Mind of Snaps Podcast

The Little Things | Episode 03 - Mind of Snaps Podcast

April 13, 2018 She Snaps Season 1 Episode 3

When people say "It's the little things that count", what exactly do they mean? What are the little things, why do they count and how can we make more of them?In this week's episode we cover how some of the smallest acts can positively impact the lives of others. Learn about how little things changed the lives of not only myself, but countless other people.


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Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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Welcome to the mind of Snaps podcast with your host Jessica, a. K. She snaps a popular twitch broadcaster, photographer, entrepreneur and mental. In this and future cast. Expect to fall along with snaps. So she learned more about her mind the world and her fellow humans. It could get messing here, but stick around and you might just learn something as you enter the mind of snaps. Ah, welcome. It's Episode three of Mind of snaps. I'm full of energy today. Today we are going to be talking about the little thing and I am super fucking hyped that you're here. We've all heard the phrase. It's the little things in life that matter most or some variation of that. It's something we say in passing, but I don't know how many times we actually stopped to think about it more. What exactly are the little things? Why do they matter? I posed this question to my Twitter family, and I really enjoyed going through. The response is a lot of positive stuff there. It occurred to me that by examining some of these little things that other people have experienced, maybe we'll be inspired to create more special moments for others. Or maybe if you're one of the folks who is having a hard time, maybe you'll start to notice these little things happening in your life more often and see that things aren't all bad. There is an unimaginable amount of beauty in this world. Some of it exists already, and it's just waiting to be found. Some of the beauty doesn't exist yet because it's waiting on us to create it. We can impact our world and the people in it, and I believe we can do so via the little things I'd like to start out by sharing some of the little things that I personally experienced that wound up changing my life. From there, I'll share a few responses from my Twitter threads that I found particularly interesting. And then we'll try to think of ways to create more of those moments for other people we encounter in our daily lives to start off. I think maybe I need a bit of back story for this really quick if you've ever been around for one of my mental health streams onto which probably already heard parts of this story. So I apologize for the repetition. But anyways, I started streaming Live on Twitch nearly three years ago. Now I was in an especially bad place in my life, and I sort of stumbled upon Twitch. Thanks to my nephew job, you can find him on switch as Mr Beard Lee, who was already broadcasting and enjoying himself. At first I thought the platform and idea seemed silly. But then I gave it a second chance, and I realized, what adult concept? It actually Waas. You get to be your own silly self, or you can reinvent yourself and become a character for the purpose of interacting with and growing a community of like individuals. And the idea of just being me and talking shit while playing video games seemed almost unreal. I had no idea that it was about to change my life so drastically. When I started on twitch, I waas well, I was miserable. I was in a bad relationship with a very controlling person and well, I don't think he's a monster or anything. He clearly going through some issues of his own and everything he struggled with was seemingly passed on to me. I had lost my freedom to be completely honest. My car wasn't working, so I had to rely on him for rides. I wasn't allowed to hang out with or see the majority of my friends and even my family, because he had issues with so many of them. I wasn't allowed to do so many activities or things because I was constantly being accused of doing things for ulterior motive fights often turned ugly, and at times I'd have to lock myself in rooms in order to temporarily escape the relentless verbal attacks I'd encounter to prevent fights. I would just avoid doing saying or wearing anything that I knew could prompt them. My friends and I had this long, unspoken list of names, places, things, topics, these these things. We couldn't mention when he was around because, well, things might not escalate around them. We all knew I'd be hearing about it when I got home after, so we just avoided them. I had no privacy. I was allowed to have any social media accounts unless he had the passwords and he used them frequently. He would prove my friends lists, read my messages, even deleted the ones he didn't want me responding to. I always enjoyed writing, but even journaling it wasn't escape for me anymore. As he had found my journals, read them and then ripped them up and tossed. He used the information he found in my journals to continue to belittle and demean me regularly. I had countless friends and even family members of his tell me it was time for me to get out that I wasn't the same person anymore. So while I was thinking You're right, I'm not. I'm miserable. I wouldn't allow myself to linger on the lot too long. I was reminded often that I didn't deserve this man and that if he ever left me, I would just wind up going back to being used by guys that didn't care about me. And I'd probably be even more miserable. Basically only have bad relationships up until my current one. So I justified and accepted it because I felt I deserved it. It was easy to look at this guy I was with and say, Well, least he doesn't cheat on me. Well, at least he doesn't hit me. He may not act loving towards me. He may be controlling, but I know he cares. I know he'd never hurt me physically or sheet on me. I assured myself that since the perfect guy doesn't exist, I should consider myself fortunate that a this guy would even want me and be that he was still so much better than my previous abusive and disloyal exes. When I look back at my start on Twitch the platform that would eventually leave me here to podcasting. Among other things, I sometimes find myself feeling shocked that he even allowed me to stream enough about the bad stuff. So here's where the little things come in. I wasn't fully myself when I started. I was this mess of a person who had become the way I was. After years of constant shaping from the guy I was with, I would always try to stay positive and chill on stream. There were so many days where I was upset and hurting days where I'd start out in a good mood. But while getting ready for stream, I'd be mocked, insulted or yelled at for something I did or didn't do. I would do what most people do in these situations. I put out a fake smile, start stream and try to make the best of it. Streaming waas an incredible outlet for me, especially because I was almost free for the hours I was live. Since no one knew I was in a relationship, he had to stay away while I was on. That was his decision, by the way he believed that of Manu I was taken. I wouldn't be able to grow on twitch, so he wanted me to just say, I don't talk about my relationship or personal life. That's not what I'm here for. That's what I did. Several months into Streaming, I started to realize that was being seen for who I truly waas, who I deep down, always wanted to be or feel like. I tell you guys all the time that's which changed my life. But if you on Lee knew all the details, you'd probably be shocked at how much I remember one of the days pretty vividly because it waas I believe the first thing to ignite that spark in my mind that said, Wait, maybe you aren't terrible. Maybe you're not trashed. I was being yelled at for something prior to stream on this day, and I even remember telling him that I had asked countless times from to try and stay calm and not start shit with me before stream. It's hard enough for me to say positive normally, because I've been battling depression for so long and the constant negativity was really bringing me down, Me being brought down or stream months, it probably wouldn't be a CE fun or entertaining, which meant my ability to earn money to pay our bills was gonna be limited. This only added to my stress because at the time, I was the primary one covering all of our expenses. Anyways, on this particular day, I did the usual dealt with the argument, started upstream, did my best to look happy, calm and chill. I did my bus to have interesting conversations, play the games that I was playing and just have a good day. I honestly felt like I was doing a great job. I seriously remember thinking to myself that I was proud of how great I waas and pretending I wasn't upset. Then I got a twitch whisper from one of the people and you from chat a twitch whispers like an instant message. By the way, it just pops up at the bottom of your screen and stays private from the people conversing in the live chat. So I got this whisper and it just said something so simple. Hey, are you okay? You seem a little I just wanted to let you know I'm here if you want to talk. It was something so simple, but it blew me away. Suddenly, I stopped being proud of myself for doing such a great job of appearing happy. And I started to think Holy shit you guys can see through me. This became a trend. I'd have a bad day sometimes caused by the dude I was with other times caused by my own issues or self esteem problems. The guy I was dating would seemingly believe me when I would pretend to be Okay, Stream though you guys would see through that shit. I started seeing those messages more and more from people who knew me somewhat well and from others who had just started coming around. Hey, you okay? You seem down. Hey, I just want you to know I think you're a great person. Hey, you're beautiful. And I don't know if anyone's told you that lately. I know some of you are probably thinking that these were just messages from Thursday dudes trying to smash. But believe it or not, that wasn't the case. These same types of messages were being reiterated so regularly by people I barely knew Men, women, teenagers. It started to really quick, like Holy shit. Here I am trying not to cry because I'm reliving some shit from my past or something. And the dude I'm with just walked by and didn't even notice you guys, a bunch of strangers at that point somehow could tell I was struggling and started reaching out to offer words of encouragement and support that blew me away. It seriously was such a shock to me. I have been spending so much of my life hating myself and hiding who I waas. I was amazed that anyone likes me even a little. Not only did you guys notice the emotions I was actually feeling, but you also noticed everything. How I was acting, how it looked. It's a crazy feeling to go from an average of zero compliments annually to seeing things like nice haircut. That color is very flattering for you. You seem like a really intelligent person, and I love your attitude. You're so funny. On a daily basis, the Internet may bring some serious negativity because of anonymity, but I also think it made it easier for people to say such kind things to someone they didn't really know. Eventually, I came to the realization that I felt better and better the more time I was away from this guy, especially when I was able to stream regularly. The more time I had with you guys, the more time I felt like myself. Sure, I might get criticized for what I did said, or how I played after stream. But while it was live, I was free. I started being more and more myself daily. I want of ending that relationship, and I don't honestly think I could have done it if it hadn't been for those simple messages. The little thing I had so many people close to me attempt to save me from my situation, so to speak. But what finally got through to me was, Hey, are you okay? You seem a little just wanted to let you know I'm here. If you will talk. It's truly the little things in life that count. Since then, my life has improved so much, it's honestly hard to look back a time. This isn't to say I'm living my dream life right now because I'm still working my ass off tons of goals for the future. But just the idea that this life is mine is so empowering and satisfying. Wherever I go in life, it's on my terms. I'm also fortunate to be in a super healthy relationship. Now that helps me heat moving forward. So I'm incredibly grateful for that as well. He's a great, great guy. Anyways. The point of this podcast wasn't to speak in great detail of my previous relationship woes, but to highlight something I believe is an important take away from the whole experience. So many things changed in my life, and it's all because of that simple question from a stranger. What an incredible thing to consider. We all have the power within us to change people's lives to change the world, and it might be easier than we've ever realized. So I want to share with you some of the responses I've gotten from people who have vivid memories of times where the little things made an impact on their day or lives may be hearing some of their messages will remind you that our words and actions carries significance. So this is the tweet I put out on Twitter. Has someone else doing or saying something small made a major impact? I'm asking about the little things in life. Strangers buying coffees, someone listening. You needed it. A random compliment, et cetera. What little thing happened in your life, and how did it impact you? One of the first responses was from N F G rocker Dude, when I was going through my lowest time, even a simple high in passing was everything or a smile from a stranger made me feel like I wasn't invisible. It's always the little things that seemed to make the biggest impact. I like that. Some of these responses made me think past the surface level. I like to smile at people when I passed them, because I like seeing people smile back. I think in general it's just easier to have a good day when you're surrounded by friendly people. It never really occurred to me that something as small as a smile might be helping them to feel less invisible. I hope you start smiling at more people tomorrow. With this in mind, Dorsey is had another really powerful response to my tweet, he said. Once I was catching a bus downtown and an older black man stops to compliment me on my tie, Invest said he was proud and happy to see a young black man carry himself like I do reminded me that I have the chance to inspire others by being me now, knowing Dorsia Seiken Onley Imagine the gigantic grin that would have emerged on his face after a compliment. That's so kind like that. Just thinking about it makes me smile to you probably hear it. Now, look, look at that. This dude complimenting Dorsey s, we're having great style, which he does just impacted another person because I'm over here smiling like a jackass over the idea that a friend of mine was smiling over his compliment. It's fucking cool, man. Okay, Another response from Mechanized said I recently told her about it when I was in Little Rock to see her show. But one little thing is when Sarah Daniels sent me a tweet during Hurricane Irma to see if I was okay. Just knowing someone was thinking about me even for a moment and cared enough to reach out months a ton. So it probably took 20 seconds to tweet, had a lasting impact on someone so cool. This one from Chef Wayne Face had me thinking about all the people I admire in my life and how great I would have felt to have heard similar encouragement from them, he said. A chef I worked for once said to me, When are you going to get serious about cooking? It was the big bang moment for me. The fact that he saw in me what I was unsure, that I had such a simple sentence that completely changed my life. I know someone is good at something like really, really good at something. Have you told him lately? Try encouraging some of your friends, family members, strangers. Even if you see them doing something great, encourage them to pursue their passions. I am certain they will appreciate it, Zen Cuban said in his response. A few years back, someone wrote in the dirt on my rear car window a big heart with a message of Have an Amazing Day. Saw it as I was having door no clue who did it, but it made me smile and feel good on a day that started out pretty blessed overall. Time to start writing on some windows. People spread some love via dirt. I'd encourage you to check out and even responds to the Twitter thread when you have time. There were so many responses, and I only have so much time to share with you today. I'll link to it on the mind of snaps Page with the podcast notes and, uh, get those podcasts notes post this weekend believes anyway, final response I'd like to share was from Nor drear actually a random person I had never talked to on a game. Reform reached out during my divorce. She messaged me during one of the very worst nights of my life where I am convinced I would have killed myself had she not talked with me until I passed out from exhaustion. Whoa, does that make you think or what? I say this all the time, but I'll say it again. We're all fighting our own battles. Why be a negative voice in the world. When you can use this immense power, you have for good. It's time for us to start making this world a better place by using our heads and our hearts help our fellow man. So what kinds of ways can you think of that might help you impact someone else in a positive way. What sorts of little things are you going to start doing for others today? I know one thing I tried that has been going really well so far. I had to use my boyfriend to execute. You see, my boyfriend currently drives uber in the Chicago area, and I wanted to give him something so he could try to make people smile in person before they go about their days. He's usually out in the morning, so it seemed like the perfect way to help people start their days out with, like, a little extra dose of positivity. So I created a bunch of little gift baggies inside of each gift bag. It was a handful of pre wrapped candy, along with a little tag on it that had a positive affirmation. Written things like I possess the qualities needed to be extremely success creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas. My obstacles are moving out of my way. My path is carved towards greatness were written on the tags. He had had these out to each of his passengers for a day, and we were amazed by the results. Everyone smiled broadly and warmly at his offering of the candy bag and information he was think graciously, and the bag also led into some really positive conversations with some of the passengers. One woman was especially grateful because she was heading to a job interview and send a little boost of sugar is exactly what she needed. My boyfriend's being the super supportive guy. Iss. I saw that as an opportunity to encourage her further. So he complimented her under clear speaking professional attire and overall demeanor. He told her casually, You're going to get that job. You seem totally prepared and said he could clearly notice how happy that made her. We talked about all of his rides after his state was over, but I especially enjoyed hearing about this one. I like to imagine that woman felt even more confident going into that meeting. Thanks to his encouragement. It makes me happy. I'm also super curious Which of the affirmation she wound up getting in her bag because he didn't remember some of them would have been so perfect for her situation. So I think it would be even cooler if she had gotten one of the bags with the affirmation that said, I am a powerhouse. I am indestructible or something else that really fit with her going in and doing an interview next. Anyways, I think it's safe to say at this point, it really is the little things in life that matter. So let's go and do things that matter. Let's spread positivity and encouragement through the little things and see how things change around us. Everyone is fighting their own battles. Let's remind them that they're not alone. So that's it for this week's mind of snaps podcast. I hope this discussion of the little things has made you ready to go smile. It's, um, strangers and do some nice things for others. And while you're at it, if you enjoy this podcast lease, take a moment to raid it and leave a review, because I know that always makes me smile. Make sure your subscribed to so you don't miss any of the upcoming podcast since I've got some good stuff coming up. And, as usual, if you'd like to discuss this or any of the previous podcast topics with me in more detail come check out one of my life streams at twitch dot tv slash She snaps. I'm on every day with Sunday. We should also follow me on Twitter and Instagram at mind of snaps too. We've got some great conversations going on on Twitter right now, so you should definitely go happens. Those have a dope day, everyone. I will catch you next week. I'm I feel like I would do that. That ending. Does that seem cool? I will catch you next week. Uh, mind of snakes. Okay. I don't like that was have a dope day, everyone. I'll catch you next week on mind of snaps. All right, I'm done. I'm just fucking around now. Have a great day, everyone. I'll see you on the next one