. Yeah, No, I just like, uh, I'm like my biggest cupping wing like smile.

spk_0:   24:54
and wave. If anyone asks me any questions, I don't focus on anything I can't control. But I am aware of things like of that nature. You know what I mean? People blaming, you know, that's one thing you know, Responsibility need People need to take responsibility. So what's happening in Australia? Hey, you need responsibility. China responsibility, Amazon responsibility. America. No response. No, I'm kidding. America Responsibility. You know what I need So Yeah, but anyways, okay, let me give you a couple more questions were not really cool bread. Oh, here we go. What type? But now this is a part three question with the part three questions. It's gonna be more detailed, more specific. You're going tohave to speak. You're used your English language capabilities. Let's just put it that way. Okay? General questions. Do you like television? That's part one. That's easy. But part three, they want to see how good how well you actually speak. So you would be asked the question like this. Excuse me. What types of things do young people in your country most want toe own today?

spk_1:   26:13
Okay. What kind of things? Most people young people want to own my country today, I would say, um, I for 11. It's slipping. Yeah. Most people in Brazil really deke smartphones and stuff like that.

spk_0:   26:32
Give me three reasons.

spk_1:   26:34
Three reasons. Uh, first I believe it's settled scratches because, uh, right now I own iPhone seven and still works for me. But I'm in love, lady. So no, I don't. But a teenager would have found him. But all of my friends have the 11 and you have to buy the level for him. Otherwise there will be depressed and they will need to be medicated and stuff like that. I don't understand. Because when I was a kids, we used to hear a move and take it with a little bit off class. You know, today it's almost forbidden to say no church child. Yes. Yes, of course. Mommy will buy it for you on my form. L have them in Brazil. Costs about eight minimal wages and people buy it.

spk_0:   27:41
Eight minimum eight minimum wages. Meaning? Is that minimum? Wow. Yes, Highland. That will be four. Wow. E m. And people still buy it for status Symbol. Yeah,

spk_1:   28:01
I believe it's just for status because no one wants to work for eight months to buy it. I don't know me. Everyone on Lee makes him in wage, like as a naval architect. I don't make as little money as they right is them. But it's, um usually the poorer the person, the more value they put on things like smartphones and stuff is like, uh, a teenager boy who makes minimum wage is out off school. You work a whole month to buy a new pair of sneakers. I see they will walk the whole way year for fail. See, telephone.

spk_0:   28:55
That's crazy. And that's more that's again. You and I love it because you're focusing on the mindset of millennials and young people in general. So that is very, very important. And that's a very, very good argument. Is something very good? A very deep, detailed topic that you could get into? Uh, what is it? Yeah, While speaking about something like this again, you had a lot of details, but you again answering that question and going T. That's all you need. And you made very little grammatical errors, too. So I'm very proud of you on that. Oh, where's my camera?

spk_1:   29:36
I don't know. It's empty. It's my camera's gone. Yeah, almost

spk_0:   29:39
like. Oh, my God. Anyways, Yes. Oh, hold on. Here we go. Yeah, I don't know what I did. Okay, nonetheless, here we go. Oh, so does that make some sense? And again, why do some people feel they need to own things? That would be question number two. You already answered question number two. But a last question that I'm gonna give you right now. Do you think that only lots of things make people happy?

spk_1:   30:11
Not exactly happy, but usually when we are bitch down, going to, ah, shopping spring, it's like, Oh, my God, I'm so happy that I bought a new purse. I have 11 persons, but this one would my favorites for five minutes. Five.

spk_0:   30:33
Good emphasis. I love that you go.

spk_1:   30:36
I think, uh, going stuff doesn't make you happy, but buying stuff gives you a beach off doubling rush on your brain. That's at the time you're buying. It's so so good. But when the time the credit card bill arrives at home and you're, like, all depressed again because you have to pay for that 12 burst that you don't need it. And you haven't used yet because he didn't go with any of your clothing. Get happy here for five minutes and regrets for the rest of the month.

spk_0:   31:21
Go. I love that. Like you are so good that answer these questions that dope will be rushed. And when you said that five minutes of happiness of reminded me of a book, I don't know why I bought this book. But he apparently is from Brazil. Paulo Coelho.

spk_1:   31:40
Yes, he's awake.

spk_0:   31:42
Oh, say that one more time. See that? What? We're doing

spk_1:   31:45
a low wail. You Julio rabbits? Then they

spk_0:   31:53
called him a rabbit. He's got a rabbit. Last name that's interested? Yes. Au coq au quai. Leo. How you do that, Leo? At the end, That stop you when you Yes, do that. He wrote a book, Adultery. And this lady. She was so depressed. It was such a depressing book that I stopped reading it after eight minutes. And I never picked up a fictional novel again because it was just She was like my husband. He left me. So I'm going on a shopping spree and I'm happy for 10 minutes. And then I go back into depression. So when you said five minutes of happiness. I thought of the book Adultery, Bike, Follow Kuwait. Leo. You know what I'd be?

spk_1:   32:34
Well, I think she's twice as happy as I am. I had this less for five minutes.

spk_0:   32:43
That's true. That's very true. Oh, my God. But good job. Good job over.