Arsenio's ESL Podcast

TOEFL iBT | Part 1 Question | Speaking | 1 on 1 Coaching | Overcoming Hesitation While Speaking

February 22, 2020 Arsenio Buck Season 5

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A part that ultimately costs everyone a good score. This has to be, by far, the most difficult aspect of the independent question because of either stuttering, constant interjections, and delay responses that lead to murmurs.  So, what could you do to replace them? It's easy.  Tune into this podcast!

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Arsenio:   0:00
a really good question that I want to ask you. What is it that makes you stutter? What makes you hesitate?

Student:   0:07
Because they don't know what to say.

Arsenio:   0:09
I see. I see. So is there something like,

Student:   0:12
I'm not hesitated? I like. I don't know. I really don't know. I don't know. I have nothing to say. So I'm just trying to think.

Arsenio:   0:19
Okay. All right. So do you say, for instance, for example, another example. Do you say those in your chest? No. No. Okay. So again, I don't wanna add something I don't wanna. Let's just put it this way. I don't want if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I think that's an expression. That of merit. I think it's something around those quarters. So if

Student:   0:44
it is, let's say together.

Arsenio:   0:46
It's I heard this, like, 11 years ago. He said, if it ain't broke, don't break it. Or if it ain't broke, don't fix it or something like that. I mean,

Student:   0:57
keep it. Doesn't this

Arsenio:   0:58
exactly keep it as it is now? That's not something that I would do in terms of life, right? Like if someone's living a very satisfying life, I would say you know what you know. You've got to continue getting better, you know, per se. But when it comes to a test and knowing that you've already got 29 out of 30 I'm not going to tell you to just start putting in a bunch of leakers. Although possibly it could help with your study stuttering in your hesitation and Mike.

Student:   1:29
But as I told you, that was a kind of luck, because there was a familiar topic. Otherwise, I like I had three other trials that it, like they were around. Um, what is 25? The latest one was 25 the 1st 2 were, like, 24. It's around 25 up, up and down. But yeah, So that 29 was just once, but the other three was 20. Well, this island along

Arsenio:   2:03
25. 26. Okay. All right. So, I mean, if we put it this way, I think putting in Lakers would be beneficial. Not only for the, you know, the your overall speech, but it could also help you with Hey, that flow. And maybe that will put you from 25 to 26. That would put you from a 24 to 26. Perhaps we don't know exactly what the fact is our, but I think that would be more beneficial than detrimental.

Student:   2:33
And what are those? Lingers?

Arsenio:   2:35
Well, we could be like, however, So if I'm giving you an example, uh, let's put here our city. Oh, do you prefer long term trips or short term trips? I would think, man, I love me some. No, I'm not gonna say it like that, but I would say, Well, I prefer short term trips, and I'm gonna give you one big reason why short term trips. I'm able to fit all the activities and to a spa fan of three days. Let me give you an example. On the first day, I would do this. On the second day, I would do this. And on the final day, I would do this. You see what I mean? That's a compound sentence. Now again, I was speaking very quickly. Now I would put more thought groups in there, for example. I would say on the first day I would go to the zoo and then on the second day I would possibly do a couple of other things and on the third day would be more of a relax ation day. Whereas I hang out with some friends, do this and do this. See, that's basically a compound sentence without Link er's. Now I can add leakers. I don't know if that would take away from anything, but those are the types of sentences I would like you to put into your speech. I don't know if you

Student:   3:49
are just how would you say it? How would you say it with blinkers? Can you,

Arsenio:   3:54
uh, like you did today? And in addition, you could say furthermore also also is a very common one that we use in everyday language. Now, furthermore, is more academic. You would see that Maurin A written text. Then you would hear in someone's, you know, speak it just freely amongst the day. But I would say also, uh, that's one, of course that I would use, Um so because

Student:   4:20
can you give me the whole answer? Like as if you're being asked this question like I need to hear it like, how would it?

Arsenio:   4:27
Okay, so here we go Short term chips. I love short term trips because I'm able to put all my favorite activities until, ah span of three days. For example, on the first day I can Hood, let's just old Let me let me do that again. Okay, let me do that again. So short term trips, our thing, our chips that I would prefer because I like, put in my favorite activities on the 1st 2 days as a pose. So the last day, let me give you an example on the first day, you see what I mean? It's not so much Lakers, but it's me slowing down. And but you heard my intonation. Those air called Thought Group's on the first day. You see what I mean? That means there is a comma after the first day. So again, I'm going to repeat that, that it's not necessarily about the Link er's, but it's about putting pop groups into your speech. I'm not exactly sure. I'm not sure if you're aware of thought groups, but it's like on the first day I would like to go to the zoo and possibly meet up with my friends in the evening. You see what I mean in the IV Dean comma, you see what I mean? That's basically the Napa River. That's an adverb. You'll ah phrase. So that's given. They're like, Oh, OK in the evening. That's actually that's very good for this sentence, because that creates a compound. You see what I mean? Uh, it was like, put in those, like, different clauses into your speech. Even that it Klaus is like, if I if I'm not ableto fit my favorite activities in tow one day, comma, I would end up doing, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot You see what I mean? So that's the type of speaking that I would suggest you use rather than just using simple sentences. Again, I'm gonna emphasize that it's not always about just putting the However, on the other hand, in addition, furthermore, it's not about that, but it's about your intonation using thought groups and using different clauses the adverb beall, the adjective that now clauses because then they're gonna say, Oh, now that is very good, because the moment you start using templates, you know, you hear a lot of things out there in terms of people saying, Oh, I've got a bad score because I use this template or that template

Student:   7:00
thistle. I'm I prefer X become like for two reasons. Firstly, I because blah, blah, blah. And secondly, this is this one. Sounds like a temperature.

Arsenio:   7:14
That sounds

Student:   7:14
like this.

Arsenio:   7:15
Absolutely. Or now I could mix that up, and I could make that a not template. So I'm sorry. I prefer X because because that that that that and that that that that now instead of using a template like with the semi colon, first reason that secondly, another that instead of using that, I'm using a natural glow by just adding, you know, commas and using a coordinating conjunction such as and such a so such a cz Because,

Student:   7:49
yeah, that makes more sense. Yes, yes. Oh, yeah. So one more question. So I'm asking you a question. Would you mention Would you mentioned them? Like Why? Why not the other one? Why not? Why, why? Except not wiser. Like I'm stating the reasons for choosing X. But do I have to mention why as well, Like why didn't choose it if I have a chance or something to say about

Arsenio:   8:16
it or Yeah, this is what I'm scared of. I hear a lot of different reviews about this. Um, you know, some people would say again. It's the development of your conversation. So me, it says, in your opinion, why do you think it's this instead of this? In that case, it would be okay to mention a little bit of the opposing view, but you still want to focus on your main view again. I think you're being great. It solely on the discussion and how it develops. Not so much, you know. You know your introduction or, you know, the reading that you mentioned at the very beginning. So if you're asked a question, let me give you an example. Ah, some people Here we go. Some people prefer to buy you books. While some people would like Thio buy used books. What's your opinion Now? Do not rephrase or restate what you have just read. What I would say is again, my opinion would be, you know, I love buying new books because of this and this, although other people are, although contrary to popular belief, people, you know they would like doing this, Although you see what I mean, like you convention it

Student:   9:33
sometimes like you can say like ah, although good like all the new books are, um like sounds to be, um, were attractive or ah, sounds to be better, but I do prefer to buy used books.

Arsenio:   9:55
Excellent. That's beautiful. Why? Because it's safe. That's number one number, not expressing the other people's popular belief or what else or what other people suggest or what other people like using, although and saying, Although you books do sound very beautiful and very fascinating, I like used books one because they're cheaper and two because oh, see what I mean? Uh huh.