Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 03 - "Stop Comparing Yourself to Folks on the Internet!"

She Snaps Season 420 Episode 3

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I will be releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here on a daily basis for at least the next two weeks. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with.

This is my third Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope at the very least it can bring a bit of perspective into your day.

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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speaker 0:   0:00
Hello, friend. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Whatever it is when you're listening to this. Ah, As I've said, I will be releasing positivity podcasts from my patri on, starting at the beginning on a daily basis for at least the next two weeks. Today, I was listening to my third positivity podcast, which is gonna play towards the end of this message here. And I recognize that there are a few things that stand out that I want to address. First of all, it was Memorial Day weekend, so I was thinking the wonderful people in our military that have sacrificed so much to take care of us in our country right now I want to do a special shout out to the heroes of our time today The food service workers, the medical health care providers, the teachers, the people who are out there in the midst of a crisis doing their best for us, for themselves, for their families. You are the real heroes. This is a hard time for all of us. And we really couldn't do it without you. Like especially medical team. You got a lot on your plates. You have to see a lot, and you have to see a lot of people who may not be following instructions. So kudos to all of you for keeping your cool in doing your bust in in such an intense time. So this positivity podcast is all about comparing yourself to social media. So I wanted to just add one additional note before we jump into it. Things are a little different on social media right now, so this may not fully apply to where you are in your life right now. And one of the things that, um, that stood out is I usually don't use negative language in my affirmations anymore. So the affirmation used in this is I will not compare myself to people on social media or something along those lines. So rather than using that one, I think take the message as what it is. I do still think that even in this time, we should be doing her bus. Did not be looking at what everyone else has, and instead, look around at what we have, what we have to be grateful for. Um, look for the root of why you're feeling what you're feeling. It's okay to be feeling whatever you're feeling right now, it's totally okay. Just do your best to take good care of yourself. And instead of the affirmation of I will not compare myself to people on social media are strangers from the Internet. However, I had worded it. Maybe it's in your best interest to just focus on the standard one. I am strong. That's one that we did yesterday and stream for affirmations are for a guided meditation. So just tell yourself I am strong. I have a lot of people telling me lately that they're doing their bus to stay strong for their families, for the friends, for their loved ones. My friends, you do not have to stay strong. Whatever vision you have in your mind off this is me strong. That's you. Already. There is nothing you have to do or change or hide from yourself or hold back in order to be strong. You are strong. So feel your feelings. Admit that you're scared if you want to. It's okay. We're all in this together, and honesty can help us a lot. Moving forward. We really got to know where our friends and family are right. If They're trying to put on some some somber face or some stoic face and pretend that things aren't bad. We don't really have the same ability to help them, do we? So today tell yourself as often as you can. I am strong. And I hope you enjoy the positivity podcast from May 28th 2018 which is about to play now. Um, like I said, I know things have changed a lot since this one was recorded in social media. Scrolling means something different right now. Um, but I think it's still gonna be helpful for the future. And I still think that, um, thinking about what you want out of life now is a good time to do it. Things are changing, but it's OK to still have hope for the future and have some ideas of where you'd like yours to go. Take a few deep breaths, friend. Listen to this wonderfully outdated positively podcast and I'll talk to you soon. Be kind to yourselves by good morning and happy Monday Today is Memorial Day, so I just want to do a quick shout out of gratitude for all of the wonderful men and women who have served our country. Those that are still serving in those that will serve what you do for this country is incredible. So thank you, sincerely. Thank you. So this weekend and today our days of celebration normally for us in the U. S. Money people are off work today. They took a weekend to go out and go barbecuing or camping. Some will be lighting fireworks and partying all through the night. Many of us, including active military personnel, don't have this luxury and will be working hard today. If you're working today or this weekend, it's likely that you're experiencing a bit of jealousy as you watch your social media feeds explode with other people's carefully crafted shots of their activities. Emphasis on carefully crafted. If you're not experiencing this feeling presently, it's likely that you have at some point in your life or will at some point in the future. It's hard not to want so many of the things that we see online, especially when social media influencers and celebrities do such a great job of making it seem as though they're really happier as a result of whatever item or activity there featuring at the time. I know from personal experience on both sides that this is unhealthy. Part of my life includes having to document on social media regularly, and it stresses me out like you wouldn't believe. I'm constantly trying to make things look perfect, because I see so many other content creators post and immediately compare mine to theirs. And then I feel like Dukie because I feel like I'm not even close to their level. Even when I'm not posting, though, I'm scrolling, always scrolling through social media. And when I scroll, I am the picture perfect consumer that immediately wants everything I see. I see someone with an area rug. It looks nice. Want it? See some more of the new TV, want it, see someone with a fit physique. Want it, see some with a bomb ass meal. Oh my God, do I want that Gimme. It's so easy to get weighed down by Social Media's influence. So today's affirmation gives us something to remind ourselves off when we start to feel that all too familiar pole towards wanting everything simply because others have it. So here's today's affirmation, and I'd love it if you'd say it back to yourself after I d'oh, I will not compare myself to strangers on the Internet. Let's do it again. I will not compare myself to strangers on the Internet. I understand that this isn't an immediate fix. Saying these words doesn't make your plastic plates set turn into fine China. It doesn't turn my squishy stomach into rock hard abs, and it won't suddenly transform all of your blurry instagram photos into high quality images. But that's not the goal. The goal here isn't to see everything that others have and immediately think I want that. But understand, I have to work for it because even that isn't really getting to the root of the issue. To me, it's not just that people see things online and don't consider the amount of work that went into obtaining or creating the perfect posts and perfect bodies we see is that we don't even know if we really want it or not, and even more, we don't even know why we want it half the time. We just do so. Today's affirmation is not just to remind you not to compare what you see online to what you see in life, because as I mentioned, you have no idea of the amount of work that likely went into everything you see. But also because I really want to challenge you to ask yourself some questions when you start to feel that familiar feeling of want, want, want I get caught up in coveting too. It's hard not to. What I've started doing now is asking myself why over and over, when I think I want something. For example, I saw a picture of another broadcasters office the other day. I was immediately jealous. Little those screens Look at the fancy walls. Look at the nice area rugs. Look at the cool lights. Wow. Everything is so fancy. Why don't I have? Ah, uh, Then I did my new breakdown routine. Okay, what do I actually want here and why? I just redid my office. I know it isn't finished and still needs work, but I specifically put together my desk in a certain way for a reason. I built my office around my needs in the same way this broadcaster built their office around their needs. I have my needs change. Do I think I would work better or more efficiently if I had those things. Is that why I want them for this exact scenario? I asked myself questions like this over and over and over until I got to the root cause of my jealousy. I didn't really want their office. I was simply feeling jealous that I hadn't put as much work into mine despite knowing that it would make me happy. I didn't hang things on the walls, though. I wanted Thio. I didn't put up shelves to display my hats like I wanted. I don't have the area rug that would make the floor more comfortable for my dog goes and help reduce some of the echoes in this room. I don't feel jealous of their things. I feel disappointed in myself for not creating the office I wanted. When I felt I had the chance, I was frustrated that I don't have the money to go on. Keep making those upgrades and customization is to my space. So after taking the time to analyze my jealousy more, I realized exactly what it was that I had wanted the whole time. It was simply the freedom and stability to do with my office what they did with theirs make it fully my own. I wasn't imagining opening my office door and seeing their setup, I was imagining opening my office door and seeing the one I wanted. And when I realized I couldn't have it, I became so jealous that they got what they wanted and I didn't. How does this help me? Well, the initial jealousy of I want Everything they have didn't help me out. But sitting down to think of what I was really feeling did help me. It helped me to pinpoint exactly what I was feeling and what I truly wanted. So I can act on those feelings now rather than working my ass off to replicate what this person had unmotivated again to work hard and achieve the things I need so I can customize my life the way I want Thio. So really, what I was seeing in those posts was freedom that I didn't have, not objects I didn't have. Now that I know, that's what I crave. I sat down again and had a little self talk. How can I get there? How do I create the life I want? It turns out I've already answered this question for myself. So reminding me of what I'm really working towards made me want to work harder again. I got up today with a smile on my face in an incredible level of determination, because I know what I really want. And I know what it will take to get me there. Comparing myself to strangers on the Internet will not get me. They're analyzing what it is that I really want and then, considering how I can get there that is productive. I know exactly how my day would have gone if I hadn't taken the time to remind myself of this. I would have seen those photos been disappointed, felt sad, and then I probably would have gone and sat on the couch to look through more pictures of more things I don't have. So I could really soak in all the bad feelings of wanting and not having seriously. I can think of tons of times where I likely would have had a productive day, but instead allowed myself to think I'll never get to that point or I can never have that. So what's the point? And just allowed the Daito waste away with little to nothing being accomplished. So today, on this lovely Monday, take some time to really evaluate your life and think about what you want. What is your life's mission statement? What's your purpose? If you don't know the answer to this off hand, it's time for you to do some soul searching, pursue some passions, seek out new hobbies. Talk to friends and family about what they think your strengths are. What do they believe makes you happiest? Maybe you can gain some helpful perspective. I know my purpose, and it's easy for me now to separate the things that I want in the things that will actually help me achieve my purpose. Take some time to think on yours. If you know your purpose and feel yourself getting jealous, ask yourself. Are we on two different paths? Would this actually help me accomplish any of my goals? How does this fit in with my plan? If it doesn't take a moment, meditate. If you need Thio, remind yourself of what you're really working for and then make that shit happen. So let's repeat this affirmation again. I will not compare myself to strangers on the Internet. I will not compare myself to strangers on the Internet. Take some time today to think about where you're going and how you can get there. Don't allow yourself to be lost in social media. Life is beautiful and full of possibilities. Don't limit yourself to just the ones you see covered in glitter online. You deserve even more than what you've seen you deserve. Happiness and happiness doesn't come from having everything everyone else has. Happiness comes from living the life you want to live. So get yourself out there today and make some moves towards living the life you want to live. You can do it. I had to yell that one a little because I get excited when I think about it. Thank you for tuning into this week's positively podcast. I hope that these have been helping to brighten your Monday mornings. Honestly, I've really enjoyed preparing them in recording him for you. If you'd like to hear more positivity podcasts, please help share the patri on the website or the twitch stream info with your friends and family. Because every little bit helps and the folks choosing to support via tips, subs or patri on pledges are making a huge difference. Thank you so much. I've mentioned it before that I'd really like to be able to dedicate more time to creating more mental health. Resource is writing more blog's doing more positivity podcasts doing more of the mind of snaps, podcasts, et cetera, and every tip share Retweet, Commons or review helps that. So thank you for all that you've done and continue to do your helping me get closer and closer to living my dream. And in the end, I really hope I'll be able to help you all get closer to yours. Thanks again for tuning in. I hope you have an incredible Monday and Happy Memorial Day again by