Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 24 - "Don’t Give Away Your Power"

She Snaps Season 420 Episode 24

Welcome to "Don’t Give Away Your Power" - the 24th Episode of the Mind of Snaps Positivity Podcast!

This is a special podcast series that is separate from the regular Mind of Snaps Podcast, with a new release (typically) posted every Thursday for Patreon supporters!

It is my goal to create as much positive & encouraging content as I can during these intense, uncertain times we're faced with. 2020 has been so much more than anyone expected it to be, and nobody should have to take it on alone. The only way I can continue to do so, is with your help. Become a patron, subscribe to me on Twitch, you can send a tip which I'll turn into an investment... or you can simply share my content on social media. Every little bit helps me be able to continue to create the podcasts and other mindfulness & positivity based content in the future.

The format of these podcasts are forever evolving to reflect current events from personal to global, so I hope you are enjoying them. Please reach out to me if you have any suggestions!

Hang in there, friends... we're all in this together.


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Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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Unknown Speaker :

Hi, everyone, Happy Monday, or whatever day it is, now that you've decided to listen to this podcast, I kind of hope it's Monday, I hope that y'all are listening to these as the weakest starting so that you can take it and kind of implement it throughout the course of the week. But whatever, you know, I'm just happy that you're listening. So as usual, I really I just need to start out with a big fat. Thank you. To everyone who has chosen to support this Patreon. It genuinely means so very much to me. And I'm really honestly delighted to be in a position where I can share some of what I've learned with more folks. So thank you for supporting this positivity podcast and all of the other stuff we're trying to do in this world. Lots more coming to Patreon soon. This week, I want to talk to you about the

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idea of giving away our power.

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It has been a little over two years. Now, since I started doing advice streams and opening the community up to conversations about anything and everything that we go through in our lives, in that amount of time, I've talked to hundreds, maybe even thousands I honestly don't even know so many people every single day who were struggling and decided to start taking control of their lives again. One of the things I've noticed is in the beginning of the journeys, for many folks, one of the things they'll say regularly is, I would love to do that, but I can't because I don't have the time. I've gotten to a point now where it doesn't really matter who says this to me, because I know it's pretty safe to assume I can call bullshit on the idea that we don't have time for ourselves. It does not matter if you have kids a demanding job, a hectic schedule, whatever. There was always a way to make that time more mindful, in order to help keep yourself in balance. I mean, I'm talking about paying more attention to your language. That's something you can do all day, every day. I'm talking about taking time out for meditation, you're trying to tell me you can spend five minutes during your day focused on your breath. I'm talking about exercise for able bodied folks saying you can't take the stairs instead of the elevator more, or maybe even just do some chair stretches on a regular basis. When folks try to avoid doing things they know would be good for them by blaming it on the external world. I call bullshit over and over again. Language is so important. And the things we say to ourselves in our own heads and out loud impacts the way our minds work for us. If we're constantly repeating, I don't have time for this, or saying things like if it wasn't for x, I would be able to do z. You're limiting yourself in a big way. If you want it to be totally honest, the correct language would be you know, in my opinion, I would love to do that but I won't take the time to look at my skin Closer and prioritize my body and mind over some of the nonsense I do during the day. I've been there, I feel it. If you want to be more empowering though, you could stop and say to yourself, instead, I choose to create a schedule that prioritizes my body and mind. So I can enjoy my life more and stay connected to the things and people that really matter to me. This to me is a great example of the way people tend to give away their power regularly, through the things we say and do.

Unknown Speaker :

You are powerful,

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straight up, you're a badass,

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look back at your life and ask your brain. When's the last time I accomplished something I didn't think I could. And I'm sure your mind will help you remember all kinds of instance instances in your life where you thought whatever you were battling at the time was going to be impossible to overcome yet, look at where you are now. You've made it for Then you probably thought you would. And it's all thanks to you tapping into your power and getting shit done. So this leads me to another example of a way that folks tend to give their power away. Rather than taking the opportunity to be proud of themselves for their accomplishments and their progress. Many times throughout my day, folks will come into chat and update me on the progress that they've made in their lives. I really love it when people do this. So please keep doing this. One of the statements I hear regularly though, is, I couldn't have done this without you. Or I couldn't have done this without some other person in my life. While I love the sentiment and understand folks aren't trying to say I'm incapable of change without assistance.

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when you think about how our brains are interpreting these messages, it's almost like that is what we're telling ourselves. We're telling ourselves a story of limited power, when in reality, I believe If we have an unlimited supply of it, we just have to tap into it and know that the people we think we are right now kind of don't exist. We are expansive beings. And when we limit ourselves with our mindsets, we are ultimately cutting ourselves off from the source by simply believing we are less than we are. Your sense of self is based on your memories of your past experiences, which we now know can be heavily flawed. They're based on your value or your belief system and your perception of the world around you. Remember the quote from last week? I'm not who I think I am. I am who I think you think I am. So who are you really,

Unknown Speaker :

you are

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it your everything. Our connection to each other to the world and to the source of energy within us is incredibly strong. So stop limiting yourself with your language and giving away the power that is inherent in you. That power that is you. I realized I'm going a bit more of a spiritual route with this concept. But I think y'all are accustomed to me going off into that realm more and more lately. So hopefully this doesn't impact the underlying message for you. Basically, if you believe you're a beautiful spiritual being that's connected to everything around you, and as such you have unlimited power, you will achieve everything you set out to and more. On the other hand, if you believe that you are simply a human being that struggles and you need others to help you through those struggles, you'll have a harder time not just achieving, but also being proud of those achievements, because you know that they came from you. Instead, you'll be too busy looking externally for things and people to assign that credit to.

Unknown Speaker :

Now I do want to clear something up here. I am not

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in any way, saying it's wrong to seek out external help, or that it's wrong to thank someone for assisting you in your journey. It's okay to feel like you need help sometimes. And it's okay to get that help. I think it's just important that you don't give someone else all the credit, essentially by telling them that you couldn't have done it without them. I think you could have, you may have had a much more lengthy and arduous journey, but you would have still been on that journey. Regardless, it's similar to the analogy of walking the path versus hopping on a bike and traversing more of the same path just a little faster. You are 100% capable of self healing and self empowering, but it is okay if you'd like to hop on the pegs of someone else's bike once in a while. Just give yourself the credit for seeing that as an option, rather than acting as though you were last call. without someone extending a hand.

Unknown Speaker :

So if you're looking for another sentence that may be a bit more clear and doesn't give away your power, maybe something as simple as thank you for all that you've done for me, it helped me immensely. I feel like that would make more sense. I know this likely seems like we're getting bogged down in semantics to an almost exhausting level. But I've really noticed just how much my day to day improves when I give myself more credit and simply thank those around me for their help. A quick additional note to add to this concept. I think that it's very important that we praise ourselves and give ourselves credit more often. However, I feel it's incredibly necessary that we also check our egos. It's great to think and feel that you are the universe. But the moment you start thinking that you are the universe and everyone else, they're just players in your game. That's when shit goes wrong. If you believe If you're one with everyone else, reserve your judgments of them and extend the same line of thinking to those around you. We are everything we are expansive beings, we deserve to live lives free from self imposed or externally imposed limits. egos are fine. Having love for yourself is wonderful, but the moment you start thinking you're either better or worse than another person in your life shut it down. Another example of a way we give our power away is a much less pleasant scenario and can be a bit more challenging to overcome. Remember, though, challenging does not mean impossible. You are totally capable of rising to the challenges that present themselves to you each day. Remember, this very moment is the perfect teacher. In this example, the power is given away by statements like this. It's impossible to have a good day when I hate my job, or, oh, I was having a good day. But then my boss said or did something that made me mad. Or my day is terrible because I woke up this morning and my dog had eaten my favorite pair of shoes. Do you see where I'm going with this? If you believe yourself to be a powerful being capable of creating yourself and the type of life you want, why would you give anything outside of yourself? That kind of power over you? Why allow someone being unkind to you to ruin your day? Why allow your shoes being eaten by your dog to be the thing that sends you spiraling? Ultimately, that example ties in with what we talked about last week, meaning you are the one who has signed the meaning to those shoes and decided they were your favorites. You can also change choose to change the meaning back and say, well, they were just shoes I'm grateful I have another pair or alright time to pick my next favorite pair of shoes, whatever

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you decide.

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And for the record, the shoe eating thing is an example from my life. And so has gone through so many phases of being a destructo dog. And I'm finally at a point now where it doesn't matter what he did does wrong, I can still maintain my feeling of balance. And I want that for all of you. I want you to be able to see things a little bit more clearly and say this really doesn't

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Ultimately, I can choose the way I view this and I'm choosing something different than what's presented itself. So my challenge to you this week, is to focus on your language even more. Look for examples of moments where you're limiting yourself through your words or giving another being or situation power over you that you could easily resend. There's a quote I share frequently and stream that I'd like to share again with you now. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself, the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and certainly, none of them can hurt me. If your boss is a grumpy ass and tries to fuck with you constantly, congratulations, you have your next assignment. Your job now is to figure out how to do your actual job effectively, while maintaining a state of balance. Otherwise, you have essentially surrendered your power over yourself and your mind to some grumpy, probably mid level manager with a bad haircut and a bad attitude to match. How does that feel to you? Knowing that this person now has the ability to control whether you have a good day or not? When you step back from it, I think it's easier to see how foolish that is. But when you're in the moment, I understand it's easy to let your emotions get the best of you and let others get a rise out of you. This is Where mindfulness steps back in for you. Do your best to stay mindful, set an alert on your watch or your phone if you have to find a way to check in with yourself throughout the day and see if your thoughts and language are supporting you or limiting you. Remember, awareness brings control, or at least the potential to begin exercising that control. If you start paying attention this week, the moments where you give things and people power over you, you can start to change your perception on the spot. If you see yourself giving someone else credit for your successes, or giving something else the power to cause you to fail, check yourself. Take some deep breaths. Remind yourself that you are the fucking universe and reframe that situation. As Rumi, the poet once said, You're not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean. In a drop, stop minimizing yourself, start celebrating yourself. stop comparing yourself to others. start loving others unconditionally, even if you don't love their behaviors. We truly are all in this together. This week, presents you with yet another opportunity to live your best life. So will you rise to the challenge and take back control? Or will you surrender it to things outside of yourself?

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Think about it.

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You got this.

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Don't make it a good week, folks.

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I fucking love ya.

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