Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 08 - "I am enough"

She Snaps Season 420 Episode 8

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I will be releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here on a daily basis for at least the next week. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with. If you'd like to make it easier for me to dedicate the time to continuing these on a daily basis after that, subscribing to my Twitch channel, tipping, dropping bits in Twitch and/or subbing via the Patreon can make a massive difference - but so can just tweeting out my content, sharing it on socials or telling a friend you think could use a boost. Every little bit counts. 

This is my 8th Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it reminds you that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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speaker 0:   0:00
Hi, my friend. I hope you're doing well today. I've been thinking about all of you so often since everything has started happening in the world. And, ah, as I've mentioned before, you have at least another week of these free positivity podcasts coming your way if you're enjoying them. I got a few tweets from some people this morning who said that they were If you're enjoying them and you want them to keep going, by all means, let me know and I'll see if I can keep that going. Um, anyone who has chosen to support through the patri on through twitch through tips through bits, all of that. It is so very much appreciated. So thank you for that. I'm doing my best to keep streaming seven days a week to keep in contact through the video chats that we're now doing through the patri on and just in general, doing my best to do my part to put out as much positive, empowering, uplifting, um, informational content as I can. So any support you can you can put forward towards that really helps, including the liking, the comments, the reviews, the ratings, all of that. It all really does help. So today's podcast is from July 30th 2018. And I'm quite excited because this one, I really don't need to add much to, um the only thing I suppose I would mention is in this particular podcast episode. I'm talking about how, um you know, everyone kind of tends to think that they need to have more time, more money, all these things in order to accomplish whatever it is that they seek to accomplish, internally or externally. And in this particular time, money of us have been blessed with time. Um, you know, if if you want to look for a silver lining, this could be it for you. If you are someone who is able to work from home. Now, if you're noticing that you have a little bit more time to yourself at home, there are tons and tons of free resource is available for you to learn new things online. If you take the time to seek them out. And you know you have all this time to dig in to yourself to sit with yourself and see what's going on in your mind. There's some beautiful stuff deep down in there underneath all those patterns that have accumulated over time. So make sure you're giving yourself time to check in, see what's going on in that mind of yours and then, ideally, replaced it with something really encouraging, like the affirmation that we used in the podcast. What's going out now today? So again, the original one was from July 30th 2018. Today is March 23rd 2020 and it still it still rings true. You are enough. You're good enough. You're smart enough. Your loving enough. You're talented enough. You're strong enough everything about you as you are right fucking now. You are enough. I hope you enjoyed today's podcast and I'll see you for streams later. Bye, friend. Hello and happy Monday. Welcome to another Monday morning positivity podcast and thank you for supporting my patriot because you're helping to support my dreams, and I so appreciate it. This week's Mind of Snaps podcast episode was about how to start, so make sure you check that out when you have a second by searching mind of snaps wherever you get your product guests from, especially if you're feeling stuck and you don't know where to start. That's exactly what it's for. Go check out anyway. Today for our Monday morning positively podcasts. I wanted to take a moment to simply remind you that you are enough. So that's our affirmation for today. And it's one I think you should incorporate into your daily life. Stayed out loud with me. I am enough. I'm going with this one because I think so many people struggle to get moving because they honestly don't believe they have what it takes to make their life into what they want it to be. The truth of the matter is you are enough. You absolutely have everything you need to be able to make your dreams a reality. You may have to do some extra work, but the base components are there. You are a unique human capable of learning anything and capable of overcoming anything like we talked about in last week's Monday morning. Positivity podcast. If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. Don't fight for those limitations. Overcome them. You are enough. You are smart enough. You are kind enough. You are funny enough. Whatever it is that you feel you're lacking that can change if you want it. D'oh! The important thing to remember is you are enough at your core as you are. You are enough. Initially, I thought I wouldn't be able to go far in my corporate career because I wasn't educated enough. But I proved that wrong. And you can hear more about that in the last Monday morning positivity episode. If you haven't listened to that. I think this simple phrase goes so much further than just accomplishing your work based goals, though, and it really resonated with me personally until meeting my current and very amazing boyfriend. All of my previous relationships were fogging terrible. Not just say that each of those people were horrible humans or anything, but as far as being a supportive partner goes, they were severely lacking. I spent years of my life feeling like the shitty relationships I was in where all I could expect because I didn't have enough within myself to attract or maintain a loving and supportive relationship like I really wanted. I didn't think I was enough when I got cheated on, even though I was mad at them and deep down knew it was their fault, not mine. My mind would still try to convince me that they did it because I wasn't enough. This was even echoed by some of my access. Who did cheat Well, if you were more like so and so's girlfriend or if you did more of what this person did, maybe I wouldn't have strayed. I spent so much time thinking it's because I'm not pretty enough. It's because I'm not feminine enough. It's because I'm not smart enough. And it must have been a parent that I didn't love myself because now, looking back, I feel like I was an easy target for these types of people, the ones that want to prey on those who feel they are not enough. The ones who know they can manipulate their way to thing because all they have to do is remind you of how you feel about yourself already that you're not enough. My twitch family were some of the first to break through that horrible mentality I had, and remind me that I am enough. So I'm here to remind you today that you are enough. I want you to make this one of your affirmations and say this to yourself daily, maybe even twice a day. Write it on your mirror at it's your phone. Do what you gotta do to remind yourself that everything you need is within you. That you are enough. You are smart enough to solve your own problems. You are strong enough to reach out to others when you need help. You are funny enough to put a smile on the faces of those around you. It doesn't matter if you're rich or if you're poor. If you've got everything you want now or if you are still years away from accomplishing your goals or achieving your dreams on your own right now you are enough. Behaviors can be changed. Information can be learned. Friendships can be gained, dreams can be realized. All of this can happen if you just stop thinking that you don't have what it takes or that you're incapable of things. You've got enough mental power to get shit done. You have got enough energy to push through the difficult shed. You have a community that loves you and would love to help you succeed. If hearing all of this just made you think well, yeah, that sounds good, but I don't have enough time or I don't have enough money to make it happen. I would like to remind you that you do have enough of those as well. These are all based on you thinking that that's what you need to succeed in reality. What you need to realize is that you don't need extra time or extra money. You need a change in your minds that first you need to realize that you are enough. Once you do. Once you really start to buy into the idea that you are enough that you have what it takes within you, none of those little issues will stand in your way. I don't have enough money to make this happen. Will turn into. I will figure out a way to make this happen without money, or I will learn new ways to make money. I don't have enough time will turn into. I will make the time to accomplish what I've set out to do. Believing in yourself isn't easy. I get it, but it is necessary for your success. Believe that you are enough because you are so today. On this lovely Monday, take a few moments to remind yourself that you are everything you need, that you contain all the traits necessary to accomplish whatever you want to accomplish. Remind yourself that you are enough. Say it with me again. I am enough. Say it every day. I am enough. You are. You're incredible. I'm happy to know you. And I'm excited for you to go and kick some ass in your day. So go out there, make your day what you want it to be. Make your life into what you want it to be. But start with yourself. And remember, you are enough. Have a great day. And thank you again. So much for supporting this patriotic and all of my dreams. I appreciate you so so very much. Bye.