Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 10 - "All my relationships are positive and filled with love & compassion"

She Snaps Season 420 Episode 10

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I will be releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here on a daily basis for at least the next week. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with. If you'd like to make it easier for me to dedicate the time to continuing these on a daily basis after that, subscribing to my Twitch channel, tipping, dropping bits in Twitch and/or subbing via the Patreon can make a massive difference - but so can just tweeting out my content, sharing it on socials or telling a friend you think could use a boost. Every little bit counts...literally.

This is my 10th Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it reminds you that you deserve healthy relationships. 

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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speaker 0:   0:00
Hello, friends, happy to be coming back with another updated positivity podcast for you today. This one is from August 17th 2018 and the affirmation that I shared is all of my relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion. In the podcast, I go into more details about what that means and how we can start to ensure that we d'oh have relationships that that fit that mold that are filled with love and compassion. Now, some of the things I mentioned right now are unfortunately unavailable to us. You know, we can't just go and hang out with folks, can't go and give them hugs, and I know that that's hard. But there is still time. You do still have the ability to reach out and call and facetime or discord, video chat or whatever. So try not to get hung up on all the things you cannot do with the ones that you love or out in the world, and instead focus on what you can do because we do still have so much so reach out to someone you love. Let them know the impact that they have had on your lives on your life and just do your best. You know, it's okay. Whatever it is that you're feeling right now, all of it is completely valid and okay. No need to shame yourself, but call a friend face time. Send that text. And if some of the relationships that you're you're noticing her in your life right now, don't feel right. If you're starting to realize that they are not filled with love and compassion, you're blessed with time right now to sort through that and see if that's a relationship you want to hang on to or not. You deserve good things. You deserve to feel good. And you deserve supportive relationships in your life. So take three deep breaths. Be kind to yourself today, and I hope you enjoy this podcast. Good morning, and welcome to a Friday morning positivity podcast. Since the stream schedule has changed up a bit, I'm going to be dropping these on Friday mornings. Moving forward. This is gonna allow me to focus on streaming Monday mornings so that I can go to yoga on Monday evenings. And I've been really, really noticing so many positive effects from the yoga that I really want to keep it up. So I appreciate you guys allowing me to be a little bit flexible here. I'm so happy. Friday, friends today I found an affirmation that I thought would be a great one for us all to add to our lists. I'm going to say it now and then. I'd like for you to repeat it with me the second time around. All of my relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion. Let's say it again. All of my relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion. When you say this out loud, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Do you immediately begin thinking of all the relationships you have in your life that fit this mold? If so awesome, Take an extra moment to be grateful for the individuals who help you feel encouraged, loved and accept it. Better yet, make it a goal to reach out and tell some of those people how you feel about them on a daily basis. Pick one friend, family member, partner, coworker. Whatever. Pick one relationship in your life that you feel fits that criteria and then let them know Not only will you feel better because you're taking a second to practice gratitude. But you'll also likely feel great when you see the impact your compliment has on the person you share it with. A simple message of gratitude can make all the difference. So try something like, Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm grateful for your friendship. It makes me feel good knowing that I can come to you when I'm feeling down and you'll help me keep myself positive. The things you do or say always make me feel loved and accepted. And I wanted to thank you for it or hey, I wanted to let you know that I'm grateful to have you as a co worker. This business can be hard sometimes, and I am happy to have you on my team. So many people go to work and are surrounded by negativity day in and day out. So thank you for being a positive force in my life and my work day or hey, I'm thankful you're my partner. It makes me happy knowing I can come home at the end of a hard day and be uplifted by your energy. Moments after walking in the door. You work hard to make me feel loved and to be a caring partner. And I'm grateful for you. Thank you for being such a wonderful husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend. Whatever. Doesn't sound too hard, right? I'm sure you can come up with something more specific in genuine than what I threw together for you. But the concept remains when all of your relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion, take some time to appreciate how valuable that is and then let some of those relationships know exactly how it makes you feel. Let them know specifically the things that they dio that you love or be general. Either way, take the time. You won't be disappointed. All of my relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion. One of the great things I love about affirmations is they force your mind to think about things that it may have otherwise overlooked by repeating them daily, reminding yourself of things you have in your life that you could be grateful for if, after repeating this affirmation, you're thinking. But that's not true. Well, then, this affirmation is hopefully gonna help you identify and ideally start to eliminate those relationships from your life. You deserve to have relationships filled with positivity, love and compassion. You deserve it when you tell yourself daily that all your relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion. When someone close to you acts in a way that contrasts with that, it will stand out. You then have to take a moment to determine if that relationship is one that you should continue on with. This is where trusting your gut really comes in. I don't want this to seem like I want you to abandon those in need because they weren't positive enough for you. But I do want you to consider how you're spending your energy. That energy you have is precious and should be spent on positive endeavors whenever possible. If you have that gut feeling that the relationship you're hanging on to won't ever change, then it may be time to step away from it, even if it's just for a bit. It doesn't have to be a permanent thing, but just taking a month or so off from a relationship may help you gain some clarity, telling a person you care about that you feel like you're not in a healthy relationship together may be just what that person needed to hear to start making a positive change in their life, too. My suggestions to improve your life are simple. Seriously, they're simple. If someone makes you feel worse most of the time you're together, step away. If they make you feel uplifted, let them know it really is that simple. Understand? One thing, though simple, does not mean easy. The answer or solution to many of the issues we face will be a simple one. But that doesn't always mean it's going to be easy to execute. This situation is no different. It is an easy concept that could be very challenging to actually move forward with. But I swear I've been there. I can tell you firsthand from having to step away from relationships with significant others with friends and even family members. It fucking sucks sometimes, But please remember that you don't owe anyone anything. You are the one living your life daily, and no matter what has happened in your past or what you think about yourself currently, you are completely and totally deserving of good things and good relationships you deserve happiness the first time you step away from a toxic relationship, you will be amazed at how your emotional turmoil quickly subsides and gives way to a general feeling of peace. Ah, feeling of Wow, I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with that shit today. When you work hard on ensuring that all of your relationships with this standard you are going to be blown away by how much your life changes. Having a good support system is vital. According to the longest study done on human happiness over 75 years now, the people who reported the highest levels of happiness were also the most mentally and physically healthy. And those people were the ones who had a great support system in place Through their friends, family and partners. They made it clear that they felt supported and understood, and that helped them live long and happy lives surrounded by those people. All of my relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion. You are incredible person. I say this knowing that people I haven't even met may listen to this one day. But I don't need to know you to know that you're incredible. We all have that within us. We all have greatness and happiness within us. The external world will have an impact on your internal world, and the more work you put in to ensure the things and people that surround you are positive, the more likely they are to impact you in a positive way. Did you know most multi millionaires specifically seek out other people in their income range to be friends with? It's not because they want to be elitist, but it's because they want to surround themselves with people who have the same views on money that they dio. They want to be around people who will come to them to discuss investments with or who will talk about ways they save money. The same goes for positive people. I can say this very safely because I consider myself a positive person these days, and now I deliberately seek out other friends who have similar mindsets because I know we can help support each other and keep ourselves on a positive track. Your relationships matter. You deserve good relationships and you deserve happiness. So start thinking about that today and incorporate this affirmation into your list. of affirmations you review regularly. All of my relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion. One more time. Say it out loud before we close this out. All of my relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion. It's about to be weekend. So go crush it at work and then take some time for you. Meditate, Do your affirmations. Get some exercise and going out with your friends or family Goal Be around the people who you thought of first when you heard today's affirmation. They deserve to be around someone like you. And you deserve to have some happy time with people you care about. Go make some good should happen Thank you again for tuning in And thank you so much for supporting the patri on. It means so, so much. We're making incredible progress lately towards our goals. And I am so grateful for all of you. You have no idea. Thank you again Having incredible day go live life the way you wanna live it much love friends by