Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 11 - "I make healthy choices to keep my body healthy & full of energy"

March 26, 2020 She Snaps Season 420 Episode 11

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I will be releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here on a daily basis for at least the next week. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with. If you'd like to make it easier for me to dedicate the time to continuing these on a daily basis after that, subscribing to my Twitch channel, tipping, dropping bits in Twitch and/or subbing via the Patreon can make a massive difference - but so can just tweeting out my content, sharing it on socials or telling a friend you think could use a boost. Every little bit counts...literally.

This is my 11th Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it reminds you to be kinder to your body especially during such intense times.

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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Hi, my friends. I hope you're taking good care of yourselves. I know things are very hectic out in the world right now, but I really hope that you're taking the time to re balance as often as you can. Take a few deep breaths and just check in with yourself. Do your best to remind yourself that you are safe right now. We're still in this together today I'm sharing with you a positivity podcast from August 24th 2018. And today is March 26th 2020. Just to give some updates, we're gonna be the The affirmation for today is all about eating healthy, you know, making good choices for your body. So obviously, we're in a situation where I don't know that it's necessarily advisable to go through all of your cabinets and toss a bunch of food. But I do think I think that it's all the more reason to pay close attention. So what you're eating too, how much you're eating toe. Whether the things that you're taking in our nourishing you or potentially even contributing to a less than ideal situation in your body, you know you want to feel energised you want to feel ready to tackle whatever comes your way and if you're kind of doubled over because your tummy hurts because you've eaten too much or eaten too much of something terrible and I can relate because I ate way too much peanut butter the other night, we got to do better for ourselves. It's not about being perfect friends remember, we're kind of shooting for 80 20. See if you can make good decisions for yourself. Healthy decisions for yourself around 80% of the time. Give yourself a break for the 20. But if you've got it flipped and right now you make good decisions only about 20% of the time you have room to grow and improve here. So take this opportunity to really hone in on that, um, as an additional update in this particular podcast, I talk about how I was doing Oh, mad, which is one meal a day through, um which is, you know, one of the types of fasting that I like to dio. And as of this point, I do still primarily do Oh, man. And for me, I feel best when I stick toe one meal a day when I'm not really snacking here and there. I just sit down with all my food at once, and then I'm done. I tend to feel much, much better, so I do still fast. At the very least, I do the 16 8 which is 16 hours of fasting, eight hour eating window. There's some interesting research out there if you look into it and there's another podcast on this mind of snaps podcasts you can listen to, Um, that's a little fresher in my research on it. Um, but as I said, some of this stuff in this particular podcast is not really applicable, given the situation we're all dealing with. But take what you can. Take what you need. Leave the rest and just do your best to make healthy choices for your body. During this time, do your bus to make healthy choices for her mind. During this time, cut back on the junk, come back the portions if you need to, or add the portions. If you don't think that you're nourishing yourself eating enough, you know, reach out for support if you need it, but take good care of your body. Take good care of yourself. You've got this. I hope you enjoy this podcast today. Good morning, Happy Friday. I hope you have all had a great start to your weak so far, and I hope you're getting yourself set up to have an incredible weekend, too. This week during Stream, I had someone mentioned that they were working on losing weight and making healthier eating choices, and they asked if there were any affirmations that could help them with their goals. As it turns out, I had just read some great ones that I felt would work really well for their situation and, after considering it for a bit, realized that it would be a great one to share with you all, too. So today's affirmation is I make healthy and nourishing eating choices to keep my body healthy and full of energy. Let's repeat it again. I make healthy and nourishing eating choices to keep my body healthy and full of energy. This isn't just about weight loss, as you've probably realized, but instead it's about taking good care of your body. I am so tired of hearing people justify terrible eating habits under the idea that we're all going to die someday, may as well be from something I like or something similar to that sentiment. It's a shame, because I believe we can easily enjoy all the things we want and still take care of ourselves. I just don't see the need to indulge in foods that you know aren't healthy for you on a daily basis, especially because it tends to make you feel worse, not better. The mind body connection is riel, and if you want to take care of your stomach, your mind will appreciate you for it. Your body will appreciate you for it. Your energy levels will increase, your discomfort will decrease, and you'll probably start to look more like you want to look as well. So let's repeat it again. I make healthy and nourishing eating choices to keep my body healthy and full of energy. This isn't an affirmation that's designed to get you to avoid eating all of the things you love, because believe me, I get it. Food is fucking amazing. I just thought about something I liked anyway. However, when you really think about the way you feel after you indulge in some of your favorite bad meals, it's probably not that great. I doubt that you have days where you smashed down $50 worth of Taco Bell and then think to yourself. Damn, I'm energized. I can't wait to go Scale of fucking mountain or some shit. What's more likely to happen is you eat all that food that you felt would make you feel happy and satisfied. And now you're just feeling bloated and unmotivated. So your next option is to sit and chill and play video games or hit the couch for some awesome Netflix marathons. I get it. Food is fun doing nothing. Totally enjoyable sometimes. But this should not be the norm. If you eat well, your body rewards you by feeling energized as fuck. And by feeling good overall for me, one of the best things that I've done for myself lately is switch up my eating habits to O mat, which is one meal a day as a form of intermittent fasting. I'm not suggesting that this lifestyles for everyone, because some people just don't have the ability to eat like that, and I understand it fully. The reason I'm mentioning it is because when I eat only one meal for day, it forces me to think about what I want to break fast with, not in an obsessive can't stop thinking about food way, but in a pre planning sense. Since I know I'm only eating ones, I like to make sure I have all my bases covered. I want to know that I have the types of flavors that will make me happy, but also that I'll have food that will leave me feeling energized afterward. I more fruits and vegetables these days, and I tend to limit carbs a bit because of old habits from being on the ketogenic diet. Don't get me wrong, though. I do shove all kinds of carbs and crappy foods into my face, too. But I do this as a special treat more than a regular option. So my suggestion to you is, instead of just stocking your house full of foods, you know you won't feel good after eating stock. That bitch with some foods that you know will satisfy your cravings for sweet, salty or savory things, and then pre plan your meals to the best of your ability. So you know your cravings are covered, but they're also eating foods that are healthy and well nourished and energize you. You deserve to feel good, plain and simple. You do. You deserve good days. Your diet has a major, major fucking impact on those good days. Your gut is actively producing serotonin to help you keep. Keep your mind feeling good. The bacteria and your gut can impact your mood and personality in a good or a bad way, depending on what you throw into it. And in addition to the actual chemical reactions and shit happening in your body and mind, there's obviously a physical aspect to consider as well. If you are feeling frustrated by your energy levels, your weight or the way your clothes have been fitting these days, you're the only one who can make a change to start feeling better. Don't spend more days feeling yucky and sluggish when you could have days filled with energy and excitement over what you'll be doing Next. Excitement over how you feel when you put on that outfit you love so much that you look great in excitement over the way your jeans fit excitement over how you feel walking around in your own skin in the world. Excitement over your reflection. I want you to have that excitement in general, because regardless of what size you are, you are an amazing person capable of incredible things. You are a beautiful person filled with immense potential, and the way your jeans fit does not change that. However, as someone who has also struggled with self esteem and fluctuating weight over the years, I also know that it can get easier toe look in the mirror each day when you feel like you're making positive progress when you feel proud of the body that you are helping to maintain. So today to start feeling better, I challenge you to get yourself into the kitchen and cabinets and start cleaning those bitches out. Get rid of all that stuff that you know. You don't need that stuff that doesn't help you feel better and either toss it or bring it to a food pantry. Drop as much of the heavily processed garbage foods as you can and then make yourself a healthy grocery list. What foods do you enjoy that also happen to be relatively healthy? What minor changes can you make? Two recipes to make them more friendly to your stomach in mind. Are you making sure you're getting healthy servings of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis? If you don't know where to start, do some research. This is the same thing I keep recommending for anyone. Any time that they are stuck, you don't know where to go next. Head up Google. That beautiful little search bar will help you find all kinds of answers to all of your questions about how to keep your body and mind healthy and energized. I make healthy and nourishing eating choices to keep my body healthy and full of energy. I've told you this before, and I will say it again. Our bodies love routine. They love being able to have some idea of what's coming next. If you can start pre planning your meals a bit, plan out your meal times as well. That way, you can hopefully limit the snacking on stuff just because you're bored or craving it. I know when I was working my corporate job, I had my meals down to a pretty strict routine for a while, then to it made me feel great. I would get in, said at my desk slam a ton of water, and then I would have ah, banana and a muscle milk. After that, I'd know I wasn't going to be eating again until around 10 30. And that was on Lee if I was hungry at that time, if I wasn't, I would just keep moving, keep working. If I got hungry earlier, I would remind myself that I only had to wait a couple of hours or whatever, and then I'd get my next preplanned snack, then at 10 30 if I wasn't really feeling the need or if I was really feeling the need. I mean, I would have an apple or a granola bar or something else light after that, no more food until lunch, which was pre planned. To an extent I would have foods with me that would allow me to choose between a sandwich or a raft or something similar. I had low carb bread. I had lots of lots of healthy ish options, and then I was done until about 2 30 at 2 30 If I needed something, I would have a string cheese or a sugar free jello pudding. Once again, it was something light that would satisfy my style of cravings without me feeling crappy or being super healthy and what I was having. So I love chocolate sugar free jello pudding. Perfect. It's a nice light. Little snack would make me feel great. Same thing with string cheese or or having one of those granola bars or something. It was it was a lot easier than it might seem. Um, then I would be done until I got home. Ah, and then I would get myself ready for dinner after dinner. I would always plan some form of desert, you know, treat yourself. But as you can imagine, I tried to keep that light and relatively healthy as well. It's it's not that hard. It's not necessarily easy, but it is still a simple concept, and it's something I believe you're totally capable of doing. So basically, what I'm saying here is it doesn't matter what your schedule is. It doesn't matter what your cravings usually are. There are options out there. You can figure out an ideal way to keep yourself healthy and energized from your diet rather than being held back in your actions because of the things you've eaten. Oh my gosh! And for fuck's sake, Please, please stop slamming so much soda and sugary drinks that actually goes for fruit juice, too. I know it may seem like it's a good idea to have a huge glass of orange juice every day, but that's more sugar than you need. And it's usually full of other bullshit, too. And it may contain, like seven or eight oranges in that one cup. I was watching Joe Rogan recently talk about this, and he was even saying, I don't know anyone who eats eight fucking oranges in a day. That would be overkill. You don't need them any oranges. Don't assume juice is the solution to getting more fruits and veggies in your diet. The actual fruit itself, the actual vegetable itself, is usually according to what I've been learning lately, a better alternative. Now. This is another chance. I should probably take to remind you that I don't know shit about shit. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a nutritionist. I'm just a person who has been all over the place with my own health with my own weight and have been recently been feeling much, much better since I've been making more deliberate eating choices. I'm sharing with you what I've learned and what works for me. But go do some research. Figure out what is the best way for you to handle. Making sure you're eating food that nourishes you appropriately so you can keep kicking ass in your daily life. It's about to be weakened. I'm sure if you sat and thought about it for a moment. You have got 1/2 an hour or an hour that you can spare to clean up your kitchen and clean out that fucking fridge. Get rid of the stuff that you know doesn't help you at all and start stocking up on things that will help the things that you know your body needs. Then get your eating schedule in order to the best of your ability. I believe you are fully capable of this. Remember, this isn't advice. I'm giving strictly for people who want to lose weight. This is about your health and your energy levels. Not the way you look. Obviously I want you all to be ableto love yourselves and your bodies. But more importantly, I want you to feel good if you're super thin. But after hearing this you're thinking about the fact that you don't really eat any fruits or vegetables, and instead you basically live on pop tarts and pizza. It's time to make a change. I make healthy and nourishing eating choices to keep my body healthy and full of energy. You want to make your life what you want it to be. Make yourself who you deserve to be. You deserve to have your brain firing away with all the energy you can give it. You deserve a body that will carry you through your tasks and your adventures without feeling drained. Eat better, Feel better. Let's repeat this one more time, and then after this podcast is over, go write it down, right it somewhere. That will remind you to keep this idea in mind as you feed yourself each day. It's not about weight, it's about health. But if your goal is weight loss, I do believe this affirmation can help you keep your mind in the right place. To keep your diet on track. I make healthy and nourishing eating choices to keep my body healthy and full of energy. I make healthy and nourishing eating choices to keep my body healthy and full of energy. Great. Now get out there and have a killer Friday full of good choices and then use that weekend to set yourself up for an amazing start to your upcoming week. Thank you again for tuning in. Thank you for supporting the Pedrie on it means so very much. And keep kicking ass. You are incredible. And you are gonna have an incredible weekend and a fantastic next week. Have a great rest of your day by