Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 13 - "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"

March 28, 2020 She Snaps Season 420 Episode 13

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I have been releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here for a while now and I'd like to know if you'd like more of these to be released. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with. If you'd like to make it easier for me to dedicate the time to continuing these on a daily basis after that, subscribing to my Twitch channel, tipping, dropping bits in Twitch and/or subbing via the Patreon can make a massive difference - but so can just tweeting out my content, sharing it on socials or telling a friend you think could use a boost. Every little bit counts...literally.

This is my 13th Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it reminds you that today is the first day of the rest of your life. There is still time to grow and heal.

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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Hello, my friends. This one, I think this this podcast that I'm about to share with you I don't think there's really much I need to add on to it. Ah, I think you all know the differences in what we're able to do now versus what may be referenced in the podcast. I'm sharing with you today. Um, but I do still stand by the sentiment. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, and you do still have a choice of what you're going to do with it. If you're feeling worn down, it's okay if you're feeling a little sad or tired or scared, anything that you're feeling, it is okay. But you can still choose. You can still choose something else and then take steps to bring yourself there. Try to let go of the expectation that the steps will 100% bring you there. You know, I know certain days when I'm feeling a little meth. Practicing gratitude tends to bring me a great deal of joy. But if I go into it expecting to feel better by the time I'm done with practice and gratitude, it doesn't quite work. When I accept how I'm feeling, and then go and just practice gratitude because I know it's good for me. It seems to help. So release yourself from expectations off, being better at handling whatever it is that you've got on your plate right now, give yourself a break. It is okay to be feeling however you are feeling right now, but you do still have the opportunity to choose where you go from here. And I hope that you choose something that helps you to feel a little bit better A little bit more aware of just how strong you are. Thank you again for your wonderful support and kindness towards each other towards me, towards the community in such a challenging time. I hope that you enjoy today's positivity podcast Coming to you March 28th 2020 originally released September 28th 2018. I appreciate you. I care for you. Be kind to yourself. Good morning, everyone. Happy Friday. This positivity podcast will be a little different than some of the ones in the past. We tend to do a quick affirmation review And then from there we talk about how that applies to your own life and what you condone, what you can do with that thought during the day Today, I really just wanted to start this off with a pretty simple concept in mind. And it's one that my mom would always say to me when I was growing up, it was it was usually something that came after something I did wrong. But the message, the sentiment, the idea behind it has really stuck with me over the years. So I really wanted to share that. What my mother would say after I was on my way out of trouble with her is today is the first day of the rest of your life, and I know I know a lot of you have probably heard this before, but I don't know how often you stopped to really think about what that could mean for you, but at any given moment, any given moment, you have the option and the opportunity to completely change the direction of your life. These major events in people's lives often come from moments of reflection, thought, conversation, whatever. It's not always after you climb a mountain or achieve something massive that suddenly you have this idea like, Damn, I could change my life often. It's just a few seconds. Ah, quick realization. And then suddenly you think Fuck it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna move now. I'm gonna do something today. So if you're looking at your life thinking, I just haven't had that moment yet. I need to experience something transformative. I want you to understand you have the opportunity to transform at any point at any point. So today, as you go about your business, really think about that. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Maybe your morning started off shitty. Maybe it did. It happens to the best of us. You start off with all the good intentions in the world like today will be a great day. I'm gonna go and kick ass at work. I'm gonna be kind to people. I'll compliment strangers, whatever. And then you wake up and shiksa starts going wrong. Everything starts going downhill. And you think instead of instead of thinking I might be able to fix this, I can still salvage today. You think? Fuck it. Tomorrow is the day. Today is a wash. There's no chance. So tomorrow is the day that I changed my life. Tomorrow never comes Dudes. We talked about this and chat for a while yesterday. That's that's just unrealistic. And it's it's a waste of this precious gift we have of our lives. To be able to keep putting things off that, you know, might might make you feel better might make you happy might completely change your life. And the biggest thing that you can do for yourself is change your attitude. And I think it can start with that simple idea of today is the first day of the rest of your life if you look at it that way, if you really imagined that everything that had happened in the past you could just wash, just just wash it away. It's never happened, and you could start fresh from today on. How different would your life be? What would you do differently? What would you do if this was your last month on this planet? What would you do if this was your last year on Earth? What would you do? It was your last day. Instead of putting things off until tomorrow instead of waiting until the right time instead of thinking, I'll figure it out later, start thinking about your life. Now start thinking about the things that you can do to day about the actions that you can take to day to change the rest of your life. It may be a minor change, but a relatively minor change can have a major major fucking impact. And that's something I've learned recently. It's it really blows me away. House Such a simple thing for you to just sit and think and realize something very subtle, very simple about your life and the way you interact with your environment or your friends or your family. When you finally realize that one minor thing and make a change, the butterfly effect, the overall impact that that could have may be just what you needed. It might be just that one thing that sets you down this amazing path towards living the life that you actually want to live, not the one that you feel burdened by every day. You're playing a part. A lot of us are, but you don't have to. You don't have to be the person you are at this exact moment forever. The person you are at this exact moment could be someone who you willingly created. But more often than not, it seems like the person that we are is the person we were formed into, the person we were molded into by our friends, families, situations. By the way that we grew up by the area that we grew up in, We're playing a part that we don't even realize we're playing until our body starts to reject it in one of the things that I have found out recently is that your body is trying to tell you that shit is wrong. Jim Carey had an interesting, interesting statement about this. Is that depression? Is your body telling you that it's tired of being the character that you're trying to play? And I really I think about that a lot. I believe it. I really do, because I've noticed lately that when I'm not being true to myself to this new self that I've found that I'm creating every day when I'm not being true to what I really want to be when I'm not pursuing my own joy, not the joy that other people believe I should find in the world but my joy. What I'm not doing that I hurt physically, I've been suffering from chronic pain for a very long time. I've gone through so many different things to try and figure out how to correct it. And it turns out at least in my experience right now. Ah, lot of that seems to be coming from life from mental processes from being warned the fuck down your physical energy reserves and your mental, your emotional energy reserves. It's all coming from the same place if you are constantly stressed out anxious, frustrated, feeling like shit, because you're not able to fully be yourself. How can you expect to feel good? I mean, it's no surprise to me that we have so many people suffering from chronic pain that they can't seem to figure out how to fix that. No amount of pain medications can seem to solve, because in my experience, it was a change of attitude that solved it was a change of my perspective that has helped me to feel less pain every day. I noticed it creeping in, and I think what's causing this. Suddenly my back hurts a little bit, and sure, sometimes it's it's the physical world. Sometimes it's cause I'm sitting a certain wakes. I slept wrong, whatever. I'm not denying that that pain Israel and can come from really causes or even to say that this isn't a real cause. But I've noticed. Ah, lot of my upper back pain has been disappearing slowly but surely, because every day I'm making a conscious choice to pursue happiness. And when I do things that don't feel true to me, when I say things that don't feel true to me, I hurt. Suddenly I noticed that my back is tensing up. Suddenly, I noticed that my shoulders ache. I feel like I need to stretch out my neck more. My are less even seems to be heavily triggered by my anxiety. And what is anxiety but a condition of the mind? It's being lost in what ifs. It's being lost in a future event that may not even take place. Instead of being here now and are less is restless leg syndrome if you aren't aware of what I'm talking about, but I'm blown away daily by just how in tune our minds and bodies truly are with each other, and the more you take time to focus on it, the more I believe you'll start to see it too. So today is the first day of the rest of your life. If you started this podcast thinking I really should do X today, I really should tell this person that I don't want them in my life anymore. I really should quit this job. I really should leave this relationship. I really should exercise. I really should clean my surroundings. Stop saying I really should and fucking do it. Just do it. I'm assuming that in your day today you can dedicate at least five minutes towards doing something that will help you to feel better the end of the night or tomorrow. So do it. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make some moves to make your life what you want it to be. You deserve a beautiful life and you are perfectly capable of having it. But it has to come from you. You will never find happiness in other people's goals. You will never find happiness in beating people to their own ambitions. Your ambitions should be your own. If you're a broadcaster like myself and you're thinking, man, when I get to this person's level, I'll be happy. If you're in the corporate world and you're thinking when I get this promotion, I'll be happy. When I get this new car, I'll be happy. When I lose this amount of weight, I will be happy. It is time to shake that off and take responsibility for your own happiness. It is not gonna come from any of those things. It's not gonna come from your weight. It's not gonna come from your relationships or your job. They may add to it. They may help add a little bit of ease or or comfort into your life, but it will not be the source of your happiness. Your mindset will be the source of your happiness. So today take some fucking steps towards that happiness. What would make you happy right now? Today? What could you do? Even in this possibly shitty situation, you're in at this very moment to feel better. Could you take five minutes to just breathe? Could you take a moment to be present? Can you go for a walk? Can you call someone you care about? Can you write down some notes of some things you'd like to do. Can you consider for one moment whether you're heading toward a future that someone else has designed for you or whether you're heading toward a future that you have designed? One that you believe is what is right for you not what will make you happy But what will fit in with the life that you want in order to stay happy, to be happy, to feel happy, regularly and continuously? Just think, guys. That's really all I wanted to do today. I wanted I wanted to tell you some of these things. They're floating around in my mind. And I wanted to encourage you to think to imagine that today truly is the first day of the rest of your life because it fucking is. It really? Is this second? No. Now this second. Okay. This second really is. Make some good. Should happen in your lives, guys. You really deserve it. And you're perfectly capable. I don't have to know which of you is listening to this podcast to know who is capable because you all are. Every one of us is capable of greatness and greatness is all based on you and your mindset. What is greatness for you? What is happiness for you? Not for your family, not for your friends, but for you. What is happiness? How do you get there? What can you do today? To get yourself there? To get yourself closer? Manifest some dope. Shit guys. You deserve all of the happiness in the world and it all comes from you Make today an amazing day make this weekend in amazing weekend And think about yourselves. You really deserve that time. You deserve happiness. I know I've said that, but, man, I feel like I need to repeat it constantly to some of you. Especially because you really seem to struggle with that idea. And I understand it. I've been there myself. But you deserve happiness. Today's the first day of the rest of your lives. People make some good shit happen. Manifest dope. Shit. Thank you so much for supporting the patriot in. I really appreciate you being so patient with me as I figure out my path in life. It truly means so, so very much. I'm going to start uploading some little bonuses for patri ons, including some phone backgrounds and stuff like that. So seriously, just thank you. You're allowing me to do things that helped bring me joy. And I could never thank you enough for that. So I appreciate your support And I wish you an amazing day today. Thanks again. And I will see you in stream soon. Bye.