Mind of Snaps Podcast

High History: Puff Puff Past - The Story of Cinco de Mayo | Episode 04 - Mind of Snaps Podcast

She Snaps & RileyHotSauce Season 1 Episode 4

This is the first episode in a new monthly series we're calling: "High History: Puff Puff Past". Each episode in this series will feature the story behind the history of a certain event, or the history of a certain thing. Everything's a little more interesting with a joint in hand, so please join me and my co-host for this series, RileyHotSauce, as we discuss the real story behind Cinco de Mayo. It is quite interesting and has way more to it than I previously thought.Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!


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Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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spk_1:   0:13
Welcome to the mind of Snaps podcast with your host Jessica a. K. She snaps a popular twitch broadcaster, photographer, entrepreneur and mental. In this and future cast expect to fall along with snaps. So she learned more about her mind the world and her fellow humans. It could get messing here, but stick around and you might

spk_0:   0:30
just learn something as you enter the mind of snaps. Hi.

spk_1:   0:36
Welcome to another mind of snaps Podcast. I am snaps and here's the deal. Today is the start of the new structuring of the mind of snaps Podcast. I've told you since the beginning my goal was to mix up the content a lot. I wanted you to be able to come here for knowledge, inspiration, perspective and lefts. So my 1st 3 castes were super serious in nature. We're not super serious, but whatever, they were serious. They were more more about specific topics and they were pretty pretty structured in regiments. And so for my goals for the future, I was starting to concern get concerned that by handling topics and ideas to randomly it might actually turn people off a little bit. People really love structure, so the goal now is to do things in a semi structured format moving forward. So each week the podcast topic will fit within a sort of basic categorization. And we'll go in this order throughout month. First we start with silly, which is where this one comes in, and I will explain more about today's cast in a minute. Next up comes Sassy, which is intended to be more of a Rantie type of caste, likely about things similar to what I wrote about in My Block post about people needing to shut the fuck up about women's attire after Sassy comes serious, with the goal being to share something interesting with you. Kind of like the previous podcasts on intermittent fasting and mental health. I think the next cast will be about anxiety, but I'm working out the details right now, and then The final type will be the unscripted, which may be serious. Maybe sassy may be silly, but we'll always include a guest and zero scripted questions. So silly, sassy, serious and unscripted is what you can expect from the mind of snaps podcast in the future. Today for getting silly with a new Siri's, we are going to call high history Puff puff past during the Siri's myself and my co host for this, who I will introduce shortly, will basically proceed to smoke copious amounts of weed while we attempt to explain ah, historical event or the history of something to you. So, without further ado, let me introduce you to our monthly co hosts on these high history episodes. My good friend, fellow streamer and turkey bacon lover Riley Hot sounds Riley, take a moment. Introduce yourself. Tell the homies listening where they can find in the future as well as the type of content they can expect.

spk_0:   3:09
What's going on, folks? My name is Riley Hot Sauce. You confined me most places. Instagram Twitter, P S N X, box one. Let me tell you, I since the o. G. Riley on battle net so you can find me there. That's better. I was into it. Everything

spk_1:   3:30
else is rightly hot sauce, right, that people think you're

spk_0:   3:32
gonna be fine. And me, um, I do a lot of interesting stuff on twitch TV cooking. I'm, uh I am making music. I'm streaming video in content. You'll find me doing a lot of different things. There Yes.

spk_1:   3:48
And all of it with your practically trademark at this point, SAS, which is probably one of my favorite things about you. And we've spent so much time together, like we've hung out at Pax. We got to hang out it. When I was in Seattle for the bungee summit, we hung out at Twitch Con Retiree States. Which comes? I say that twice.

spk_0:   4:07
We didn't actually. We went as it's gone.

spk_1:   4:10
Was it? Well, am I thinking guardian? God, I'm thinking already. Okay. I was I was mixing up cons, Basically, Yeah. So we've

spk_0:   4:20
got to

spk_1:   4:21
hang out a couple of different times were good friends. We've known each other through stream for a long

spk_0:   4:24
time. Yeah, okay. I was like, there were more to What am I

spk_1:   4:31
missing? Okay. Yeah. And you were here for the twit Chicago meet up, which was super dope. So you know, needless to say, we're good friends. This is gonna be very entertaining. We've smoked together plenty of times before, including on for 20 in Seattle. Every stream from that. It was really fun. Exactly. So Oh, my God. Did I was fucking freezing. Uh, anyways, Okay, So the goal of today's podcast. Now that we've gotten introductions out of the way, we're gonna get right into today's topic for high history because I swear, I know we're just gonna sit here and bullshit for fucking ever. Otherwise we're going back into the puff puff past Fucking will say that every chance I way will be talking about Cinco de Maio. So if you're listening to this podcast the damn dropped happy Cinco Tamayo, you have plans to celebrate. Are you

spk_0:   5:23
doing anything? You know there's, Ah, there are Let me tell you there's a lot of like what do you want to call him? Urban taco joints in Seattle. So, yeah, there's gonna be a lot going on, but it's it's ah, it's certainly not gonna be anything close to Ah, it's certainly not gonna be traditional.

spk_1:   5:40
Okay, Especially cause you probably did a little bit of learning about like what? Traditional, you know, putting those in like air quotes. Traditional single Tamayo celebrations are more like it's a little different than what most people D'oh! But okay, so if you're like countless Americans and apparently Canadians too, you may be planning to go out and drink and celebrate this holiday. If you are also like countless Americans and Canadians, you probably have no fucking clue

spk_0:   6:06
what you're actually celebrating. All you

spk_1:   6:08
know is you have a fresh excuse to drink and party to a new theme which is probably Loki racist in nature. We'll get into that too much, you'll just move on. So, like, 33.6 million U. S. Residents, and that's according to census data. Could be wrong. But whatever. I thought that was fascinating. I come from Mexican heritage. My biological dad came from Guadalajara. So, like, I was personally interested to learn more about this. I barely know anything about us history. So Mexican history is definitely a foreign concept to me. You get it foreign

spk_0:   6:47
way, Homer. No, I got it. No, I was way, Way. God damn

spk_1:   7:03
it. Um, Okay. I mentioned during this podcast that we're gonna be smoking like copious amounts. Riley, basically Prego, like you already had a ridiculous looking joint outside and And you have a Was it

spk_0:   7:18
one of the

spk_1:   7:18
50? The happy eval, the teachers Do you drink that? You have waas. Oh, my goodness. Okay, so Riley's already probably feeling pretty great. I've been um, you know, we'll call it abstaining. I've got all my all my stuff ready to go here so that, like, we could get into this. So I'm gonna go out and just sparked my first joint. My my little baby edible should be kicking in soon. That should be great. Um, so let me just get all my notes up here so that I make sure that I'm not totally, totally butchering this because I'm sure I'm gonna be wrong at least

spk_0:   7:59
six days. The point is, we educate, you know, on the on the main points. You know, people get a little

spk_1:   8:08
exactly, exactly so like most podcasts, I try to reduce the amount of background noise and stuff coming in. As you can probably imagine, no one wants to hear that shit for this one. You're probably gonna hear a little bit of background noise, but it's okay. It's okay. It's just it's just us keeping ourselves ready for some high history, you know? So let me just I just want to spark this do brew. And then once this guy's good and roasting, I'm gonna rip my little baby long and get into this, and I'm gonna have to talk stuff. Just top to stop every now and then to take a little hit. But the as Riley said, you'll get you'll get the fucking points. You're getting a free history lesson here. All right? You're welcome. Oh, no. I just dropped my dad a little bit. Okay. We're gonna forget. Yeah, exactly. The sound I wanted to hear. Okay, Joint let we'll just We'll do a little quick bone had just to keep the brain working.

spk_0:   9:13
All right? When

spk_1:   9:14
you're a little more water in my little baby bubbler But that's okay. And

spk_0:   9:19
thank you. Water, folks, Drink your water. Yes. Oh, my

spk_1:   9:23
God. That's actually a great idea. I'm gonna remember to lean away from my mike when I at least drink my water, because otherwise you're gonna hear, like, glug sounds, and it's gross. Did you hear me? Glug?

spk_0:   9:32
Glug Glug.

spk_1:   9:35
Okay. Okay. Are you ready to talk about this?

spk_0:   9:38
So ready. I I actually I felt this

spk_1:   9:42
way more interesting than I was expecting to the first few. Resource is I found about it. We're super vague, and it was mostly just talking about how, like Americans want to celebrate like sombreros. and fake mustache is and bullshit. Um, so I was I like I dug as much as I could into this. We'll see how much of it I remember. Well enough to explain. Oh, don't Don't so hard to hit little baby joint. It's not even a baby joint, but little joint. I think mine's bigger than the one you fucking sent me a sample?

spk_0:   10:12
No. Okay, but here's the thing. That bad boy, it's called Gold Finger. All right. Gold. Yeah, right. You picked this up from, you know, wreck shops around here. It's It's I love go. I like you got

spk_1:   10:29
going here. Like, Wait, no. Gotta

spk_0:   10:31
said got, um but it's it's just coded. And Keith, like, rolled in Keith. And I was like, Oh, hello. Because,

spk_1:   10:41
yeah, it looks magical and sticky. Icky.

spk_0:   10:43
It was. It was a good one. I realized when your ah, when you're asking. Ah, but Tender What? You won't like what you want from a joint? Say I want something that I can smoke at a concert and the best sort of like, hi experience. Uplifting. That makes a lot of sense, actually. Sometimes you get these, like these big old 12 hours like $12 ones, that they're rolling as most someone. So you're like rolling by yourself. Yeah, you know, See, that's smart.

spk_1:   11:17
That's like, That's like when you're planning a wedding. This is like something that not everyone knows, but, like it's one of those, like Insider's Secret when you're planning a wedding, almost anything that you conduce. Oh, if you tell them that it's for a special event instead of away, you're likely to get prices that are cheaper. Violist. Sometimes like 1/3. It's crazy. Yeah, you can't do it with, like, venues. Venues will get really upset. And I believe limos as well, because they like to do a little special things. But like everything else, like food and like cakes and stuff, if you tell him like it's just a special event thing, it's a lot of time. Saves a lot of money.

spk_0:   11:53
Wow. Okay,

spk_1:   11:55
yeah. Yeah. And we were officially, like, 11 minutes into the spot. Have given zero information I love high history is gonna be a

spk_0:   12:04
blast trying folks.

spk_1:   12:07
Yeah, it'll be great when we could start traveling with this a little bit more and maybe have some guests as well like for twitch Con this year we'll have to dio live recording.

spk_0:   12:14
It would be great.

spk_1:   12:19
Yeah, I liked it. I liked it. It made me get a little wound up to like one dog starts howling in the booth. Okay? Wear super fucking serious. And first of all, single Tamayo is not about drinking.

spk_0:   12:42
I don't know one. I honestly

spk_1:   12:43
I tried to look a little bit more into that. Maybe you found some information on it. I really know when it is that people decided that like it had to be this super silly, festive event. Like I know we'll get into it a little bit later. Like I know when the U. S was like, Hey, this is ah, day. We're going to celebrate in some manner or whatever, but it is funny when you see the way that people celebrate it today. Because, like, I can think of countless parties growing up in, like, my early twenties, where people would get so excited about Cinco to drink. Oh, yeah? What a

spk_0:   13:13
stock. Yeah, I remember when they thought that I was like, Oh, uh, what

spk_1:   13:19
they were Ah, remember being at a club once and they like they, like, cut out the audio at a part where it sounded almost like cinco de drink. Oh, and like, got like everyone in this place. I don't know how everyone knew that that's what they were going to say, but they, like, pause the music and everyone in the place, Yeah,

spk_0:   13:38
Cinco to drink,

spk_1:   13:39
Go like I don't remember the beat. But it kind of was like that. And

spk_0:   13:42
I was like, Why did

spk_1:   13:44
everybody No, that it was gonna be that. How did we all know that's where they were going? And why did everyone so whatever tangents. Now we're fucking 13 minutes in. Welcome to the mind of snaps. Podcast, budges. Okay, basically, Oh, my God. My joint's gonna go out because I'm talking about the worst part of it to the part that's not even the part of

spk_0:   14:05
it. Well, you know, like when you think about how it ended up being about drinking, it's probably behind the fact that a lot of people think it's a celebration. They think it's a celebration. They think it's a lot of people think that it's like Mexican Independence Day, which yeah, no, it is not a lot of people just equated with what Fourth of July would be. So that would be, you know, just, uh, you know, drinking. I

spk_1:   14:33
didn't know that Mexican Independence Day was actually before this.

spk_0:   14:36
That's the whole thing. This is I have no idea what I learned that I'm doing this research. I always forget you hear about it. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh, what is Countries have been beefing for a bit there. Like quiet now. But they beefed for a while. Yes,

spk_1:   14:53
and I was criticized toe learn of, like, our meaning, like the like country. Our, like the U. S. Is involvement in this. It was fascinating. Okay, so we're actually getting into the history of this now, eh? So basically, we got to go before the actual events. So, like, it's it's not based on Mexican Independence Day. It's actually based on a especially important, meaningful battle. So we're gonna start by going back to, like, why the battle was even happening, right? So, like 18 58 to 18 60 was the Mexican civil war. So this was actually after the after Mexican independence. I think that was 18

spk_0:   15:38
10. That's when they, like, took it. That was theirs then in 18? Well, yeah. 18. 10. I think it

spk_1:   15:47
was 18 times. I know. I have it written down somewhere in all these fucking notes. Okay, so this was the Mexican Civil War 18. 58 to 18. 60 also known as the reform. Or so I'm not gonna get too much into all the political aspect or any of the things that they were actually attempting to enact or anything. But this was basically between people that were identified as liberals that have taken power in eight under. Yeah, in 18. 55 under the plan of this. This part, by the way, riles like I maybe half Mexican. But as everyone knows, I am very pig mentally Challenge. I don't speak Spanish. You know, you happen to also be a right time. I am imagining our pronunciation of all of the names that are involved in this. And I'm like, this is gonna be terrible

spk_0:   16:37
if you give it if you give it honestly. Like if we're being real, talk. If you give it a try with the accent, I don't think I don't think that's a bad thing.

spk_1:   16:49
No, I feel like You're probably right. I feel like

spk_0:   16:51
since you try,

spk_1:   16:52
and I'm going to try to throw some like Gusteau in there, I'm gonna try to get it. Well, maybe not as much. Gusteau. I'm just gonna try to not fuck it up. Really bad

spk_0:   16:59
show Goose, though.

spk_1:   17:03
Exactly. Exactly. Okay, so, reform or Mexican Civil war between liberals that took power in 18. 55 under the plan of a Ula eso it was essentially, conservatives were resisting legitimacy of the government and the government that was being run by the liberals. At this time, they were doing this thing that they referred to as La Forma where they were just, like, going, going kind of wild, I guess, and radically restructuring a lot of Mexican laws.

spk_0:   17:34
That was the that was the government that was doing that. Yes.

spk_1:   17:37
So the government, which was at this time being run by liberals there goes the fucking joint. Went out, man, you can like I'm like, waving my hands around so much with this fucking thing on here. I think I'm putting it out from, like, wind honest, not even from, like, the lack of like from talking too much anyways, so Basically they're doing this thing called the former La Reforma, where they're trying to, like, change everything up. The liberals wanted to reduce the power of the Catholic Church in the Mexican Army. Because at the time, the Catholic Church and the Mexican Army apparently had in months political, economic and cultural power in Mexico like they were, They were running shit. So the liberals didn't really agree with that. They weren't down with it. They started changing all kinds of laws and making all kinds of things different. And the conservatives were very, very upset by this because, like they wanted a centralised government, Some of them even wanted a monarchy like they were not down with, like reducing the power of the church in the army. Like they would have even been cool if, like they had popped in a king and a king and a Queen Queen while they were doing it. Why

spk_0:   18:46
was that so hard to say? Quick, Hold on. Staking a claim and King and Queen Quincannon. No, I got this. I got this king and a Queen King and a Queen King. And acquaint clean the coin. No.

spk_1:   19:00
Okay, So it wasn't just me, then. Swiss wristwatches.

spk_0:   19:03
Yes. Wristwatch. Swiss with short 2nd 1 Okay. Lesson. Linda. Linda, Linda. Listen,

spk_1:   19:17
um basically, conservatives like I said, they were not down with this this new liberal protocol on how they were changing everything up. They were. They wanted the church in the military to keep their traditional roles and powers. Um, and this basically meant that, like people who live there at that point, and merchants elites like, um, they would basically get to maintain dominance over the populations of Mexico at that time, which they were majority indigenous and mixed race. So, like, you know, like like a me being there. Um So when the liberals or in control of the government, they went through that law reform a period, and they started stripping the church and the military of privileges and of property. But they apparently, like, especially focused in on the church. And people didn't particularly dig that, um, So, like, all of these reform laws are put into action, conservatives get upset. And, of course, like they're getting upset on the behalf of the church in military who have their own like cruise, you know? So now you have, like, the conservatives who believe in the church in military and you have, like, the church has its own entity in the military has its own entity. All of them now getting up on these liberals so it won't bleed ng to military action. War. Basically, this is what caused the civil war in Mexico. Is the reason why there was even this fuckin battle. Gosh, you know what? The joint went out. I'm just gonna go ahead and roast a little dab a Rooney. Did you read anything about this battle? See, we both did research on the same topic, but I'm genuinely interested to see, like where yours took you versus where mine took me. Okay, so we left off. I had to do that, Deb. Really quick. And you were a little bit confused because we were essentially thinking of different stories.

spk_0:   21:08
Tell me more about okay. Yes, because I was huge. Here's my head. My head is nothing about the the original, um, independence of, uh, of Mexico in the Okay. Tens.

spk_1:   21:24
Yeah. Wait 18 times,

spk_0:   21:25
right. Attends my ass was another wrong numbers 18. That's what I'm talking about. Of course. Tell me more about the civil war.

spk_1:   21:36
Yeah, so that was like, I think that's where it's interesting because like I said, we were both looking up the same thing. But I wondered it, like which rabbit holes we would all fall into because he's researched anyone Topic in a person in event, a place, whatever, like any one thing could stand out and then be a link. And that brings you into, like, ah, whole new fucking world to quote like Aladdin. Um, so, like, I wound up getting fascinated by, like the reason there was a battle in the first place. I wanted to know not just that they had a battle, and that was the reason for this This date, this is that Whatever I wanted to know, why the fuck that was even going on. So that's why, like I went into the past and I was like, What happened? Where were we before any of this and where we basically left off was that there was a civil war going on in Mexico between liberal and conservative forces, with the conservative forces being comprised of the church and military as well.

spk_0:   22:37
So it's like after after they gained their independence in the in the in, the teens will call them. Yeah, e. Yes. Then they started having fights over what their government was gonna be. All these laws started getting made, and then all these sides started getting packed. Yes.

spk_1:   23:00
So I think the laws based on the way that it read to me some of the laws were enacted pretty early on. And the liberals were not like a fan of a lot of them. So as soon as they took control, basically, they were like, Okay, let's scratch. The church does not need to control that. And they started, like, throwing all these laws out. And all of the conservatives got super fucking upset. So basically, like conservatives wind up controlling Mexico City, liberals lined up in Vera Cruz twice in 18 60 conservatives. They attempted to take Vera Cruz. They failed both times, but, like, this is all still this civil war, right? Eventually, the liberal forces started to get a little bit less, you know, suck it battles. They started to learn a little bit more. I don't think any of them were quite prepared for any of this. They even got some aid from the U S that would eventually enable some victories for that.

spk_0:   23:59
And isn't that that's all over the U. S. And Mexico? Wasn't that they had something the 18 forties. That was the Oh, remember the Alamo. I'm so glad you did it. I don't have to. Thank you. I

spk_1:   24:20
was, like, relating this mid rip. And I was like, Do I

spk_0:   24:23
have to yell a Don't make me? I don't know what that means, You know? All. Wait, no, That's a whole That's on the podcast.

spk_1:   24:31
Oh, my God. But you just said a whole another. Riley, we've talked about this, Riley. All right, That's that's a whole another whole other discussion anyways. Well, that kind of echoed in my ears. Okay, this joint is doing the thing. Well, okay, so where are we? So we're in 18. 60. That's where we

spk_0:   24:51
are, right? Anyway, not anyways. Oh, my God. Is it? You're probably right, dammit. Thank you. Wow, What

spk_1:   25:02
a moment. We just had we both We all just learned something. And a lot of people who are listening to this right now are just like you're both fucking stupid. I knew all of that. Okay, Okay, bitches. Go back into a pop

spk_0:   25:16
up. Oh, yes. I just want to say it. Every

spk_1:   25:21
chance I get, I really D'oh! I should have popped as I was saying that they would have made it so much cooler. Okay, Okay. Okay. So we're in 18. 60? Yeah, on that.

spk_0:   25:33
Then there's they're giving American like support.

spk_1:   25:38
Yeah, they got a little bit of a dhe. There

spk_0:   25:41
wasn't a

spk_1:   25:41
ton of specificity in terms of what the aid was that they received. But whatever it is that we did for them, it helped him out. And there were some victories that came as like, a result of the assistant.

spk_0:   25:52
Erica is dope sometimes.

spk_1:   25:54
So 18. 60. There's these two ships the conservative government had, and they were prevented from entering the city by the U. S. Naval force. So this is them, like acting and supports. That was one of the things they did. So the U S Naval Force pulls in to help out the liberal faction that was there That was led by this dude Benito Juarez

spk_0:   26:18
and eat the hottest Oh, give it your way. Try Benito. Oh, yeah. Don't you fucking

spk_1:   26:27
don't don't me! Oh, my God. I need you need a hora before all this ho

spk_0:   26:37
wise? I don't know.

spk_1:   26:40
Oh, my God.

spk_0:   26:41
I couldn't I couldn't show us right now. You

spk_1:   26:45
know, when we do this in, like, next month, maybe I'll be better since Money's mom is gonna be coming to stay with us for a while. And that's

spk_0:   26:52
what we're gonna practice Spanish. She's

spk_1:   26:55
gonna come stay for, like, a couple of weeks. I believe it's exciting. I agree. Okay, Benito, this homey, um, before all of the Civil War stuff was happening, he was a lawyer, and he is one of the indigenous. He was a member of the Zapotec Sabah Tech. I have no idea how to pronounce that one tribe. So I'm sorry if I butchered that when I'm a terrible person. Um, so this is known as the Battle of Anton Lazard. Oh, that's when the Naval Force came in. They booted these ships out of there. They were like, Now you can't get in here. No dice eso in the same year. Like the same year of that. Conservative forces are also defeated in two other areas in Mexico. So, like the liberal forces air basically like starting to do better. They're gaining a little bit attraction. It seems like things are going well. December of 18. 60. General Mira mon me, Ramon. I think it's me, Ramon. He surrendered outside of Mexico City. So then all of the liberal forces reoccupied it January 18 61 with the same dude who had that liberal faction that that blocked the two ships, Um, joining them, like a week later. So, like they forces move in, and then he comes in, he winds up being the interim president, and then they wind up electing him. Um, like the actual president. They're like, You know what you were president for? We're gonna keep the president. We like you. So, election March 18 61 They like they promote this guy again there, like you did a great job. You, you know, lead us. So liberals are in charge. Okay, Stone. That's how that ended. This was basically like the end of the war itself, but apparently, like the there was still a lot of shit that the conservatives were kind of up to on the sidelines in the future. But like they lost the civil war like there's gorillas out there that we're capturing and executing liberals and trying to do some, like resistance to the government. But they weren't It wasn't, like, full on war style like it was. It was more like, you know, a small pack of people who Yeah, not cool. Not cool. Right. But anyways, so

spk_0:   29:11
this is

spk_1:   29:11
a long fucking war,

spk_0:   29:12
love. No it. Please tell me. Is that what you were picturing? You're just being a smart ass. Oh, my God. I don't know, man.

spk_1:   29:26
Oh, my God. Now I'm picturing actual fucking gorillas.

spk_0:   29:29
Like, really clear. Wasn't, like, full on war style. It was just, you know, groups of they they're like, Let's fuck with

spk_1:   29:37
these people out in the world. We'll just take like a gorilla from the zoo will go to their offices and we'll just drop it in and see what the fuck happens. Just fucking start while it around. They start bashing through walls like those things are big.

spk_0:   29:52
It's because of damage. I think it got some real damage. Air.

spk_1:   29:58
Oh, my God. That's it's such a funnier mental picture. I think that I have them. Like what time

spk_0:   30:04
you get out of this? No, this is the 18 hundreds. Okay? Knows no girl is here. James Franco is nowhere near San Francisco. No end near it. Oh, uh,

spk_1:   30:21
wow. I gotta realize this fucking thing again because I'm waving it

spk_0:   30:24
around and I'm laughing like how? Why is it

spk_1:   30:27
so hard to keep ah joint lit when it's a a personal one? Like, I guess, because you're not passing it. If you do want to take a second look, it's Lamar.

spk_0:   30:34
You know, it's not. It's it's not really a personal thing, because it happens. Well, you know, with people as well.

spk_1:   30:41
That's true. Some people you talk like to hang on to

spk_0:   30:44
it when you talk. Yeah, because when you hang on to it, you feel it. But if you're talking, you don't feel it. You just holding on doing yammering.

spk_1:   30:54
We call that speaking into the mic. It's all my friends would call it like if you pass someone like the joint Terrebonne and they just like our holding it forever And like talking and having a conversation with you speaking into the mic are, uh, you wanna pass? That hasn't because it seems like it like you would get it, and like it's, it's Ah, what was the book with? Like, the conch shell where, Like you hold it and then you get to talk.

spk_0:   31:16
Yes. I'm sorry. What? I am speaking into the mic and the The thing you're thinking of is a SpongeBob episode. No, it isn't Thio I don't

spk_1:   31:25
even know anymore. What is my life? Oh, my gosh. It's awesome that the high history podcasts are probably gonna be there with some of the longest ones. Because I imagine the majority of people who decide to click on the episode in this episode list that says, like, high history single Tamayo like there. They're probably, uh, pretty aware that this is gonna be some nonsense. It could be some rambling as bullshit. They probably sparked to joint themselves. They're nodding along with us, agreeing with shit that we say that doesn't make sense. Like we put we probably picks the right audience for this, or they picked us properly

spk_0:   32:04
for the people who don't know me. What's good for the people who do know me. What's good?

spk_1:   32:14
Oh, my God. This is me. Great. Okay, Okay. So here we go. We just finished the Mexican Civil War, right? Horrors. Government is still having some issues because these conservative realize that are out there doing all the bad stuff, trying to fuck with the liberals. Um, Benito Benito Flores, the president. He was actually forced to suspend payments of interest on foreign debt for two years because the war had just, like, destroyed the country. Like everything. Everything. Everyone was broke, like everything had been just torn apart from all these battle that lasted, like, two fucking years. Yeah, And if game of Thrones has taught us like anything, if one country is a little bit weak, no, another one is going to try and take it over while it's weak. Way. Know what I mean? That doesn't count as a spoiler right now

spk_0:   33:20
doing overtime with me. Now, don't do that one more time with me doing it.

spk_1:   33:24
No, I'm gonna include you even asking me this. It's so I'll even fucking repeat myself just for emphasis. Now, Game of Thrones? Yes. Taught us that if there is a week country somewhere, another one is about to bust that shit up. Like they just can't help themselves. Man, these countries, they just love other countries when they're falling apart. We're like. Yeah. All right. Good call. Let's make that. Ours were really cool and stuff. Spread our word. That is us land now, you know. Okay, anyways, so

spk_0:   33:57
I've learned a lot about it. I've learned a lot about, like, medieval travel. You know, it was like it was your It took you a while to get places. Yeah. Can you imagine? Every God help.

spk_1:   34:09
Boring. It would be planning wars

spk_0:   34:11
sometimes. Like we were just doing this for, like, a 222 weeks. You're like, What's that? Excuse me? Yeah.

spk_1:   34:16
Or like we've been waiting. We just sent a letter. So in a fortnight, you know, two fucking weeks, like we'll be able to find out if or no, we won't even find out anything. They'll get our message in, like, two fucking weeks. And then if they try to respond to us, we'll get their message in two fucking weeks. If, like our messengers don't get murdered. In the meantime, birds or whatever you get, you know

spk_0:   34:39
owls. If this was Harry Potter Oh, my gosh.

spk_1:   34:43
Elle's air. Beautiful. But I think they're savages

spk_0:   34:45
aren't, though they're no insanely, it's incredible. They are predators. Pretty, aren't they? are nocturnal predators. I'm

spk_1:   34:56
fuckin sharp ass beaks. Hootie hooing around turned

spk_0:   35:01
around that. Oh, that head turning around there like you looking at me. That's great. I love it. Yeah, Yeah. Savage. Right. Incredible. Savage. Okay,

spk_1:   35:13
okay, okay, Okay. Okay. So here we're discussing countries being dicks because other countries air suffering. Um, yeah, like he he had to tell him like, Yo, dude, I'm sorry, but my country was just torn apart, like, don't hate me. I just took over, man. Like I'm trying to figure this out. Can you do me a favor and just, like, give me a break on interest And like all of my dad and stuff for, like, two years? Because that'd be cool. I can rebuild my country and then give you a bunch dollars. And they were like, Let's think about that. I believe it. Dude, I know nothing about this world. I have no fucking

spk_0:   35:55
idea. Tell me.

spk_1:   35:56
Okay. So that at the end of October 18 61 diplomats from Spain, France and Britain mutt in London to form the trip. Partite tre partite tre partite. Tripartite

spk_0:   36:13
is I don't know, friends formed a fucking alliances, and

spk_1:   36:17
probably it's probably pretty

spk_0:   36:19
French looks. Where? Where is it? Don't you start with going Thio? Oh, my God. Ernest, try. You are just running. I don't even think I

spk_1:   36:31
can give it in earnest. Try. I'm too old

spk_0:   36:32
for Ernest Knows you want to try and sell. Try

spk_1:   36:37
part teat Alliance. Look, it was an alliance, okay? I'm not going to say that again. So yes, that so These these dudes, they meet up and they're like, Yo, it's stupid that they're not giving us money. Let's just form an alliance will go claim that land. It'll be cool. And ah, they started planning an Allied invasion of Mexico. They wanted to be able to take control of their cruise, the major port, and then forced the Mexican government to negotiate terms so that they could be like, Okay, so I know you said you weren't gonna pay us for two years, but actually, here's what you're gonna d'oh. Um and apparently they also wanted them to repay debts and reparation because there was claim that foreign citizens from those countries were Yeah, so, like, they were pretty pissed going in there. And they were like, since we're taking over these are the terms and they're not favorable. It all because you always money and people like money a lot. Yeah. Yeah, that was in October. They started planning it December Spanish troops landed in very cruise. Ah, January British and French got in there and, like the alliance basically broke apart pretty fast because they figured out that, like the French, apparently I think they might have been the ones that were behind, like the really harsh terms, because they wanted Thio impose all kinds of harsh demands on the horrors government. And they like their real goals were to provoke more war. So British and Spanish were like Nam, And we're not really well that we don't like. We just wanted to come over here and, like, be like, this is how it is, bitch, and not have to, like, deal with this shit we didn't expect to, like, have you wanting to, like, totally change the government and start this big war. And now we're here forever. So they dipped them. Um, but this was the interesting thing. So a lot of this stuff was happening during our civil war like the U. S. So Napoleon, the third who was like the one representing the French. He had multiple motives for sending his forces to Pueblo. He wanted to be able to grow. He wanted to spread his empire everywhere. And he wanted to conquer what was a key Mexican access point to the U. S. So, like his plan was to take over the spot and then use it to help out the Confederate army during our civil war because they wanted to keep us divided and consequently less powerful. So, like, he was trying to instigate war. Kind of like everywhere. He was basically a dick. They're not very nice.

spk_0:   39:28
Not a good guy.

spk_1:   39:30
No. So he wasn't really that cool. Okay, so that was basically, like in a place where it all

spk_0:   39:36
Napoleon's stay. They all had. Ah, they don't seem to prove my dude. I don't know what it was.

spk_1:   39:41
Yeah, our, um is that just like a name that is, like, intended strictly for, like, conquerors?

spk_0:   39:48
Well, it's like when they ascend when they ascended. Government has changed. I know nothing. There were

spk_1:   39:56
I don't know anything that

spk_0:   39:56
there were multiple. Napoleon's in the same way that, like queens or kings in England take the names. Uh, except okay. Except our girl right now. That was her given name. We love you. Oh, I love you. Please. In all your good vibes to Queen Elizabeth right now, Thank you. She just use them all the time because I love

spk_1:   40:20
That's That's adorable. That's adorable. Um, okay, Okay. Okay.

spk_0:   40:25
Back to Mexico.

spk_1:   40:27
Listen, we're in, Max, listen. So the alliance is falling apart because the British and Spanish figured out. You know, the French were just, like, really trying to keep wars going everywhere. And they weren't They weren't down for that, I guess. Um, the actual battle that tuck in the main topic that we've been, like, avoiding based based on me or single mile. I came about because of a misunderstanding, which is like having the funniest fucking part of this whole situation is like it's It's this whole fucking thing for all these countries. I can only imagine what you were talking about. Like traveling back in those days by like, ships.

spk_0:   41:08
And what a

spk_1:   41:11
damn hassle for all of this.

spk_0:   41:13
Determine things. What? That waas.

spk_1:   41:16
Yeah. Yeah. So, like, everyone is starting. Everyone is starting to dip.

spk_0:   41:21
That was the height of the, you know, the boats. The boat area. Yeah, the 18 hundreds. I think so. Good. She is. What else? What the It doesn't

spk_1:   41:33
love a good

spk_0:   41:34
ship. Big. Really Big bunch. What's the way? Is not struggling to find

spk_1:   41:50
the word sales? Okay, that's Yeah, I think it was. It was prime that time. Yeah. Yeah, because they were all about ports and stuff. Ports were a big

spk_0:   42:00
deal. Lord Sportsman, way out. That's what you get when you go to war. Yeah. Oh,

spk_1:   42:10
my God. Okay, okay, okay. Okay. Jesus, I'm stop. Whoever listens to this like, I almost feel bad for you. But I also don't because I find it hilarious. So maybe out in the world, one other human we'll find we'll find this hilarious. Okay, welcome. Eso eso The battle wound up happening because of a misunderstanding, right? The French forces had had an agreement to withdraw to the coast, but apparently the way that they like groups together and like, left to head to the coast with somehow intimidating or something. I don't know. I don't know. All of this exactly went down, but the Mexican Republic forces. I saw a bunch of these French soldiers on the march, even though, like they were on the march to leave and they took it as a sign that the French were starting up and they got spooked. They got they felt threatened,

spk_0:   43:06
not spooked. E.

spk_1:   43:11
Okay, so around the same time, it's discovered that political negotiations for that withdrawal the French heading to the coast had started to break down. So, like this thing that was like a sure thing started to fall apart pretty quickly. A strongly worded complaint basically was like sent by the Mexican. So to French expedition er, expert back was harder than it

spk_0:   43:39
exported. Six. Expedition it. No, stop it! Extradition and Neary Oh my God, You almost at it. Although that was it. Swiss Swiss wristwatch, Swiss wristwatch. Okay, and that's the tradition

spk_1:   44:04
ery expeditionary. So a strongly worded complaint has lodged by the Mexicans to French Expeditionary Force leader General Charles Day Larenz, who was apparently offended by however this this complaint was lodged and took it as the start of a plan on his forces. So, like the Mexicans think that, like the French are starting to, like start up again. And now the French are thinking based on this letter and the fact that their negotiations are all talking up like chips getting late again.

spk_0:   44:43
Eyes, eyes I can only imagine what your

spk_1:   44:50
face just looked like. Oh, my God. It is a great mental picture. Did you put your hands into that?

spk_0:   44:57
They were president. Their present there in the movement of the And

spk_1:   45:02
you know what? I was looking through it. Okay, so, yeah, we're just gonna go with, uh, wait, Lawrence's yet. Lawrence's eso Larenz is Larenz is Lorenzo. Um he decided to stop heading to the coast to go home and instead switch it up and go back to our Saba, which basically prevented the Mexicans from being able to defend this. This area that was between Orry Saba and Vera Cruz, which was the landing port. Eso this bro has 6000 people with him. Horoscope was the one who is leading the other army. The Mexican has about 2000. Um, and most of them were like the indigenous Mexicans and a lot of people with mixed ancestry, like, you know, the original country, I guess you know, it was it was a nice, nice little group. He had their of 2000 people roughly, um so Oh, my gosh, I think I need water.

spk_0:   46:08
Where's the water, folks? Drinking water. What is that? To get one more in before this is over. That's a

spk_1:   46:14
good idea. Okay, I gotta move away from like

spk_0:   46:16
I do indeed have a Miao Miao on my lap right now. Yeah, no

spk_1:   46:23
meals are so nice. Okay, Okay. How good she's gonna learn. Okay. Okay. So Lauren's decides to go to Orry Saba. Um at the time, um the Mexican Commander General Ignacio Zara Zaragoza Zaragoza fell back to this past where him and his army, we're just, like, apparently stumped when they ran into Lawrence's forces there on April 28. So he had to retreat to Puebla, which at the time was like, super fortified. It was like a dope place. I imagined something cool, like Winter Felli. But who knows? I'm just I just think about game of Thrones present. Yes. I mean, honestly, like anytime I picture battles, because I paid no attention to history. I rely on, like, anything that that appears historical in my mind. And to me, that's basically like ancient aliens episodes and like game of Thrones.

spk_0:   47:22
I'm waiting on the

spk_1:   47:23
set. All I have

spk_0:   47:24
I'm waiting on the waiting on six book.

spk_1:   47:27
Same. Oh, my God. Okay, anyways, anyways, God, we can't We can't. We can't. So

spk_0:   47:32
again, another. But I was

spk_1:   47:35
right. The Mexican government, And like since they've held this site, Puebla, which was like during that civil war, they, like, completely fortified it. So it was a pretty, pretty sturdy place. So he retreats with his his forces there. So this this dude, by the way, he's pretty fucking smart. Seems to know what he's doing. And he's super young. I was really fascinated. He was only 33 when he was leading these armies. And, like I'm about to be 30 32 this month and I could not lead an army. No way.

spk_0:   48:10
It was a different time. If

spk_1:   48:14
your hands were not, like, pointed up towards the

spk_0:   48:16
Oh, you know that You got it right there.

spk_1:   48:21
I knew it. Oh, my God, I'm so good at this. Okay, anyways, so dude young, it's pretty dope. Like he's He's pretty smart. So he retreats to probe to Puebla. Um, there's these two forts that are on opposite hilltops that face the North? I believe so. Zaragoza digs a trench basically between the forts in this like valley area between ways to help.

spk_0:   48:45
But I mean, in the hills, face north, the camps

spk_1:   48:49
over hills, the forts like

spk_0:   48:51
on the kids. Yes, both of them was

spk_1:   48:54
north of the face or

spk_0:   48:58
whatever I got. Yeah, yeah,

spk_1:   49:02
you know. So they have these 2/4 that are unlike hilltops to the north of the area. City places.

spk_0:   49:10
Yeah, okay with you. I think you're right. I think I

spk_1:   49:14
explained that poorly.

spk_0:   49:16
No, I was I was just wondering, I'm here.

spk_1:   49:19
Let's let's spark this joint up again. I figure out that this guy's still a thing In my world of fish, this is

spk_0:   49:24
a folio number two, but it's just it's I'm just jealous of your

spk_1:   49:28
happy apple TV Ain't

spk_0:   49:29
no, like it's it's It's interesting because the inside of me feels like apple juice Feels like upside. I

spk_1:   49:37
I like it too. They were delicious. Okay. Okay. So dude is all young and cool. He digs this trench

spk_0:   49:46
to show that allows him it was a different time. I'm picturing

spk_1:   49:52
it like all No, I

spk_0:   49:53
do not know these ages. Listen, these mean nothing now? Nothing.

spk_1:   49:58
Oh, my God. It's just exciting. It kind of makes me feel empowered. Like I know I couldn't do it right now if you gave me an R. But I'm not that cool, but, like, gives me some kind of faith.

spk_0:   50:10
You look like you like.

spk_1:   50:11
I'll have my life together. By next year, this dude let a fucking army

spk_0:   50:15
like Mozart would be dead. Yes.

spk_1:   50:21
Oh, my God. Okay, so he digs, he digs like a tunnel, Basically like a trendy tunnel between these two, These two hilltop thing He's, um and so like,

spk_0:   50:34
I don't know

spk_1:   50:34
how this exactly happened, but somehow someone convinced Larenz is Lorenzo is Lauren Lawrence's Lawrence's.

spk_0:   50:43
I mean, I feel like I give it a mispronunciation the first time, so I'm gonna have to get that

spk_1:   50:51
Lawrence's someone convinced Laurence love is Oh, my God. Yes, that, um, that the people of Puebla were friendly to the French and that the Mexican Republican forces, basically or the little garrison that they have their which normally kept all the people in line, would be completely overrun by this population of people that totally love the French as soon as he made a show of force. So it was like, Don't worry. As soon as you start to take over like the people will be on your side, but he will go with you. Um, so, like, with this motherfucker was lied Thio. So like, May Fif 18. 62 against, Like all of the advice given by others Probably smart people who were like, No, bro, I don't think that that's what's gonna happen if you go in there. Uh, he decides to attack Puebla from the north, which is where those forts with little trenches were. He starts his attack late in the day, which once again, if we're going based on my history knowledge, which comes from game of Thrones and ancient aliens like you always want to start a battle very early in the mornings. So he serves late in the day.

spk_0:   52:18
Hello. I know when to attack. Now. Early in the morning, right? Isn't that a thing late at night when they are in their beds?

spk_1:   52:27
Oh, you're like the what's his face, though we can't. I almost know we can

spk_0:   52:34
wait. And this is just about any

spk_1:   52:39
spoiler. I'm being nice to people. If they haven't jumped into the seasons at all, I'm going to give him. I'm gonna give him the freedom to do that.

spk_0:   52:46
Well, I mean, let's be real. That happens in a lot more than just given phones. I will argue it happens in Lord of the Rings. I can't back it up because I don't have a truth. We'll get back to you. Oh, Lord. Right. Do

spk_1:   53:02
they battle? Early morning? We're finding out. Okay, anyways. Anyways, so this dude waits until a little bit later in the day. I don't know what the fuck he was doing. Um, but like, he starts using all of his heavy artillery, right for noon, and then he advances his infantry right after, um, like, by the time he was even going in and getting ready for his third attack, they needed full engagement Of all the reserves, like things were not going well for them. They had completely run out of ammo. The third infantry attack went like, completely unsupported. Like whatever it is that they had on them, I think they were just like all right, this is this is battle. This is how this goes. Um, so unlike what this dude believed would happen with the people being all like, Oh, yea, it's finally happening. And then, like overrunning this Mexican Republican garrison, Um, they didn't they didn't do that. Instead, they actually set up a huge defense like the Mexican forces all the like. Everyone there instead of totally caving the way that they expected, just, like, turned around and fought. Their ass is off. So, like they took to the field to defend the positions between the hilltop They like, you know, attacks from the hilltop. It was they got crazy with him, and the French were trying to retreat from, like, their final assault. And then Zahra's OGA is like, Nah, we're not going to just, like, let you run away. So he had his cavalry attack from the right while troops hidden along with left of the road, I believe, pivoted out to flank wth um so, like they totally pinched him

spk_0:   54:44
in their on. And that's how dare night. That's right.

spk_1:   54:50
And Oh, and this is actually okay. I think for this time at least, we know why they would normally have started in the morning. So it's notable for them to be like, Oh, they started in the afternoon, the the during that time it rained every day around, like, three o'clock. Basically. So they're out there battling. They're getting flanked. They're getting, like, stumped on, and it's raining. So it's muddy. It's messy. They're getting fucked up. Like these are all so many people that are, like on their own home turf on their territory. So they're getting stumped. Lawrence's had to withdraw to a very distant position where he noted, 462 of his men were killed against. Only 83 of the Mexicans

spk_0:   55:41
see, Noticed like he counted because, you know, they keep track of this notice for you. Notice exactly. 462. Yeah, I feel like there's that. There's another word you could use their since notice. Like what? What word could you use counted? Yeah, I thought I had it.

spk_1:   56:07
It'll come to you later, and you can just, like, yell it out. Well, you're talking about, but it will happen, okay? With no brains. Yeah, So he sees he basically sees that he got his ass kicked like he thought he was going in there like swole on his own with, like, 6000 to 2000. He also thought that people were gonna, like, overturn the government and stuff, and they didn't. So, like he got his ass speed. He's thinking, though for whatever reason, that if he waits a little bit that Sarah's OGA is gonna attack. But this dude is too smart, holds his ground. And this dude has to completely withdraw all the way back to Orry Saba, which is where, like all the shit had initially started before Dude came down to this fortress. So that was right there. That was the Battle of Pueblo, which was pretty much like this. This dude losing a much greater amount of his men versus the Mexican forces. Like it? It didn't look good for them, but they pulled it out. So it was a big deal. It was wartime Mexico, you know they were. They were looking for a victory. Battle of Pueblo became an inspirational event to them. Attn. That time France hadn't been beaten in 50 years. So I was the first time that anyone had bean friends in 50 years,

spk_0:   57:23
right? Why does everyone talk about France being like a weak ass country? was like, Yo, they balled out for, like, oh, why? Oh, you don't? Yeah, I'm excited

spk_1:   57:33
because I don't remember.

spk_0:   57:35
France presses on top of it. They were French. Empire is the Spanish Empire. The English Empire. There's so much history beyond what they teach you that starts in 17. 76 in America, you know?

spk_1:   57:50
Yeah, absolutely. We're gonna learn a lot of stuff.

spk_0:   57:53
I've got lots to learn. That's why

spk_1:   57:55
we're in the mind of snaps. Because I don't know these things, and I want us. We're gonna put him in my mind,

spk_0:   57:59
right? If you made it all the way, if you made it all the way here, Welcome to the minus.

spk_1:   58:04
Oh, my God. Right, So great.

spk_0:   58:08
I like Hold on. Here it is. Holding. He looked back to see his army. A son knowing he lost nearly 500 men. Yes, s o that is Jesus, That is apparently, man. I talk it podcast, and you're so much better at those. Really? You like he noticed. 462 and I was like, Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just thought it was interesting because it was 462

spk_1:   58:45
compared to 83 like that's a big jump.

spk_0:   58:48
You know what? I didn't

spk_1:   58:49
convey my excitement enough.

spk_0:   58:52
Get back! So I guess you're right. I don't like it. You know, I can pop it out. He looked back. Yeah. Oh,

spk_1:   59:04
my God. No. Yes. One more time. No, No. Okay, we'll continue on basically. Basically, this This wasn't really, like, overall a huge deal, But it was a big deal in terms of, like, impacts to the country toe like their their state of mind. At the time, it showed the world that, like the French victory wasn't gonna be a Z Z is like everyone else had thought because everyone thought they were just gonna go and crush, conquer and like, that's there's so they were so yes, So that was the battle itself was single two mile. It wasn't until May 9th that like the President, president Juarez declared the battle of Puebla as a national holiday, which they just called, like basically the Battle of Puebla Day or the Battle of single two mile. But so, like, it's not what not a national holiday, But all of the schools close. See, which I thought was kind of interesting

spk_0:   1:0:08
when I was looking into it. It was talking about how it is a national holiday in the in the state, that it is a national national holiday in the state. Ah, that the that the battle happened in however it is, um, it is just it's not a statutory holiday in the So it's, um so, uh, schools schools are closed, then post offices aren't clothes things like that interesting, because

spk_1:   1:0:40
I think I even said like they declared a national holiday. And then, like I said, it wasn't a national holiday, but I just remember seeing that

spk_0:   1:0:46
like I would banks and stuff stayed open, but

spk_1:   1:0:49
schools stayed closed, and I thought that was interesting. But I guess it's not everywhere.

spk_0:   1:0:53
Even it's not a holiday celebrated its its there are maybe stately, like military parades. But there is no big celebration. This day is not a celebration in the way before the July has been commercialized into ah, holiday. If if I could be, so go cious to save that. So it sounds a little, you know Kiki. Yeah, yeah, I get something. Something something else used to

spk_1:   1:1:27
agree. But, you know, fireworks are fun.

spk_0:   1:1:32
So you know That's the thing about food. I was Fireworks is go for me.

spk_1:   1:1:43
Oh, man. Yes, all of it. All of it past summer. I love summer anyways, So Pueblo was ah, was a loss or was obviously a win. But it it wasn't an overall when French forces just retreated, regrouped and then went back in and do the thing again. And like you said, they were they were doing it at the time, so they eventually did win. They won a second battle of Puebla. Um, mais 17th 18 63. So they went right back to, like, Winterfell on dhe Fuck shit up this. And then they pushed to Mexico City and took control of that. So, um, I thought it was interesting, especially because of, like, we talked about it earlier to so many people think it's Mexican Independence Day when in reality, like they were independent or they were celebrating their independence like before this at this time. They were being, you know, battle. They were being taken over and they're in the in the midst of a French invasion. What a mess.

spk_0:   1:2:46
Truly a mess.

spk_1:   1:2:47
Truly. Yeah. Okay. Did you read about why single Tamayo became a thing in America.

spk_0:   1:2:55
One. Well, I mean, like, um, it's it's it's a good excuse to represent, uh, not even represent sort of. What's the correct word? Not abuse. But I think you're thinking just drink. Yeah, it's

spk_1:   1:3:15
a good reason to drink. That's like all anyone really wants to do. They just want to go out and drink and look silly. Um, okay, so single Tamayo becoming an American thing was actually a political move. Whoa! FDR enacted this thing called the Good Neighbor Policy. So, like the whole purpose of this policy was just to improve relations with Latin American countries and communities within the U. S. So he was like, Hey, as a part of this good neighbor policy, let's recognize this day that was, like, special to you. I don't even know how they decided to recognize it. Maybe he just made an announcement or something. But in the 19 fifties, in the 19 sixties, people started celebrating it. Ah, bunch. And they were like, Okay, I mean, cool. It's a holiday that him So they just made it a national holiday when it started out as this just like good neighbor policy

spk_0:   1:4:21
thing, was interesting. This tea? Yeah.

spk_1:   1:4:26
Did you see the way that? Ah, that all the different places celebrate it like any of the different states and stuff? No, I didn't, um, Canada like that. Okay, so I think on Lee in Puebla, Mexico is where they actually do, like, a celebration on bay. I think they have like, like like dancing and lots of, like, festivals and things. I don't I don't know words right now, um, parades, celebrations and things. But, um, other than that, like the rest of Mexico, doesn't really do much. Canada has, like an air show that they do on single Tamayo, which, like I don't understand the relevance. Why let

spk_0:   1:5:08
None of

spk_1:   1:5:08
it makes sense to me because it's this, like, aerial, acrobatic air show thing, and they call it the Skydiving Boogie. I need to look into this more because I'm fascinated by every everything about it. But like that's how they celebrate. They celebrate Cinco de Maio doing that interest. No idea. Um, us is largest celebration is in l. A. And they anticipate, like, 300,000 people every year in Arizona, which I thought was kind of funny. I kind of would love to see this, um, in Arizona they do

spk_0:   1:5:54
to Walla raises I made of that e.

spk_1:   1:6:00
I imagine lots of outfits, like really, truly adorably dressed dog goes Oh, my God. Why didn't I ever look it up? I was just so engrossed in learning about all of this and imagining it and then getting lost in my head, thinking about game of Thrones again. I also got lost when I was thinking about food. Because, like every single site that I found that talked about single mile was like it is the biggest day for avocado sales. It is a big deal. Do you know did that? Did you see it? Did you see it? How many avocados they saw?

spk_0:   1:6:34
Just They're just ready for you. They're just ready for you. The last time I saw avocados, there's maybe I'm gonna say What was it Monday? What was that? 45 days ago. Is there anyone to know they were? They were there. They were there and there were two green. Do you wear? You know, not right now. Green, Have

spk_1:   1:6:54
you ever done the paper bag? Browning trick?

spk_0:   1:6:57
Yes. Put it in the world. Yeah, that works really well, it's It's, like the opposite of ah, putting a bit in in the fridge. What's the same is putting it in the fridge. I guess I should say, But they're like, you know, one. Yeah. When you want to get

spk_1:   1:7:12
outside one in

spk_0:   1:7:13
one, you want to get warm and moist Someone

spk_1:   1:7:19
out there. Actually, probably a lot of people hate you because they hate the word moist state as well. How many people hate it?

spk_0:   1:7:25
I hate it too. Yeah, I have to say it one

spk_1:   1:7:28
more time. Most. I was, like, hand on the button and on the button nose. Your

spk_0:   1:7:39
chance now. Ah. Ah,

spk_1:   1:7:49
I I could actually eat some thinking some guac right now that I think you

spk_0:   1:7:53
know you're really good. Yeah. Oh, but listen, listens. And then the

spk_1:   1:7:58
people get so excited over fucking CNN Ohio celebrations. They sell 87 million fucking pounds of avocados that day. £87 million of avocados. It is the biggest avocado day. Hell, Fucking crazy is that?

spk_0:   1:8:19
Can you mention people love it? Can you imagine? Okay, just like, imagine that appealed and pitted And just like, out open and like you're swimming through it.

spk_1:   1:8:28
Ah! Oh, my God, That's magical. I would just have life.

spk_0:   1:8:33
You just make the form

spk_1:   1:8:34
of seasoning with me to

spk_0:   1:8:35
see. That was that. This thing is I was like, Why don't you just make the jump and make it all go walk? Why don't you just imagine swimming in Guam?

spk_1:   1:8:42
Exactly. Let's go. That

spk_0:   1:8:43
round all the way. There were here for

spk_1:   1:8:45
a Glock is versatile. You can put it on a sandwich. Same is avocado. It's like the same thing. Just a little bit more. More flavor.

spk_0:   1:8:50
That's true. Anyways, anyway,

spk_1:   1:8:52
so that was That was my my knowledge and learnings of singledom

spk_0:   1:9:00
I did You learn anything? You know, that was super interesting. You learned a lot here about the battle. Like the battles. I was really fascinated. And we're after the, like, Mexican independence, which is what most, Which is what most people are like. Yes, that's the one we know. Uh,

spk_1:   1:9:18
yeah, they were all beaten someone somewhere, right? Her A independents? No.

spk_0:   1:9:24
Is that the other? What is it like in Ah, September September 16th. But doom. But in don't them. Very different. Very different time. Very different celebration. Yep. in any can. That was actually I think

spk_1:   1:9:43
that was not even this celebration of independence. That was that was Commemorating the beginning of the War of Independence.

spk_0:   1:9:51
Goodness, It's like having a tough time for the Fourth of July. The shit got signed, you know, around July, boys were picking that Jay's today for, You know, when we're putting on the day, you know? Okay, just roll with it, okay? Yes, that's

spk_1:   1:10:10
what they sounded like at that time. I imagine in your head

spk_0:   1:10:13
lose the East Coast. It was the East Coast.

spk_1:   1:10:15
Oh, okay. I see. I see. Now I see all of this makes sense. Yeah. Um uh,

spk_0:   1:10:22
so this was, like,

spk_1:   1:10:23
fascinating Though I learned a thing I never

spk_0:   1:10:26
I never had

spk_1:   1:10:27
an opportunity to learn. Like anything about history. Yeah, I always touched out of my classes of history. I don't know how I passed. I honestly I know I got good grades in my task. I don't remember anything about anything is gonna be an interesting adventure, Mr Riles,

spk_0:   1:10:45
This is gonna be a fun time.

spk_1:   1:10:48
Yeah, because we're gonna learn more things, because do you want Do you want to say what next? next month or well, in, like, three weeks. Four weeks, whatever. After three more episodes, what our next, um hi. History topic is gonna be about

spk_0:   1:11:02
what we want to or do. Wanna tease a little later? I think I say tease. Okay. Desk, seventies.

spk_1:   1:11:12
Oh, my God. Okay, I'm

spk_0:   1:11:16
just You get to call people directly. Country. Oh. Called for my life. You've

spk_1:   1:11:33
never been called a husky. I remember my my my Nana saying, and she was like my my great grandma. And she was totally sassy German Leo. No. And like, if there was ever any kind of clothing that was too too revealing. You wanna go out dressed like a husky? Just remember the way we should sell it. Husi. I don't know. It just sounded like especially bad. Like, you don't want to be a husky. I had no idea what I meant, but I didn't. Definitely didn't want to be a Husi. An apparent that you don't either. Yeah, Husi. Yeah, I got okay. Well, motherfuckers, you don't get to know what the next high history episode is gonna be about. We're gonna We're gonna

spk_0:   1:12:21
let you know later. Keep askin Baskin, This is it. And

spk_1:   1:12:29
if you want to suggest any topics to us for high history, you can hit us up on the social media. You can email me at mind of snaps at gmail dot com. Gino's dope. Uh, Riley, do you want to tell him when they can find you on the twitch? Do you have a schedule?

spk_0:   1:12:49
Uh, like a knife to the gut? Do you have a schedule poem?

spk_1:   1:12:55
It's okay. You can just be like now, bitch. I'm like, I'm wild. Humphrey, Just follow me on Twitter.

spk_0:   1:13:00
Give me info on Twitter. You'll see what's happening there. Way. Okay,

spk_1:   1:13:07
so Riley streams on such occasionally. They are pretty fucking great Streams. Remember school friend at Riley Hot Sauce? He's very entertaining. You'll get to see, um, And as for me, you can find some more information about some of the stuff that I work on it. Mind of snaps dot com. I don't know where you came to this podcast from. You can find me on twitch six days a week at twitch dot tv slash she snaps and all my other social media is undermined of stamps. So follow me. Hit me up. Let's talk. I'm always down to discuss new ideas. And if you have some like I said suggestions or this particular segment, I am open to them. We are open to them. I think next month is gonna be right.

spk_0:   1:13:53
It's gonna be It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be a good damn time.

spk_1:   1:13:57
Yeah, I agree. I agree. Yeah. Have fun celebrating Cinco Tamayo. Everyone. I'm sure none of this will be retained. Then you are probably putting a sombrero on your head as we speak. So please enjoy your Corona or your Modell. Oh, and the giant fake mustache Smash some avocados and drive safely. Have a dope day, dudes.

spk_0:   1:14:23
Adios, motherfuckers, huh?