Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 14 - "Open your damn eyes!"

March 29, 2020 She Snaps Season 420 Episode 14

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I have been releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here for a while now and I'd like to know if you'd like more of these to be released. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with. If you'd like to make it easier for me to dedicate the time to continuing these on a daily basis after that, subscribing to my Twitch channel, tipping, dropping bits in Twitch and/or subbing via the Patreon can make a massive difference - but so can just tweeting out my content, sharing it on socials or telling a friend you think could use a boost. Every little bit counts...literally.

This is my 14th Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it reminds you to open your eyes to the world around you, not just the ugly, scary things but all the beauty and love too. 

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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speaker 0:   0:00
Hello, my friends. I'm excited. Be coming back to you again with another updated positivity podcast. This podcast is from October 5th, 2018. And there are some parts of it, of course, that given the world trying to maintain our social distancing will not apply. What I trust you tow understand that there are some some distinctions. There are some changes that need to be made. Aside from that, though, I do still think that the overall content of it really fits with what's going on right now. It is very easy to look around and just see the scary, the bad, the awful. But I really challenged you to take a cz much time as you can to refocus yourself to look for the good that is still happening not just out in the world but in your world, in your mind and your life in your home. Look, for all the reasons that you have to be grateful, many of us are blessed to be in safe homes with access to food and water. And even if our futures feel uncertain right now, in this moment we are safe. We really need to be grateful for that I'm not sure if I'll be continuing to do these on a daily basis. I've been waiting on some feedback to see if these have been helping people want more of these. So I'll wait to see how today goes If some more people say please. Yes, keep doing these. Um, Otherwise, if you'd like to tune into the rest of the positivity podcasts, I do release new ones every single Monday on the Patriot in. And we're doing our second ever live video chat on the 11. I believe I'll double check that. But if you want to join that, you can sign up through the page, re on for the $5 tear or higher, and then you can participate. I did announce on Patri on when we're gonna be having that call and you can hear my dog in the back whining because he just had to be in here while I was recording. Good job, Capone. You're really doing it now thinks he's gonna leave the room even though the doors closed. Silly dogs. Silly, silly dogs. Anyway, all dog nonsense. Aside, Take this time, my friends, open those eyes. Look around. You see the beauty that really is everywhere. Go look in a fucking mirror and see the beauty there. There's so much really we have to be grateful for and that we can look at and say Wow, I wrote this poem a while ago and I decided this would be a good opportunity to share it before we get into this next positivity podcast. So this one is called Wake up, Wake up to the world around you, the world that is you, the world that you create with every thought, every word, every action. Wake up and notice the beauty, the peace, the serenity that comes with true awareness of life and your place in it. We got my friends. You're everything I'll make today a great day. You deserve it. Good morning, Happy Friday. I'm really excited about this week's positivity broadcast. I've been doing a ton of thinking, which is why I stopped scripting these. I really want you to get the truth as I see it, as it comes out of my damn mouth. So this week I really wanted to talk about basically opening your damn eyes. I I hear from so many people over and over and over again. But all the world is just a terrible place. Everything around them sucks. They have nothing to be grateful for. They have nothing to be happy about. But when I hear that, I'm just thinking, Open your damn eyes. But I understand that sometimes that's not quite enough because your eyes are open. You're looking around, but you're not seeing things. You've trained yourself to see shit, and so you see shit. So this is a call for you to train your eyes to see beauty on this lovely Friday. Maybe it's raining by you like it is by me. Maybe it's sunny. Maybe it's cold. It doesn't matter. Take some time today and start looking around deliberately for beauty. If you can't do it just on a whim, looking around saying right now, Okay, let's let's find things that are pretty. Find things that are beautiful that I can look at then then make it a very conscious effort. Look around for anything near you that you could be grateful for. Right now. Three things Just stop. Take a deep breath and say to yourself, I am grateful for if you can't think of anything off the top of your head I give you I can give you one right now. Be grateful for the air in your lungs. Be grateful that you got to wake up this morning, take a deep breath of fresh air and then decide how your day was gonna go about. You may not realize that you were deciding how your day was gonna go, but you were. You were. Some of this is involuntary. At this point, we've conditioned ourselves to act, think, behave a certain way. But the key is, once you realize that it's you doing it, even if it's a deep part of your subconscious, you also realize that's up to you to undo it. I had a really profound moment recently that connected me to myself. Thio. My energy, which is the same as your energy, is same as the energy that makes everything in this world go. And it's left me feeling great at peace, calm, happy. It's incredible. And now that I see how much everything around me reflects what's in me, I I see so much more beauty. I stopped being afraid of the darkness in me and the darkness in the world and I started to really trust in that beautiful light that I believe isn't all of us. This light, this energy, this thing that is indescribable and we call it love. So after this wonderful moment that has led me to feel so much better, I I want to hold on to that. I'm determined to hold on to this happiness that I've found because I know that much. Like if you get in shape and then stop working out, you'll start to, you know, get a little squishier. I know that if I don't maintain this, I'll lose it. So I want to work on it every day. One of the things I found that I really enjoy is reading this book a course in miracles. It's wonderful. It really is in one of the one of the first things in the preface even before it even gets into the training, if you will. It really stood out to me and I thought, I'm gonna highlight this. I'm gonna share it with my community. I think they'll enjoy it. So I'm gonna read a little excerpt for you here. The world we see merely reflects our own internal frame of reference the dominant ideas, wishes and emotions in our minds. Projection makes perception. We look inside, first, decide the kind of world we want to see, and then project that world outside, making it the truth. As we see it, we make it true by our interpretations of what it is we're seeing. If we're using perception to justify our own mistakes, our anger, our impulses to attack our lack of love in whatever form it may take, we will see a world of evil, destruction, malice, envy and despair. All this me was we must learn to forgive, not because we're being good and charitable, but because what we're seeing is not true. We have distorted the world by our twisted defenses and are therefore seeing what is not there. As we learned to recognize our perceptual errors, we also learned to look past them or forgive. At the same time, we're forgiving ourselves. Looking past are distorted self concepts to the self that God created in us and as us. Now I don't know what you personally listening to this believe in terms of God, but maybe substitute the word God for the universe. Substitute it for the word energy, Whatever it is, there is something beautiful that created us and lives in us and connects us all to each other. And I believe when you tap into that, everything starts to get a little bit clearer. This phrase this this paragraph that I was reading it really clicked with me. It really did. It's It's perceptual errors. It's not right or wrong. It's not things that are necessarily terrible. It's not that life actually sucks. It's a perceptual error, and it's one that you have an opportunity to correct. So today correct it. It may not be some lasting correction where every day from here on out, you wake up and you feel wonderful. And you think life is good. God is good. I am good. But if you start working on it, you will see progress. And I think one of the best things you can do in that respect to start meditating. Meditation has been so powerful for me. Meditation allows me to start controlling my perceptions a little bit more. It allows me to control my body and my mind. So stop looking at the world is this awful negative place and start looking at your perception and thinking, Am I believing that this world is an awful negative place and therefore it iss Have I bothered to think maybe this world is actually beautiful? Maybe I'm blessed. Maybe even though I don't have all the things that would love to have. I still have so much I could be thankful for so much that I can look around and see beauty in Look for it, find that beauty if you're having a hard time seeing it just by gazing around, do what I said. Do Cem. Cem. Moments of gratitude. Look around. What can I be thankful for in this moment? What can I be thankful for in this room? What can I be thankful for inside of myself? What can I be thankful for in my life, in my relationships, whatever. There is so much beauty in the world, and we have grown to ignore it almost deliberately. Sometimes it's like we want to stay in this condition because it's so easy and comfortable. But I promise you piece is his way better. It's it's easy and comfortable, and you have to go through less challenges. Sure, when you're when you're just looking at everything is completely out of your control. You just kind of go through it. Let's just stay on your job that you hate stay in your relationship. That doesn't fulfill you because it's easy because it doesn't force you out of your comfort zone. But pushing that comfort zone and maintaining peace, they can live hand in hand. They can work together, take a deep breath, guys, take a D breath, count to five and remember that life is good. Everything is gonna be okay. And you are in control of this. You're in control of your experience, your IQ in control of your body. You're in control of your mind, and a lot of it starts with taking control of your breathing and forcing yourself to think for a second about good and God. Stay away from social media if you can. If you feel yourself getting worn down and you need some positivity, there is positivity out there. But you have to work a little bit to build your feeds to where they can stay positive. I've noticed that myself. So if you start to feel that chest tightening feeling as you're scrolling, throw that phone across the fucking room, Take a deep breath and ground yourself in the beauty of your actual reality. The one that you are constructing in that moment. Look around for beauty. Remind yourself it's there and find more of it. I believe in all of you. I know that this this podcast is for the Patriots. So there's there's not a ton of people listening, which kind of makes it cool, because at this point, I'm thinking about each of you individually and I know everyone who is going to listen to this. Everyone who is a part of the patri on right now. You all have some incredible strength in you. I've heard a lot of your stories. I've talked to you about a lot of the things that you've gone through that you've endured that you've overcome today. Every day it's just another day for you to show that strength overcome more. And this time you're overcoming your perceptions. So So buckle down. Remember that life is good. There is so much beauty around you and in you, and trust that when you find it, when you connect to it, you're going to be able to not only help yourself but help others that you care around you. You're gonna be able to lead by example and show them what happiness feels like. So have an amazing day this Friday. Take good care of yourselves. And I look forward to sharing more of my thoughts with you next week. Remember? Though I am totally open to feedback if there's something you're struggling with and you think a podcast on it would help let me know if there's something I said that you disagree with. Let me know. I'm not gonna get upset about it. I'm I'm here to learn. I'm here to share what I've learned and continue to learn from you guys as well. But I do super appreciate you supporting this patriot and the efforts of everything that we're doing. This stream, the mental health talks everything. You're wonderful and you've got so much love in you. Go out and share it today. Smile at someone, compliment him, do some good shit. I adore you. Everything's gonna be okay. Have a great day, guys.