Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 02 - "I am in charge of how I feel, and today I am choosing happiness"

She Snaps Season 420 Episode 2

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I will be releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here on a daily basis for at least the next two weeks. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with.

This is my second ever Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it brings some comfort to you today. This was when the format was still mostly focused around specific affirmations on a daily basis, and this affirmation is "I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness".

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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Hello, Happy Tuesday or whatever day you're listening to this If you are subscribed to the mind of snaps podcast, then you probably noticed a new episode went live yesterday. I'm not sure how many people read the full captions or descriptions before they jump into a podcast episode, but yesterday's podcast was the first ever release free release of my positivity podcasts from patriotic. So I understand that we're in a scary time right now. There's a lot going on. It's very intense, and I understand that people are a bit scared. Um, I want I want to make sure that I'm putting out as much positive, empowering, encouraging, helpful content as I can. So I'm starting to release all of the positivity podcasts from my patri on to you all here for free. And I'm going from the very beginning. Which is why yesterday's is from May 2018. Today's is the same thing. It's from May 2018 and I'm gonna continue to release these daily for at least the next two weeks, as I kind of keep an eye on the situation that's developing here. But the reason why I'm doing this is I want to really remind you all that we have to be doing as much as we can to counter act the negativity that we're finding ourselves faced with on a daily basis, at least to keep ourselves in a neutral mindset. I understand getting yourself into a positive or optimistic mindset, maybe challenging right now, but at the very least, work to become neutral. We want access to our full mind and body power during everything that's going on right now. And the best way to do that is to make sure that our minds and our cognition isn't hindered at all by the negative. Bias is in the negative things that we're facing anger and fear and things like this. They can make it harder for us to think logically, rationally, calmly, confidently. So I'm gonna do my best to put out as much content as I can on every platform I am on in hopes of helping you all, um, counter act that negative bias. So in a bunch of the books I've read as faras, that bias is concerned for every one negative thing that you think or say you should be attempting to counter it with three with 3 to 5 positive things or encouraging or empowering. You know, I am strong and powerful. I'm grateful for this gratitude of super powerful things like that. Okay, so do your best. I know that this is challenging, but really we want to be as prepared as we can. And that starts with us getting our minds and bodies as prepared as they can be. So I wanted to try and add, like, a little note to this podcast before I started playing it. I didn't have time to do this yesterday, which was why we kind of just jumped into releasing the podcasts. But today I'm gonna be sharing a positivity Podcasts from May 2018. And I figured it might be kind of cool for you to have an update. So listen to this podcast and no, as you go through it, since that has happened, I no longer deal with the symptoms of depression. I consider myself to be completely free of it. Honestly, and I'm forever grateful for that. I do still sometimes have sad thoughts. Yes, of course. Sometimes have anxious thoughts. Yes, of course. I have hard days. Just the same as everyone else does. But I do not consider myself to be a person who is in the process of battling depression. So as you listen to that podcast, if you have moments of like, you know, it's just not that easy, you know that you're right. It really isn't just that easiest thing. I'm choosing happiness. But it is one of the steps, right, recognizing that you have a choice in the matter. So if you know me now, compared to who I was then or even you know, in my earlier career as a broadcaster, I think you could know that these things that I'm saying I have been stress testing the fuck out of them. They work, They really d'oh! At least for me they did, you know, with the right intentionality behind things, the right mindset and the right effort towards continuing toe learn and find new things that can help you to feel good and grow as a person. You can do a lot. You really can change your life. So go ahead and listen. I hope that you enjoy it. If you want to hear the most recent positivity podcast that is on the patriot on. So the most recent ones go out every Monday. Those air still going to be the paid option on patri on until further notice. But I will be releasing a good chunk of the positivity podcasts slowly as we move through the next two weeks. So thank you again for all your support. I hope you enjoy this wonderful flashback podcast and be kind to yourself today picks a nice deep breaths every now and then wash your hands for 20 seconds and get your mind where it needs to be to tackle everything that you're gonna face. You got this? Good morning, friends. Happy Monday. I hope you're all ready to start this week out right again Today. Our Reformation ties in with what we talked about yesterday during the mental health awareness stream, which, by the way, was wonderful. So thank you for that. Before I made the decision to start working hard on my mental health and started using affirmations daily. I used to have one basic concept in my mind, especially on hard days. I choose happiness. I would tell people that's all the time. Every morning I make a conscious choice to be happy. It's hard. It's not an easy thing that just switches on after I say it. But, man, it helped something about just telling myself I am making the choice. To be happy today honestly, made me feel a bit better. Maybe not in a super noticeable way, but enough to where I feel it made it easier for me to stop looking at depression as something that would stop me from being happy and started looking at it instead as though it were an unwanted passenger on my ride to a better life. So in this silly mental picture I've devised, I'm the conductor of this train heading to positive town or some shit, and this little bastard just hopped on board and I can't seem to get him out. So I just have to accept that he's there and do my best to ignore the stupid things he's saying to me. I'm not going to pretend that attempting to separate myself from depression has made everything go away, but somehow it helps me to see that I'm not defined by it. The stupid shit this dude depression is saying to me won't affect me the way it used to because I work on myself daily and I tell myself, I tell it, I tell depression that I'm choosing happiness. I still hear those things. I still feel those feelings at times. But I can acknowledge that it's not me making those thoughts or feelings happen, if that makes sense. I think the most frustrating aspect of dealing with depression and other mental illnesses is that it makes me feel as though I'm not in control of myself because I can't control those thoughts or feelings. It took me a long time to realize that I can control myself and how I react to those thoughts and feelings that I experience. So to put it plainly, it took me a while to figure out that I'm in charge. I can't necessarily use this newfound power and immediately vanquished these bad thoughts and feelings like some demon from Buffy. But I can start to work on how I interpret them, how they impact my day. I've found that positive affirmations, even one as simple as saying, I choose happiness like I used to do daily really help with that. So today's affirmation and one I'd like to see while add to your little book of affirmations, which you should have by the way. I know I love mine. It is. I am in charge of how I feel today and I am choosing happiness. Say it with me, Fam. Come on now You know no one's around. I am in charge of how I feel today and I am choosing happiness. It's so good. I love this one. Good things in life rarely seemed to come easily. So don't expect to say these words and suddenly see the clouds part in a double rainbow pop up. But even feeling better a tiny bit better can be so powerful for people who generally feel nothing but bad all day. This is something I've learned from experience, for sure. So today remember, you're in control, but it doesn't mean you're alone. This is something I attempted to emphasize as much as possible during our mental health stream yesterday. And it ties into this is well, you really are in charge of how you feel. But it doesn't necessarily mean that your steps towards changing the way you feel have to be steps you take alone. Maybe today saying that you're in charge of how you feel and that you choose happiness will give you the little boost you needed to finally go and talk to someone. There is no shame in not being able to do it alone. No shame you don't have thio. There are probably tons of people who would love to be there for you if you gave him the chance. And if not, there are professionals everywhere that can help you take those nest next steps towards feeling butter whatever it is that you choose to dio do it to day because every day is one more opportunity to be happier and wasting that day on what ifs won't help you. If I have the opportunity to be a little bit happier every day, even knowing it's going to be a challenge, you better believe I'm taking those steps. I'm doing whatever it takes to help myself because I like to envision a future where I don't have to work as hard at my happiness, and I know I can get there. You can, too. So let's do this one more time. Say it with me. I am in charge of how I feel today and today I am choosing happiness. Now get out there, kick some ass today and take some baby steps towards feeling better. Do some research. Read my five steps to better mental health. Listen to the podcast. Watch the broadcast from yesterday. Talked to a friend. Talk to her professional, do whatever it takes Because your life has the potential to be incredible. You just have to accept that. Acknowledge that you deserve to feel good and then make that shit happen. You can do it. You can do it. I'd appreciate it a ton. If you could tell your friends and family about this podcast and patri on if you can. The more support we received, the more I can focus on providing more mental health. Resource is to our community, including these positivity podcasts. I hope you all have a great Monday and I will see well next week. Thank you for everything that you d'oh have an awesome day. Bye.