Mind of Snaps Podcast

High History: Puff Puff Past - The History of Video Games | Episode 08 - Mind of Snaps Podcast

RileyHotSauce Season 1 Episode 8

Rileyhotsauce joins us again for another edition of High History: Puff Puff Past. This time we dive into the History of Video games!Listen and then follow us everywhere:Twitter & IG: RileyHotSauceTwitter & IG: MindofSnapsPatreon.com/SheSnaps


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Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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spk_0:   0:11
Welcome to the mind of snap podcast with your host jets. A. She stamps a popular twitch broadcaster, photographer, entrepreneur and Mendel's advocates in this and future cast expect to fall on with snaps as she learns more about her mind the world and her fellow humans. It could get messy, but stick around. You might just learn something as you enter the mind of snap Way.

spk_1:   0:37
Okay, so we are ready to get started with Episode eight of the Mind of Snaps Podcast. This episode is another high history puff puff past episode. And by the way, I found out that it was Mrs Clever Kill who came up with the Puff puff pass part and I was fucking thrilled I couldn't remember. So this week, we meaning myself and Riley hot sauce are going to be discussing the history of video games. And if you haven't been here before for one of these high history podcasts, as you may have guessed, we plan to be high for this. I got a fatty doo ready. I've got some dabs going. We're ready to get silly. And for this particular podcast, Riley is gonna be taken the lead. So Riley say hello. Hello, folks. And now that you have said hello, Um, let's get started. I'm so excited because last week I realized something I didn't really consider when I was starting this this podcast with you or this, like, part of the podcast. And that's that. Like, even though we're researching the same topic, it could go so many different way

spk_0:   1:52
end up in different places. Yeah.

spk_1:   1:54
Yeah. So I did all kinds of research on this. You know, the history of video games is something I think we're kind of immersed in anyways. So it just I'm fascinated to see where your research took you this week, much like the last time we did this for this and go to my 01 where I was in, like, the prequel story. And you were in present day, right? So let's get started. Why don't you just just start wherever you want to start while I get this little duba roasted? Or should I light the doobie after the dab? Where are you at with your mental state? Presently

spk_0:   2:33
way went on a We enjoyed a little joint, Noah. I'm gonna be I'm gonna be roasting a couple of bowls as we start getting through this. But you know where we're gonna start with the ah, with years we're gonna be I think I think thing, Deb first,

spk_1:   2:50
Deptford. I think you're right. Because it while I'm going through the doobie the dab is kind of settling in nicely. Everything. Oh, my God. Your souls

spk_0:   2:58
were critical thinking right here. Okay, we got through

spk_1:   3:01
this. You know, it's the only bummer about this is that I accidentally left my packs three Vape thing in my brother's car.

spk_0:   3:08
Oh, no.

spk_1:   3:09
Little sister's bringing it home today. And that thing is so nice because I found out. So it has, like, four different temperature levels. The 4th 1 is what I use for concentrates, too, is what I put it on for. Flower and I have all this hash like, not all this, but I have a little bit of hash that I have not used in a while because I haven't been smoking bowls is often. And I've found that a hash and flower pack well, rose up quite quite nicely in the past 33 setting.

spk_0:   3:44
You're all on top of it.

spk_1:   3:46
I know. I was really excited about that because I dropped like, a little a little chunk a Rooney, a little rock like the bubble hash. And it's just

spk_0:   3:54
goodness right on top

spk_1:   3:56
rights, we're gonna People are gonna yell at me for the, um the high heat that I use, I think for my Debs, But I need uneven female, so, you know, deal with it

spk_0:   4:05
how it goes. All right, folks. Let's, um Let's look away. We should get started. Um, yeah. You know, uh, in order to tell this story properly, we need to go back to 18. 32. It's a name by the A man by the name of Ebony's Nok. It starts

spk_1:   4:20
going. Are you fucking serious? We're going into the 1800. What? Okay. All right.

spk_0:   4:27
So we don't have to go too far back when you look at what you could consider a video game. You know, the what started popping off was around the around. Hold on, folks. Let me just

spk_1:   4:38
move. All right? Before right before. But oh, my God.

spk_0:   4:47
All right, all right. No emergency nominee to Doc.

spk_1:   4:55
I'm so excited. A side note. Which we have a lot of drinking. Yep. I'm so excited that we have this wonderful editor now, Nika Mick, who's gonna make this all sound in, like, flow better after this? Truly, I'm so excited to see how it turns out for this podcast specifically

spk_0:   5:18
a god among men,

spk_1:   5:19
because it's just silly fun and Oh, my gosh. The guest hosts that we have coming out of the way. Okay. Okay,

spk_0:   5:30
So we're gonna, like talk. Let's say, um um the first, the first chess computer program was made by on touring. And I mean, like, what? Did that guy not D'oh! Am I right? Like he was just

spk_1:   5:43
Oh, my gosh. I just watched that movie about Alan Turing.

spk_0:   5:47
The imitation game.

spk_1:   5:48
Yes, Money was all excited for podcast listeners. If you don't know my boyfriend, his his name on interrupts his money buys happiness. So we always calling money. But anyways, money was really excited about all of that because of how much it tied into, like the first computers made. Yeah, So we watched the movie, and that is Ah, heartbreaking story.

spk_0:   6:11
It's some, you know, it's pretty tragic.

spk_1:   6:13
Like his personal story of super said the actual like science and everything behind it. Mind blowing.

spk_0:   6:20
Oh, the technology there is. It's incredible as these things are uncovered, but yeah, his personal. So I mean, you know, the film festival is in full swing right now. And let me tell you, there's not a lot of LGBT films that will end happy. So

spk_1:   6:34
when When?

spk_0:   6:35
In any case, um, if you if you want to be pedantic about it, though, there wasn't a Tom Aton, um, it was It was built in Ah, in 1912. And it was, um it was you can. It has been argued that I could be the considered the first computer game and, um,

spk_1:   6:54
in 1912. And I am. That's so early.

spk_0:   6:59
Yeah, right. And it's, um it was just this little, uh how do I explain it? It would It would play chess without, like, a human with, like, a human guiding it. You know, it

spk_1:   7:12
wasn't like describe it to me visually. I I just started to spark this duper silently. Okay, get this going. Okay.

spk_0:   7:21
It looked like a chessboard, but hella big.

spk_1:   7:26
But it was like digital.

spk_0:   7:27
It wasn't digital. This was This is in a Tom Aton. This thing is mechanics. It was mechanics that, um

spk_1:   7:34

spk_0:   7:35
yeah, because it was still, like, back in the day, 1912.

spk_1:   7:39
Yeah, cause I wasn't picturing digital in, like, a fancy sense. I was picturing like the very basic Like Like I got in a square kind of thing, but yeah, I guess I know what we're talking about. 1912. I feel

spk_0:   7:52
like we know computers were still.

spk_1:   7:55
Guys, this is a morning stream. This is this'll. This is a morning podcast recording we're doing awakened a waking

spk_0:   8:07
and baking. Ah, you're you're waking up with us. So welcome.

spk_1:   8:14
Please continue on describing this mechanical thing. That is definitely not digital.

spk_0:   8:19
No, No worries. Yeah, but it was just this atomic gone. It was like something that I stumbled upon in research. And it was like it was like a simple little chest simulator that would like, you know, play for an endgame. But like, it was back in that it was far before its time, folks.

spk_1:   8:35
Yeah, because the first, Like, Like, I guess there's some deep debate potentially here. But like the first actual one will were going like Magnavox. That's 1972 on the Notorious 77. So that's that's quite a fucking gap.

spk_0:   8:50
All right. Well, yeah, there was always that. I don't know that focus. You know, the innovation Wasn't there always or it seemed. You know what? You could argue the innovation was always there, even when we didn't have the technology yet.

spk_1:   9:03
Wow. You really? Because we don't know what they were doing behind the scenes. I'm crying

spk_0:   9:10
right now, you guys all right, But, uh, but when we're talking about, you know, like, what would be considered a modern day video game, you can kind of split it as you go through the history of it. You can kind of split it into two little separate, um, locations, which is like, arcade games and home consoles.

spk_1:   9:28
What about PCs, though? Well, does that count as home console? Yeah, you'd.

spk_0:   9:34
I mean, I would consider that because it was personal, you know? That's

spk_1:   9:36
at yeah, personal computer.

spk_0:   9:38
Yeah, not not necessarily a consul, But it still carries that idea of, you know, an at home experience, not a go and pay experience.

spk_1:   9:48
Did you? You're How old are you? I forget. Ah,

spk_0:   9:52
Told you think I am?

spk_1:   9:55
You could You're so, um God,

spk_0:   9:59
I ask this question to everyone before I tell them

spk_1:   10:01
I do the same thing, though. I always like hearing people. Guess, um, Jesus, because I'm fairly certain. Like you've got great skin, your hair, everything, Like you probably are super young, but then we have conversations sometimes that maybe it's just because I'm a jackass. I'm thinking like you couldn't have this conversation if you weren't, like, around my age, you know? So I don't know. You could be anywhere from, like 22 2 28 But you're definitely not in late twenties. You've got to be 22 2 25

spk_0:   10:35
I am a I'm a I'm a wee lad at 22.

spk_1:   10:39
I was right. Yes, because I was like, You're definitely not 21. That's something that comes up without, like, meaning, Thio. Exactly that you like. This is my first year out at the bar present,

spk_0:   10:53
like you can smell it on him.

spk_1:   10:55
Exactly. Exactly. Okay. So that that lady's into my next question expiry time on personal computers, and obviously this is gonna bounce all over the place. Did you play any educational computer games growing up that required you to use flabby does.

spk_0:   11:15
Now here's what Here's what I'm gonna say is the presence of floppy disks was there in my house. That wasn't me. I feel like my brother did My brothers Three years

spk_1:   11:24
older than me. Yeah.

spk_0:   11:27
No, I can't say I have an experience. Remember using a floppy disk,

spk_1:   11:32
man, I was going through, like, straight up memory lane today and yesterday, looking through all these old educational games for computers from from the early nineties. And I guess maybe all of the nineties and I stumbled upon one. And I was thinking, Oh, my gosh, if somehow Riley also played this game, I'm gonna be so excited because I just I want to talk to someone who has played the castle of Dr Brain or the island of Dr Brain Is those used to be? So savor it ones and math Blaster.

spk_0:   12:09
Oh, Math Blaster.

spk_1:   12:10
You played math Blaster? Yep. Yeah, Okay, that redeems it. See, that's why I like you. You fuck with me sometimes with me thinking that you're a little older than you are.

spk_0:   12:20
Yep, it happens. It happens.

spk_1:   12:23
Okay. Well, that was important. I just needed to know if you had played any of those that I gives the raid

spk_0:   12:28
of how long was the reign of the floppy disk?

spk_1:   12:32
Should I mean, I was using those, like, save stuff on in school at one point. Man, that's so weird. Oh, my

spk_0:   12:43
commercially available in 71. Damn. Wow. Well, uh well,

spk_1:   12:48
uh, so long reign truly. Let's bring him back long May they reign? Team on a floppy.

spk_0:   12:57
Let's are getting our external floppy disk

spk_1:   12:59
reading again. Oh, they made a noise. They were kind of They were kinda cute. They were cute and color. Do you could you could have all these brightly different colored floppy disks and that made you unique. You

spk_0:   13:12
know, I remember that soft sort of red.

spk_1:   13:15
Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God, that's I hate that You even describe the color perfectly because it was red. It wasn't like deep enough to be like a brick red or like a burgundy. It wasn't like bright. It was It was a soft. It was like a soft red, like it was already old when they gave it to you. And that's why I like once in its life, it was a vibrant red. Now it is soft here. This is a brand new item. We've decided it should look old.

spk_0:   13:47
It's like sitting on a pallet. It has been for the last 20 years. We made them all in the seventies, and people just wouldn't stop buying him.

spk_1:   13:54
Oh, my God. I thought I have floppy disks in my house.

spk_0:   13:58
You're gonna, like, find them somewhere. I'm going thio. I actually, I actually took a big step and I got rid of my, uh, bag of chords.

spk_1:   14:08
No way. Yeah, yeah, I am proud of you. And happy for you. That is like parting with what feels like something connected to your body. Honestly. But what if I need it? What? What exactly? I just have I came to the

spk_0:   14:25
conclusion I was like, I have lived my life without these cords, right? And I was just, like, just get rid of them on get up. You can just buy a court again,

spk_1:   14:35
right? And then I'm like, Well, but I'm trying to be frugal. I am smart with my money. This is the smart saving thing to do, because then I won't have to spend the $6.42 in the future,

spk_0:   14:48
right? Oh,

spk_1:   14:50
gosh. This is about the history of video games were good at this. Only joint went out.

spk_0:   14:56
Oh, no.

spk_1:   14:58
Oh, no, no, no. Oh, uh, practicing is fun. Dude, we might have to make this, like, a more regular thing. We might try and break this bitch out.

spk_0:   15:13
It might spin. Yeah, she she might spin off.

spk_1:   15:16
She might our she spends those e could feel your pity for me in that fucking last. Please got okay. Please teach me something. I like this gun or else I'm gonna keep saying stupid shit.

spk_0:   15:41
Yeah, but like, let's honestly think about it. There's, like, two types of video games that were

spk_1:   15:46
left back so fast, you know, it's really my mind.

spk_0:   15:51
It's ever present in my

spk_1:   15:52
mind. Okay? Okay. I'm good.

spk_0:   15:56
You're either going somewhere and you're paying. And that machine you're not paying for that machine, you know? And when they first started popping off like they were, it was single machines. It wasn't until, like the retro, um, era hit that we started getting Oh, this machine has, like, you know, all 60 classic games you like. Okay, calm down. You're like, Where's Donna? But

spk_1:   16:16
actually, I haven't any as classic. I don't get to play it often.

spk_0:   16:19
Oh, that's great.

spk_1:   16:21
I've already there. Any us too.

spk_0:   16:23
I wish I still had all of my the Oh, let's. Yeah, well, I'll just go through the consul's that I still have. Like, I had to get rid of a lot of my early early turn of the century stuff, so I don't have my and 64 anymore.

spk_1:   16:36
No mind still lives

spk_0:   16:38
good. I don't have my GameCube either.

spk_1:   16:41
Don't know that.

spk_0:   16:42
I do have police stations. Two through four. Damn, that's That's the life that I live.

spk_1:   16:50
That's pretty dope that ends.

spk_0:   16:52
Well, I've got I've got Xboxes. Well

spk_1:   16:55
00 yeah. And a b c. And then yes,

spk_0:   16:58
yes. Again, the argument for, ah PC being considered a home device and or Cancio?

spk_1:   17:07
I mean, you're you're using it for gaming

spk_0:   17:11
straight up street. Yeah, like that's the thing is, are you going somewhere? And are you paying or are you buying something? And then you're you know, it's on your own terms. That's the That's the divide there. And so well, you know, arcade gaming, you know it it was it was strong. And then it definitely had, like, a resurgence in like early mid nineties, you know, again, right? And then even now they're, you know, bark aides are a trend. Yeah, you see him everywhere, but it's it's always sort of been there. And it's not that there hasn't been a lot of information because there has. There's, you know, headsets that you pulled down over your head. There's only all the shooting games and everything

spk_1:   17:52
that we're talking about me. Are

spk_0:   17:54
we talking about, like, arcade games in general like,

spk_1:   17:56
Oh, I totally went in a different direction. Okay, Yeah, I'm picturing it now. It's in my brain.

spk_0:   18:03
There's those ones. I mean, it came out sometime in like, you know, the Midhat so but it wasn't really v. R. It was just like a headset that you would bring down and was, you know, had some trigger handles in here.

spk_1:   18:15
It's like immersive. I get it. Yeah, I feel it took me a second to click into that mental picture, and remember, you were at an arcade, but I'm back with you at the arcade. Maybe it's a beer cabe arcade, whatever you call it, but it's a decade

spk_0:   18:31
in the cave is happening continues. In any case, Oh, I couldn't jump back right in that way. I got it. I lost my train of thought, the same guys. I

spk_1:   18:43
wasn't ready. I guess you'll be so proud of me. Tell me. I stopped myself from saying anyways, twice recently, I managed to say Anyway, on the first try,

spk_0:   18:56
and you were like it. Yep.

spk_1:   18:59
Yeah. I think that

spk_0:   19:00
I'm like putting a hand on your shoulder in your mind.

spk_1:   19:02
Honestly. And I think one of the times I, like, exclaimed it to chat as I was streaming. Riley would be so proud. E get excited because I didn't I still can't believe that one was gratuitous, its presence in my life. And you sat there and had to suffer that. And it hurts. Limb will traumatized by knowing that I used anyways in place of anyway for

spk_0:   19:26
so long. Well, what made it worth it was the fact that you corrected me. And so I was immediately able to, um, you know, give you your comeuppance and justice. You're right back. That's

spk_1:   19:36
what the most I I always tell people because I would want to be corrected as I was. Now I'm now I'm correct on it. I come. Correct. Now

spk_0:   19:46
show up known. What's up

spk_1:   19:48
exactly? I'm cool with it, especially. Oh, my gosh. I really lately have really enjoyed being proven wrong about stuff, because then it just sends me down this path of new things to learn that I didn't know existed a lot of times. So it was I I feel better a little bit just knowing that little thing that I can fix it.

spk_0:   20:09
I feel I feel so much more. Uh, what's the word like? If if I find out I'm wrong, there's so much value and me actually saying, Oh, I'm I'm wrong, You're right. And it's like almost freeing because you're really very much giving whatever that interaction needs to sort of continue moving on as opposed to being that weird argument.

spk_1:   20:29
Yes, and oh, my gosh, no, it's

spk_0:   20:32
fine. Like I understand now, like you need to understand I'm wrong. We're I'm wrong, like, please, just you know,

spk_1:   20:39
it doesn't halt it right there. It keeps things moving forward. Dude, you have got to listen to that, Ellen. All the book get it on audible because it just totally like your job. Your perspective of that. That concept I guess of being wrong and accepting it is so in line with what he talks about with improv all the time and how good it is for us. And it's the concept of yes. And instead of saying no to anything that's presented to you, you say yes and then try to add to it.

spk_0:   21:12
Yo. Okay, so we're gonna start using yes, and is like a za life coaching tool.

spk_1:   21:18
Legit. It is in my mind now. Yes, and all the time. I see it and shows now like money. And I say this to each other all the time. Well, there it is. Yes. And it totally makes you think. But his his book, You would fucking love it.

spk_0:   21:32
This is, um this has been the history of Alan Alda.

spk_1:   21:35
Uh, he was in MASH. Guys. That's the guy I'm talking about.

spk_0:   21:41
Alan Alda. Alan Alda. He was also in a 30 rock. He played Jack's

spk_1:   21:46
dad is very main accident when he was in a really long ago. We're not the blackout. The blacklist. The blacklist is popped in for some suds

spk_0:   22:00
with James Spader.

spk_1:   22:01
Yes, sir.

spk_0:   22:02
Couldn't I Couldn't. I couldn't do it. I couldn't

spk_1:   22:05
d'oh didn't like it,

spk_0:   22:07
Okay? No, the cold open. He's like, I'm turning myself in there like, Wow, he's like he's like, I will only talk to this one woman.

spk_1:   22:17
And I was like,

spk_0:   22:17
Oh, okay, so it's her dot like, is that his daughter? And then they should just drags the fuck out. I remember just watching a man jump into ah into ah into a river in like, the pilot episode. And I was like,

spk_1:   22:30
Man, you're in

spk_0:   22:31
a full suit like the second in command agent and usually in your full suit, like jumping like 60 feet. But James Spader gets a lot of like it's very like C s I Miami. I feel like he gets a lot of, like, lines off.

spk_1:   22:46
He does, yes. And that's honestly why I love that show now, because it's such an easy watch. Ah, lot of it is predictable in the stuff that isn't is enough for me to be like Okay, I'll keep watching this. This is good shit.

spk_0:   23:00
I was looking for, like, deep intrigue like scandal style like woven back and forth, All those scandalous like gun off the rails slightly.

spk_1:   23:09
I haven't

spk_0:   23:09
even scandal Good uh, I think the first season is only like six episodes. It was a midseason replacement, So I always recommend shows that start off that way because it's, like, low bite, a little moves.

spk_1:   23:21
Boo. You don't have to do. You don't have to commit to the whole fucking thing. History of okay

spk_0:   23:30
is incredible. It's incredible. How much Shonda Rhimes is involved in the history of video games is quite incredible, but Okay, so, um yeah, let's let's Let's be Ah, we've been talking about Arcade. So let's talk about, like the consul's. So what? 72 was, um, Atari

spk_1:   23:53
No. 77 was Atari 72 was Magna Box, Magnum box, Magnum box. Is that Samantha? I can't. I can't picture. The last time I saw that logo anywhere,

spk_0:   24:09
um, I always get sad when I think about the Dreamcast. Oh, we're jumping ahead, folks. We're just

spk_1:   24:17
We didn't just jump a little, but I can see why you would feel sad. Like how many? I wonder how many it sold. That was probably I feel like it didn't, um Oh,

spk_0:   24:29
there was a There was a magazine cover that was like making the rounds. Um, it was you know, some like, gamer magazine from, like, the early outs. And it was saying like Dreamcast too. And everyone is like, this is hilarious and so sad,

spk_1:   24:42
huh? Ah, uh, roll guy.

spk_0:   24:46
Yeah. Never got his Never got his wings.

spk_1:   24:52
Oh, man. What console were there any that you wanted but didn't get, like, not in just going all of them. But only that you were like, I really need to save up for that. And then I never worked out because it took a long time before I was able to buy my first Xbox. I was just working too much to be able to, like, invest in a consul other than just playing any s r and 64.

spk_0:   25:15
I see. Well, I was working so that I could, you know, get the consul's. That's how it was the first, the first. You know, actually, Oh, you know what? I do actually remember, uh, getting quite ah, getting quite into a tizzy about the S P. I wasn't thinking about handhelds, but the SP, the gameboy SP, the clam show one because my brother and I shared a color for years. So, like, I don't know, maybe 2004 that the S p which is like the clamshell it was after the advance and I was like Pokemon again. I was like, We're coming back. We're gonna be doing it. We're gonna be popping off with this SP with the back light and the

spk_1:   26:01
Kremlin bullets color. That would have been such a great fucking look to. It would have been so stylish. Everyone would've

spk_0:   26:09
been telling. Wow, in any case, in any case, So, um, I wish I wrote down years on my notes. In any case, the attorneys in 77. When does Pong Popoff

spk_1:   26:26
pong? Oh, actually, don't know,

spk_0:   26:29
because here's the thing. Pong was a damn revolution and it spawned its own. Like there's so many clones of it around that time as well.

spk_1:   26:41
I'm creeping on pong right now. We're gonna get to the bottom of this. Pong was 72 0 yeah, because that was that was a Wait. What? Wait a minutes. Oh, yeah, yeah, OK, it

spk_0:   26:52
was manufactured. Ah, Atari. But it does look like Wait, Hold on. A company founded and 72

spk_1:   26:59
I Yeah, mate. Initial Release date. November 29 1972

spk_0:   27:05
This is going

spk_1:   27:07
well. Wow. Wow. Wow.

spk_0:   27:09
Wow. But yeah, Peng with, um, what's it called? Ball in paddle ball in paddle. And there's first of all, there's been so many ball in paddle, um, games or things that was similar to it. Like, um, where Pong was. Ah, back and forth. Um, there was break out, which is the one that was Ah, uh, bricks.

spk_1:   27:30
I was just gonna say was what was the bricks? One was that break out. That's breakout. I love. Oh, my God.

spk_0:   27:37
I was 76.

spk_1:   27:39
Lay that mindlessly for hours. Wow.

spk_0:   27:44
And then and then what was that? I'm pretty sure it was like a space invaders. That sort of took the, um, took that idea

spk_1:   27:52
of e

spk_0:   27:54
l yeah. Being right there at the front And, um uh, trying to take out the bricks, but they're like, you know, put in space aliens shoot instead of bounce off it, you know, it changes. It revolutionizes things

spk_1:   28:06
really does. Man. Some of these games, when you think about, like, actually playing them, it's like, Damn, I would do that right now. That's why don't I have that right now? It looks so fine.

spk_0:   28:18
Yeah, I see that We had a bark aid here in the city, and it just closed. It was it was an incredible spot. There's ah,

spk_1:   28:26
you know my

spk_0:   28:27
name. Well, it's not the only one, but it was so damn close. It was them.

spk_1:   28:33
What was the machine that you wanted to go? And

spk_0:   28:36
Gallagher I was making my own was right up there at the top. It had this little mentioning it was called was called John Jones.

spk_1:   28:44
John John's on Rip John John's. You will be

spk_0:   28:47
made the F's and chat. Speaking of F's and Chad, let's talk about dead consuls.

spk_1:   28:56
Dad. Consuls. Oh, that was an amazing Segway.

spk_0:   29:00
I was kind of proud of it a little bit. Wow. Yeah,

spk_1:   29:04
like I don't want it. I don't even want the 1st 1 edited out. I just want to, like, have you do that again. Just because it was such a great segue way. I want to hear it again. I got chills.

spk_0:   29:13
Okay. Wait, wait. Okay. Um, it was I said something about dead council.

spk_1:   29:18
Speaking of us and chan,

spk_0:   29:20
Thank you. Speaking of s and chat.

spk_1:   29:27
Wait. Oh, God. All right, moving. I'm dying. Okay. Oh, uh,

spk_0:   29:44
So, like, arcades just continue to pop off in, you know, through the seventies into the eighties and then that had their received Vince in the nineties, as that's going on, there's still the, um you know, there's still the fight for home consoles with Atari. Drop in. And then, um you know, Sagan was coming in behind.

spk_1:   30:07
I never had a single, but my friend right up the road had once I would always played her. She managed to get every fucking council and she had way doper PC games at a young age than me. It was awesome. Oh, my God. If Elia a shout out to a lei for always having dope shit flee

spk_0:   30:22
with Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, Actually, a friend of my own shadow to Nick He was the one who would always go over And we play all the soul caliber, games and stuff Oh, he Yeah, no good, good,

spk_1:   30:32
good gamer Friends are like very, very important.

spk_0:   30:36
Uh huh. And it's it's it's a It's a deep connection. Agree? It's in any case, when you were like hitting the early eighties is when, um um the any ass is coming out.

spk_1:   30:48
Yeah, that Waas. 83 year. Yeah. 00 We got it in 85 though, because Japan got any s and anything.

spk_0:   31:00
Okay, well, there was the What was Thea? Um And what was it in 82? There was. Ah, console is the Commodore.

spk_1:   31:12
Oh, a Commodore 64. Ah, see, I don't really know anything about that one. It's like it's a great little running joke, but I don't think I have to like Google this right now. I want to see if I actually would

spk_0:   31:24
like, You know, I feel like for some people, their their little joke is the Commodore 64. I feel like my demographic. The joke is the Dreamcast.

spk_1:   31:36
Yeah. Okay. I've never seen one of these things.

spk_0:   31:39
What's the dream cast of today?

spk_1:   31:41
Oh, like the the consul that wishes it could.

spk_0:   31:47
Mmm mmm.

spk_1:   31:48
Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Where does we come in? Compared to, like, Xbox and P s for Or like, PlayStation, I guess.

spk_0:   31:55
Okay, so ps, ps, the PlayStation

spk_1:   31:57
GPS is

spk_0:   31:59
that I was like, the ps ps one. I was like, No, um, yeah, the PlayStation came in, what, in 93 um,

spk_1:   32:09
in any form. And, uh, well, I could be wrong. I am dumb. Continue.

spk_0:   32:13
But, um, that was competing with, um, here's what we should do. We should talk about the generations of the consul's there, like right now p a. PlayStation for an Xbox one. We're in like the eighth generation of home consoles, and so, like it goes all the way back, and it's sort of, you know, the the borders are sort of, ah, wonky. But it it's about the technology. It's about the, you know, 32 bad 64 bit things like that. But I wish I could just walk you guys through my mind right now.

spk_1:   32:49
I wish I could just stroll through it like at any given time. I feel like it would be pretty entertaining. I would pick and choose the like. I would wait until we were out, like wandering around, walking through a park or something, and you start spacing on and like looking through the trees, and I would be like, who hop into that brain. Let's see what's going on.

spk_0:   33:09
See, that's the only time you can do it. Otherwise, I'm like I got my psychic guards.

spk_1:   33:13
Yeah, and also like, I feel like that's when you have your open happy in her thoughts all the other times during your day, it could be some, like, real personal stuff that you're dealing with, not built like the world is so pretty. Look at these trees. Look

spk_0:   33:29
at all of it.

spk_1:   33:30
Look at all of it now. Oh, God. Oh, I need to realize my joint keeps going out because I literally have space out and stared out the windows a couple of times just listening and trying to visualize some of the games. And like consuls we're talking about,

spk_0:   33:49
that's what keeps happening is I also end up like looking out the window and just thinking about, you know, days, oval, the way the control is. What I'm thinking about is the way the controllers fit in my hands, you know?

spk_1:   33:59
Oh, my gosh. Dude,

spk_0:   34:01
how the n 64 control, if in your head

spk_1:   34:03
how the whole weird ass controller.

spk_0:   34:07
Yeah, my my brother was like, No, I mean, you were gonna be holding it like this, and I was like, What the hell? What is this? What is this? Third arm on the left For

spk_1:   34:14
that? You hold the guy on the left guy like what air you supposed todo?

spk_0:   34:19
I felt I felt taunted by that third, uh, by that third stare as a left handed

spk_1:   34:25
person truly taunted. It was just a really weird design man. I don't understand where they were going with that, like none of it.

spk_0:   34:39
It's interesting when you see, like how Nintendo has countered, you know, because it seems like Microsoft and Sony own like the American market, at least when it comes to consuls. And then Nintendo comes in, and each time they do come in, they kind of have a not gimmicky approach. But they have an idea, like they do the three D s or they do. They were doing the weed, the motions, you know, the motion controllers. It always had. It has, like, a tag. It's not just, ah, consul. Here it is. It's like, this is a little different. You know the switch. You're taking it anywhere. There's like there's ah, something more than just putting out a quality comes.

spk_1:   35:20
Do you remember what connect marketing

spk_0:   35:22
angle? I do remember that.

spk_1:   35:25
That's what you were just making me think of is how fucking dope I thought The connect waas.

spk_0:   35:31
Oh, that's oh, those animals that can connect

spk_1:   35:35
him. Oh, my gosh. Yeah,

spk_0:   35:38
they would like be your friends. I was like, Oh, my God.

spk_1:   35:41
I remember also like, some of the little things that would come with being able to use that I would listen to music on my Xbox downstairs. And if I have friends over and we were all hanging out, I would just stand up for, like, you know, sitting on the couch, waiting at the TV to skip to the next song in there. Like I thought I was so fucking cool. Man, those things were so cool. And I really liked the There was like an exercise or a fitness game. You could d'oh! And it made sure that you were standing in, like, the proper posture and everything Thio moves. It was kind of like yoga.

spk_0:   36:15
Interesting. Yeah, I did. I had I had the we balance board. It was like the week

spk_1:   36:20
I always wanted that, but enough Never had a It was

spk_0:   36:25
nice, but it's the same ism. Like any anything that tries to make you better. Like, uh, language or Jim. It's like, Hey, where where

spk_1:   36:33
are you? We've met like back

spk_0:   36:35
in your

spk_1:   36:35
life. Fucking It's so funny. You say that my Rosetta stone fucking, uh, went through this morning. Yeah, I definitely forgot that. That was coming up soon, and I was just like, um, paying a lot for something I haven't been using enough. So I was motivated. Didn't do anything.

spk_0:   36:58
I used duo lingo. Have you heard of

spk_1:   37:00
that? Okay. I may have been drinking water. I d'oh, I Oh, I have I have heard of that. But I have never had a chance to look into it because I really liked Rosetta Stone when I was using it a long time ago and then fell off. So I was hoping that this time I would do a better job.

spk_0:   37:19
I never I never used Rosetta Stone, but dueling Go yo, it's free. It's a little app. It's very much, you know, sort of ah, Designed is like a trivia style sort of gaming, like it's not gaming, but like game, you know, it's it's not trivialize, but it's really great for, like, vocabulary building. I can't say it's like helping me with understanding or speaking fluent.

spk_1:   37:46
That's what I think it

spk_0:   37:47
definitely like vocabulary, But

spk_1:   37:49
benefit of Rosetta Stone is rose it because it's they. They have a really interesting way of teaching it. It's not just like filling in the blankets. You you played sort of like you go through a bunch of different ways. Sometimes it's saying that sometimes it's filling in the blanks. Sometimes it's picking a picture, but they don't really give you much contacts. Other than that, it just it little ask you like a question in Spanish after giving you some like vocabulary. I don't know. It's hard to explain, but it's It's a pretty interesting approach, and I've really liked it so far. I I always feel like I'm getting it. And then I don't bother to speak Spanish to money in order to reinforce it. And it's

spk_0:   38:29
and it's just gone. This has been the

spk_1:   38:32
history. We're so good at this. I'm so excited, though, because, um, I actually feel like, wonderfully high, and I'm gonna continue on with this joint. Um, but, you know, the people who are listening to this particular podcasts, like you guys know who you are. You you find this kind of stupid shit funny, too. So it's cool, like they're probably fucking driving in their cars space and out while we're talking. And those times when we're spacing out looking out the windows, they're fuckin sitting on the couch spacing doing dishes. Who knows, man?

spk_0:   39:10
Got your headphones in. Hey, you. Yeah,

spk_1:   39:12
you love. Thanks for smoking with us. Thanks

spk_0:   39:18
for challenge, but yeah. What? Okay, so back on it. PlayStation 95 um, 96 intend to 64.

spk_1:   39:29
Okay. Oh, man. That was such a fun, fun Consul, though I really like this. Don't Even though the thing's

spk_0:   39:36
going, Yeah, the controller was silly, but like you just accepted it, cause it, like that was a game changer. Especially when you start talking about titles like Kareena or, um, Goldeneye,

spk_1:   39:49
GoldenEye? No. Our job.

spk_0:   39:54
No, our job. I would actually I do our job. But this was the night fire. I liked the multi player on night fire. Better. That's a divisive. That's like a divisive opinion I realized I have is I think night fires better than GoldenEye.

spk_1:   40:08
Um, I don't think I played it

spk_0:   40:11
night fire on the Game Cube. It was another one of the James Bond games.

spk_1:   40:13
Okay, Okay,

spk_0:   40:15
But cold night it did do a lot to change him.

spk_1:   40:19
I remember that being like the friendship game, everyone played GoldenEye together.

spk_0:   40:24
Yeah, yeah, everyone, it was. It was ubiquitous.

spk_1:   40:28
Oh, my goodness. It was What are their games? Don't even play on my own 64. Now. I'm trying to think about it.

spk_0:   40:36
Uh, I think, uh, it was Donkey Kong.

spk_1:   40:39
Oh, yeah. I love Donkey Kong at arcades. By the way, I have a good time rocking out on. So yeah, it's just so like it's it's simple. And that works for me. I'm just trying to, like, not freak out about being in a public place and play a video game a little bit. So it's like exactly what I need in that situation when I like the shooting games. I do like some of those things. Like the ones where I get to shoot it. Zombies and stuff.

spk_0:   41:09
Oh, yeah, those are fun. But that's why I like the little bark bark eight. It was, you know, you just sit down and some of them are. You know, I used to think, uh, it was all about Pac Man, but I feel like that's some That's everyone's. Ah, go, too. If you like? If you're, like, really good at the number two game. If you're number one at the number two, it's easier to be number two. That is the number one, folks.

spk_1:   41:33
No. Hey, is that number two? So many times in a row And I just like every time you did my mind was, um was, like, a really, really cheesy like, uh, like movie or something where a little emoji popped up and goes doink. And it's a little little poop emoji just going. As you say, number two It's going, Frank.

spk_0:   42:00
So what you're telling me is you saw the emoji movie.

spk_1:   42:02
No, I haven't.

spk_0:   42:04
That was a joke.

spk_1:   42:04
No? Yeah. Know inside that ho Another sad thing. Ah, sad way. Yes.

spk_0:   42:17
Oh, video games. That's why we're here.

spk_1:   42:22
What? But more specifically, though, you

spk_0:   42:27
like? How do

spk_1:   42:28
we get you? Did we get here? I'm trying to backtrack right now, and I just lost all of it.

spk_0:   42:33
Um what games we played.

spk_1:   42:36
Oh, yeah. We're timeout on 64 Dogma. Kong is fun bars and Donkey Kong beer slash bark aids. That was what I was gonna say. Do you know where there are a lot of Ah, bark aids. Riley,

spk_0:   42:53
Are they? I I actually do. I'm think I'm gonna take take a stab at this one. Is it, um Is it is it Chicago,

spk_1:   43:01
Illinois? Okay. Oh, my goodness. Anyways, so video games in history and stuff

spk_0:   43:11
in history and things Chicago's Oh, yeah, it's a solid place. It's It's got that nice Midwest Penis to it. I'd never been People are nice. I assumed they were being just flat out like facetious.

spk_1:   43:27
No, you know, your confusion, it they like, it was so great.

spk_0:   43:32
I was like, dude, like, Okay, but like,

spk_1:   43:34
Jesus, What? Oh, man. Like you do. You do definitely have to come back in the summer. Now, once we figure out the plans for, like, a Chicago meet up in the summer, you you must come back and actually like you didn't even get to really see the lake. You didn't. Oh, my gosh. There was so much you didn't get to D'oh.

spk_0:   43:55
I didn't take a photo in that. Like, uh,

spk_1:   43:57
reflective mean in this city way. Didn't know

spk_0:   44:01
they've got They've got those towers that, like you can lay out on that. Yeah, go out at the 45 degree angle.

spk_1:   44:07
Yeah, And you even there's actual, like, museums and art and all kinds of shit to do. And it was a fucking blizzard in your ear. A literal blizzard, The only like

spk_0:   44:19
you, like like a blizzard. You know, the storm's coming in, and I'm like, Wow. Okay, great. Like we're gonna stomp, reminisce, know you like we have to go like we don't stock.

spk_1:   44:27
Yeah, like this is this is honestly, a safety concern at this point. Like I like not about getting trapped here. I got my boots were fine. I have my boots. I got my awesome coat. I got my sculpture for next. I got these queens love, whatever. That was still a fun weekend anyways, history of Oh, my God. I didn't know I was better than this. What happened? I said, anyways,

spk_0:   44:58
oh, I

spk_1:   45:00
was gonna try and just say anyway, back to the history of ale games. But I said anyways,

spk_0:   45:07
Oh, failure. It happens to the best of us.

spk_1:   45:12
All right, Well, okay. Mmm. Relight this mofo. And what was the next one after Ah, 64. Was that

spk_0:   45:25
I mean, if you like, um, like the well, the place that all the PlayStation didn't stop production until, like, 2005. And so I think that was I think it was Ah, GameCube. Think gamekeepers next, 2003

spk_1:   45:37
e played a ton of Game cube.

spk_0:   45:40
I did? I really did. Um ah, we had Ah, what it was that he had, um ah, pc and an Xbox at my mom's place. My dad had ah, GameCube. Oh, so we would play that when we were over at Aah! Over at my dad's. And so, um, that was Ah, that

spk_1:   46:00
was a

spk_0:   46:00
solid one. I really do love that Controller. The GameCube controllers still, you know, it's talked about how it's one of the only, um, ah, uh, controllers that people use competitively for smash. But they don't make the controller anymore. So there's this big market for him. Yeah,

spk_1:   46:19
are people like custom making something that's basically the same thing?

spk_0:   46:23
I wonder. I really do wonder,

spk_1:   46:25
because if they're not someone's about to make some money.

spk_0:   46:28
I think there's like an issue, you know, in a certain batch of them as well, with, like, stick drift and it's like a whole thing that's about like there's like some guy who can, like, feel it, do it by hand. He's like, I know when it's in my hands, it's got stick drift. You're like, OK,

spk_1:   46:42
but that man is a dedicated his life

spk_0:   46:46
to this has. Okay, so, um yeah, GameCube pops off. Uh, what

spk_1:   46:53
were you saying? We just had something way trying to backtrack because you had another thought. What were we again? You're trying to You're trying to do what I tried to do. Like, backtrack because you had a thought that you lost Sacchetti track. Okay, so we were talking. Oh, no. Here's

spk_0:   47:11
what I wanted to say. I found it already. Forehead. Sorry. It's so so sorry. Because this has nothing to do with you. Sorry, folks.

spk_1:   47:21
Wait. No, wait. You have to hold for one second because I need to make a note here. I need that exact thing. Unlike an audio clip for my street. I'm not even kidding because that was so like it's out of so much sassy. I'm sorry, but this has nothing to do with you.

spk_0:   47:46
I'm sorry, but this has nothing to do. Just like it's like it's just a hot key that you

spk_1:   47:50
have. I want that. I'm not even kidding. Oh, my, um, it's so great. Okay, I'm just I'm done making that note. I'm so sorry. Please continue. Well, the gamekeeper had

spk_0:   48:01
those little discs, you know, they were like, uh, those little baby.

spk_1:   48:05
Whoa. I do remember those little guy. Ah,

spk_0:   48:11
where's the, You know, the PlayStation and was still like, uh, the Dreamcast were like standard, uh, cd CD sized CD ROM's size CD, random e

spk_1:   48:24
haven't heard the full thing, like, set out loud. And so long

spk_0:   48:28
the World Wide Web.

spk_1:   48:29
Oh, my God. Get out of here.

spk_0:   48:32
Um, but yeah. And see, You know, the when the When the p S p came out, it had those, Ah, small discs in those of the cartridges. Did you ever

spk_1:   48:44
I don't think cps, but I don't think I did. I'm also googling this now because

spk_0:   48:49
So that was

spk_1:   48:50
like that one's not in my mind.

spk_0:   48:52
Uh, that was hand held. Um

spk_1:   48:55
oh, I have seen these. I have. I've never used one. I have witnessed it, though. Did you ever play with one of these? Did you like this thing?

spk_0:   49:05
I did. But here's the thing Is, um I ripped I tried to get the I was like, We have to put the disc in so I, like, tried to rip open the little cartridge that the disc is within. However, you're not supposed to take it out of the car trio. This was This was new technology to me. And it was new technology to a couple people because it didn't. Oh, my gosh. I just opened a tab, and it's a stock photo of someone holding a Nintendo 64 controller and they're holding it blatantly wrong.

spk_1:   49:34
No, don't look at that. That'll upset you?

spk_0:   49:37
Bad it. I'm already

spk_1:   49:39
upset. Hardy over it. Center center. Oh, I see what you're talking about. I had to look up the little disks come because I was imagining just the disk itself, not this weird little outer casing they had. Okay, I would also have tried to rip that open.

spk_0:   49:55
It's weird. It's weird. It's weird. Okay, It's weird. It was weird. It was weird, you know? Like no wonder it failed.

spk_1:   50:01
What is the what? Okay, I

spk_0:   50:04
didn't actually fail. It just kind of fell from it. Fell from grace a little

spk_1:   50:07
bit. Same with

spk_0:   50:08
the vita. The Vita has some great features, you know, compatibility with the PlayStation, but it's still just get slept on. Oh, well, well, because we skipped over something, though. We skipped over. So

spk_1:   50:20
why don't we skip over in 2000

spk_0:   50:22
one? There's this company. Um, it's I don't I don't know if you ever you might not have heard of it, But there's this company. They released a console in 2001. They call themselves Microsoft, and it's the Xbox.

spk_1:   50:35
My goodness, we did We even, like, disgusted, but not when it when it came in with a dress

spk_0:   50:42
in the time

spk_1:   50:43
line in this timeline,

spk_0:   50:47
in any case, it was, um that was Ah, that was the that was a game changer. Because if you look at that point, Mike Stuffed was still sort of not pigeonholed in tow hardware. But it was like they had windows and they weren't as, um, divers at that point. And this was like a big step. I feel like in the company diversifying, OK, someone from like Microsoft is gonna be like, first of all, yes, it was far more diverse than the Xbox,

spk_1:   51:16
and they will definitely definitely be tuning into this.

spk_0:   51:21
They're like I have so much to share with you. But yeah. Then, um Ah, that's in That same year is when ah, Halo came out.

spk_1:   51:30
Ah, it's funny cause we were even like we were still obviously, like way, way more in the past when your time out But we're talking about like the game that brought people together Sitting around playing gold and I Oh, my gosh! And then Halo Yes, Halo Oh, my God! Everyone right now is just imagining all of their land parties with such like, oh, such fund feelings. What a great time that waas the amount of mountain doing burritos,

spk_0:   52:03
right? Oh, but then there. And then there's that big old love seat There's, like a bunch of being bad.

spk_1:   52:08
Yeah, right. Oh, my God! Stuff that actually is not comfortable for gaming and for a long period of time. But you make it work because you're fucking gaming all day with your bloody bro. It's 2000 to get jail. Spike, you're a We're doing this. Oh, my God. I loved Halo. Halo is what got me into destiny. Someone told me that destiny was similar to Halo because I was refusing to play anything else? I was having too much fun. Troll. Really? Pullin g t a.

spk_0:   52:40
Oh, yeah.

spk_1:   52:40
And then someone was like Like they pushed Destiny into my hand there. Like you were gonna play this. Like, Like, Listen, it's it's kind of like Halo. Oh, Okay. You know, it turns out

spk_0:   52:56
they got you.

spk_1:   52:56
That's how they got me. But I fucking love Halo man. I loved I loved Xbox. I wanted one for so long so long.

spk_0:   53:04
Well, yes. See, how do you know how I got investing was I knew about the release of the game since bunch of the local company I had sort of not, like, been following them. But when their game was getting released, I was like, Oh, you know, I know this cos of you know, the one who did the halo series. So I went to I went to red Box the day that the game came out and like, to my surprise, there was like, copies there in the red box. I was like, damn like the day of realized,

spk_1:   53:31
Still use the right.

spk_0:   53:33
I feel like I'm not using it anymore. It was kind of fad.

spk_1:   53:37
No, but I think that, like I still see them in grocery stores.

spk_0:   53:40
Yeah, they're still there. They're not a fad because they're just like they don't take up much room there. Just they get it, they get the job done.

spk_1:   53:48
Don't even take up exactly as

spk_0:   53:49
much room as they need to. Really? You have consuls, Consul,

spk_1:   53:54
that okay,

spk_0:   53:55
prove. But, um, yeah, What the hell was I talking about?

spk_1:   54:00
We were talking about X boxes, and I'm having, like, all kinds of flashbacks to finally like getting Xboxes. Oh, yeah. Destiny. Because bungee is of your tone.

spk_0:   54:10
Well, yes. So I was just I went down, I got the game and I, like, played it. And, um, I found out that if you if you hold onto a red box disk for too long, they'll just charge you for it. Oh, and so that's how I got my copy of destiny

spk_1:   54:23
and that you you just got to keep it, then? Yeah,

spk_0:   54:26
give it back. And they'll just be like, Okay, then we're charging you. And I was like, Yeah, okay.

spk_1:   54:30
Thank you. Cool. Well, that's good. I mean,

spk_0:   54:33
somewhere. But it was It was the love. It was a love I didn't want to let go of it yet. No,

spk_1:   54:38
I get it. I can't imagine, Like, renting that game and then being like, Yeah, this is fine. I'll just bring this back now.

spk_0:   54:44
I'm just Yeah, I'm just gonna let him, Okay, Put it back and not touch it for months.

spk_1:   54:48
Exactly. That's Mmm mmm mmm Mmm.

spk_0:   54:55
Yeah. Well, folks, so Game boy advance, which was OK, so, Game boy, the game boy came out in 89. Game boy color One was the game boy color again. What color was like, Is that also 95?

spk_1:   55:10
When? When was that? I thought I even had that rodent written down because I was so excited when that happened.

spk_0:   55:17
98 98 was 98. Yeah, my brother and I shared Ah ah, Gameboy color. Um, we were like, plan. What was it? Frickin Oh, come on, Blue. And we're like Squirtle. Just

spk_1:   55:33
squirrels are screwed A level six. Go tell Dad, I I wish I had played any kind of Pokemon. Anything.

spk_0:   55:43
Oh, you're, uh Yeah, I guess that's right. You don't play. You don't fuck with bumble bees?

spk_1:   55:47
Nope. Bumble bees. I just I never like it was never in front of me. I just never, like, really gave it a shot, I guess. I don't know. I somehow missed it my whole life. And now it's everywhere, and I'm thoroughly judged for not knowing anything about it. Like I think I have a pretty decent mental picture of Squirtle. But I could be wrong because I'm picturing kind of like like a squishy elefant mixed with a blowfish kind of amorphous blob. Right now, it's it's It's shielding as hurdle as I'm thinking of it, cause it's just like Girl, it's a turtle turtle That explains the hurdle name like I really don't know. I was just wondering, like some kind of medullary still a visit like bluish greenish. I don't know. She's She's like a nice sea foam. Okay, so that's why I was struggling. So I was like, It's something kind of like light color green, blue And it's something that was really something

spk_0:   56:52
I would like to reinforce that the presence of a shell should remind you that it is a little and you pointed it out here, scored.

spk_1:   57:01
I did it right? Yeah, there's a route there that I kind of overlooked I guess. Listen, that's just where my mind was trying to go because I don't have a solid mental picture of it. It's trying its best to put one together, and it's just forming all these weird shapes that aren't it.

spk_0:   57:19
That's what you gotta do is just get a bunch of photos of, like, Pokemon And, like, try and name them

spk_1:   57:24
with, you

spk_0:   57:24
know, just by sight. You're like, OK, this one is,

spk_1:   57:26
uh, like they made me do for Overwatch.

spk_0:   57:31
Exactly. There you

spk_1:   57:32
go. Oh, my God. Yes. Um, yes. Oh! Oh, this to say, Ah ah! Game boy was doped. The con game boy Color was, though,

spk_0:   57:46
was even doper.

spk_1:   57:47
And I wish I understood your Pokemon reference.

spk_0:   57:53
Oh, it's okay. I, uh I forgive you. I forgive you. All right. So let's 2001 is gameboy advance, Then where, then? The, uh, The one that comes after that is the S p. The low clamshell one.

spk_1:   58:09
The one that you want it really bad.

spk_0:   58:11
I did, in fact, end up getting it. I did work

spk_1:   58:14
your patootie

spk_0:   58:15
off and getting it. I didn't get the red one, though. I got the blue one. Um, I'm still happy about it, but I'm still a little salty about it, too.

spk_1:   58:23
Why did you lose it? To get stolen. Um, there

spk_0:   58:29
was there was game sharing happening. And it, uh, it wasn't done effectively. Oh, Long summers. You know. You. You you You have fire emblem. They have Pokemon emerald, And then suddenly the RVs drive away from each other. And, ah, you don't have your You don't have your crew with you. Oh, man, it's a sad time. It's Ah, the Yeah, I'm glad we've actually gotten into this because it's ah, It's a dark period for

spk_1:   58:56
me. Sorry for laughing at your dark period E. It was just the way you said it. Of course you got. You got all up in the mike for that one. Like they're gonna bet Samassa marsh it the way you share that. I was like that feeling, folks.

spk_0:   59:16
Uh, make sure you're wearing headphones. You enjoy.

spk_1:   59:20
Oh, good. Awesome,

spk_0:   59:24
but oh, yeah. Okay, so Xbox comes out, and then, ah, playstation two pops off. And then if you think that's what kind of lines up Xbox and PlayStation two head to head. Yeah, GameCube came a little after, um didn't necessarily have a gimmick in the way that certain a Nintendo things did or marketed. But it was like a standard home console, you know, like

spk_1:   59:48
I never there so

spk_0:   59:49
many titles were able to go to it. And that's, you know, if you had the if you had the Xbox, us weren't There was a few exclusives, you know, on on both sides. But, um, you know, I admire how many titles went to GameCube. When you hear about how hard it is Thio to port titles at this point because of you know, what the council they have now is this speech. It's a bit harder than just making the disk a little

spk_1:   1:0:17
smaller. Thanks for breaking it down in that accent. Your family will. Oh, my God. Yeah, I didn't. Ah, I have, like, a long gap in console ownership. Talk to me. I so like, because I was I was working. So after I moved out of my parentshouse at 18 like I shared my brother's PlayStation and then he eventually got Xbox, and I would always plan those. But I was always working like three jobs, so I just didn't have time to even like player. So I always had to play my Unnie s and my own 64. My sister and I only moved in together when I was about to be 21. We used to have, um, Contra parties. People would come over and we would just play contra and people try and do, like, speed runs, which I didn't even realize that, like speed running was a thing, was the thing. But we were like having parties, and everyone was just like All right, let's sit down and see who's gonna fucking crush this game first. Yeah, So I like that last me a long time, though.

spk_0:   1:1:25
Yeah. See, that's the thing I love. I love that type of thing where ah, you went for You know, you're just a group of friends getting together and like speed running, But you don't even know what that is. But then you know you learn more about gaming, you find out about these things so inspiring guys,

spk_1:   1:1:44
it was just so fun. It was just nice. Like Thio be gaming for all of those years. Even though I didn't have the latest stuff every time I go to my brother's house I get to play on his stuff. But it wasn't until I was, I think 20 or or 25 that I bought another. Like, bought my own Xbox. And I gotta tell you, I was like, smiling my ass off through the store, coming home with an Xbox 360 for myself. Like matches it is on whatever I want to play. But in reality, I only got to play like a title or two every year, but it's still awesome.

spk_0:   1:2:29
Yeah, not see, That was the things I had. Ah, I had a big gap for me with a PC ownership because I had one of those a kid I played a lot of like, Artie s games. I was like, I was, like, three and four years old, like sitting down playing like command and conquer. I fucking loved command and conquer. That shit was great. That's how it Ah, that's where I learned to do my my accents. Was Yuri like Russian, the Russian antagonised and in the sea.

spk_1:   1:2:55
That's where you learned to do your accents from. That's incredible that you practiced accents from gaming. Gaming is so great. Well, it was

spk_0:   1:3:03
just like unconscious, knowing I'm hearing him talk. I'm like a kid. Just repeating stuff.

spk_1:   1:3:09
Let's hear it.

spk_0:   1:3:11
Uh, I can't remember any of the lines right now, but,

spk_1:   1:3:13
um Okay, well, that doesn't help us. Can we just have your you say some random should

spk_0:   1:3:18
Lucien accent. No, I had I'd have to sit down and, like, practice it a little bit. You guys, folks, I'm here to disappoint,

spk_1:   1:3:25
right? Yeah. We'll just have to bring it back on another. Another podcast. In the future, you can drop some Yuri Anna's.

spk_0:   1:3:33
I'll just Yeah, well, yeah, well, we'll do a list. I'll do like a Scottish bread in Irish lilt. Okay.

spk_1:   1:3:45
Yes, Perfect.

spk_0:   1:3:47
Now before hold on before I finish it off. Let me just

spk_1:   1:3:50
Oh, my God, you're right. We should finish this off as it finishes it up. This is I rolled this so fat that, like when I first light it up, it's a giant flame.

spk_0:   1:4:07
You roll true do birds. Very big.

spk_1:   1:4:13
I like him

spk_0:   1:4:14
quite sizable. Do ubers

spk_1:   1:4:16
their little fifth bads.

spk_0:   1:4:18
They're pretty Filofax vets, little family, a

spk_1:   1:4:21
little girls, but it makes a little bit of ah, a little bit of a fire when you first get it going. So when it starts getting shorter and you got the little like Chou joint, you're trying to light it back up again. Like like, so close the appropriate way to do this. This is really close.

spk_0:   1:4:37
You're like, this is how I lose my eyelashes,

spk_1:   1:4:40
and I don't everyone that I just can't bear to listen.

spk_0:   1:4:44
So, um, the next ah, 32 60 minutes will be completely dedicated to talking about neo pets on the American population. Well, okay, so let's see. PlayStation two and Xbox. They're killing it. They're doing their thing. GameCube pops off. GameCube. Incredible. PlayStation Portable comes out in 2004 which is, um, which is competing with the D s. They're both coming out in 2000 for the D. S. Was incredible. I remember when that came out that

spk_1:   1:5:16
I wanted one fresh

spk_0:   1:5:17
revel. But see, that's the thing is like, Look, it had touch screen. It was it's not a gimmick, But it wasn't like seizing what the technology is right. Then, you know, doesn't like in the same way that with a lab oh, Nintendo LeBow, the the cardboard um, the series of cardboard attachments for the switch. Have you seen that? No. It's very low tech. I think it's like, I don't know, maybe 40 to $70. I don't know what the prices, but it's a bunch of just pieces of cardboard that you can put the switch in and, you know, effectively make it a piano or this or that, like there are a lot of different attachments for it

spk_1:   1:5:57
and tourists sting,

spk_0:   1:5:59
which is so interesting when you see the other. You see the other companies going for V are going into the other side of it, you know,

spk_1:   1:6:09
going to hijack loves v r.

spk_0:   1:6:11
The PR was incredible. I dream about, um uh what is that? Super hot,

spk_1:   1:6:17
Super hot? Oh, my God. I love that game. Super hot is so fun. God, I've got to set up the one in my office. Still, I need to I need to do some v r. And

spk_0:   1:6:27
that was super incredible. That was a really good time. I played it not in V. R. And I was like, This is garbage,

spk_1:   1:6:33
right? I can't you even do that?

spk_0:   1:6:36
I was like, it's just about the mouse. Like how I moved the mouse. That was like my whole body got into it. I was like, ducking bullets.

spk_1:   1:6:43
Such a good workout. You go. You get riel toasty doing that.

spk_0:   1:6:48
It is. It is? Yeah. You take off those goggles era, you're you need a need to be dabbed, your little boy.

spk_1:   1:6:55
That's actually I think that's one of the reasons why I justified not doing it on stream for a little bit. So I was like, You have it. It'll just oh, like, take this fucking thing off and my makeup is just gonna be smeared and I'll look like fucking a monster Because of this thing, I'm gonna be sweating like a beast And then, like, just smearing the top half of my face off when I take this thing off

spk_0:   1:7:14
comes off and it's like, Well, yeah, how did the insides of your hats look?

spk_1:   1:7:19
Sometimes a little Yonkers?

spk_0:   1:7:20
Yeah, it happens. It happens,

spk_1:   1:7:24
you know, sometimes does happen. I specifically on days when I'm wearing out, usually try to avoid putting on makeup up. It's up my head. I just probably would look ridiculous. I just took the head off a times,

spk_0:   1:7:36
but, um, back on it. Xbox 360 PlayStation three. They were, like, again, sort of, You know, they kind of been competing ever since the since 2001. Um and then, um and then they launched. Ah.

spk_1:   1:7:58
What? I'm trying to imagine what your face looks like right now, and I feel like it's it's kind of squished. Forwards. Yes. Yes. I'm so good at this game.

spk_0:   1:8:11
Oh, sort of like, puckered? Almost.

spk_1:   1:8:13
Yes. Exactly what I was imagining. Exactly.

spk_0:   1:8:16
Yeah, um, but as the as the

spk_1:   1:8:21

spk_0:   1:8:22
CZ, the final is the final consuls that we have now for home consoles. Thea. Um well, then the we popped off. When

spk_1:   1:8:28
did we pop off? But we is kind of I feel like a lot of people still have ways, and I I haven't for a while, but I've really liked it.

spk_0:   1:8:37
Well, there was the we. So the week has the controller. It was like that was that thing was the motion. Then there was the we. You and its whole thing was the controller were had the screen in it. Remember? I don't know if you ever used a wi you.

spk_1:   1:8:50
I didn't And I had Were you in my mind, But I didn't want to sex I was like, Is this something that actually happened in this timeline? Do I have memory of something that's not riel? You're like a different

spk_0:   1:8:59
universe. Yes. Who was was in between this switch and the original, we and, um the it. Yeah, like it's his big, sort of boxy controller that has all the all the buttons on. It would also like a screen. So if you're playing smash, you can look at the screen and play smash. Um, I I don't know if it had the same. Ah, I don't think it did have the ability to travel like, uh, like the switch does. And that's why this which is such a It's such a beast.

spk_1:   1:9:32
Yeah, because the travel is really key. I need to get one of these because I don't have any kind of travel gaming. You know what? Honestly, I shouldn't I shouldn't. I should continue to work on things when I travel. This is probably not something I need now that I'm sleep for thinking about it.

spk_0:   1:9:50
You get that, you get the get the switch, and then you're like, You know what? I need to start traveling more to use this more

spk_1:   1:9:57
right. I don't even leave my house ever. I'm imagining that I need this device because I take flights several times a year for work. But like, that's still not my everyday life. It's like four hours every several months. I'm a fool. I don't need it. I'll just wastes time. All right, focus. Well, this is a great podcast.

spk_0:   1:10:23
This is really good content,

spk_1:   1:10:26
folks. Hey, they got some stuff in here. They're having memories and feeling feelings. I bet from this one.

spk_0:   1:10:33
I'm so sorry. What did I say? I'm so sorry. This is not about you.

spk_1:   1:10:37
Yes. Sorry. This has nothing to do with you. This

spk_0:   1:10:40
is nothing to do with you. So So three D s. And again. Look, it's like, always the gimmick angle from Nintendo. Gotta love it. It was the three D. Um, you know, a little dial you can turn up. It's basically the d s, but improved and ah, plays. And it was three d. Did they? Well, they with

spk_1:   1:10:59
the greedy for no glasses.

spk_0:   1:11:02
Oh, I guess so. Yeah. Um, auto stereoscopic three D.

spk_1:   1:11:08
What in the fuck? What?

spk_0:   1:11:11
That's Ah. What they used to What about a serious topic? three d It's like glasses free three D.

spk_1:   1:11:21
That's the fancy word for glasses. Free three D.

spk_0:   1:11:24
Yeah. Wait! See that photo was first glasses. 33 D glasses.

spk_1:   1:11:29
This is very three D. Fuck. Glasses free three. Do you read? Wait. Wow, That was actually a new good one. Glasses fleet. Well, this one my friend gave me the other day. My best friend gave me one that was really challenging. And now it's going out of my brain. That's upsetting. Ah, I'm upset now. Yeah, I legit cause I would have loved to have shared it. I'll remember someday.

spk_0:   1:11:54
Glasses free three D

spk_1:   1:11:57
aluminum, linoleum,

spk_0:   1:11:59
aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum. You mini. Um,

spk_1:   1:12:06
okay. Okay, Al, you medium well, have fun practicing these tongue. Twister

spk_0:   1:12:13
is good. This has been the history of tongue twisters.

spk_1:   1:12:16
This'll has been the history of video games. So what?

spk_0:   1:12:24
The vita came out, um, around the same time is three D s and the veto was again slept on like the P S P.

spk_1:   1:12:31
I forgot that was even a thing. It's I really like

spk_0:   1:12:35
that. Like, if you connect to WiFi and your PlayStation is at least like in sleep mode. Not all the way off. You can remote play like play. Whatever game is in your console.

spk_1:   1:12:48
Mm. Like that is pretty cool.

spk_0:   1:12:51
You could you could be, like across the country doing it. It's great. It's wonderful. Um, the there was, like, a touch screen on the back, and it wasn't really that it was It was almost so light that it felt flimsy. I was. It wasn't waiting enough in my hands. Really? It didn't sit in my hands. Well,

spk_1:   1:13:09
I gotta I do like I do like a controller. Or like a gaming device to have some weight to it. Yeah, it's got a kind of resist a little bit so that you're not just, like, hovering with your hands and feel awkward holding this like, tiny, fragile thing. Exactly. No. Yeah. Yeah.

spk_0:   1:13:26
I felt like I could just, like, snap it if I really wanted to try.

spk_1:   1:13:29
That's how I feel about Thea First, Like PlayStation controllers I had I just felt like they were way too way too cheap. Plasticky feeling didn't like him. That's also why I love my scuff impact. Intense wink, wink.

spk_0:   1:13:46
Didn't Internet plug

spk_1:   1:13:51
use code. She stabs for 5% boom! Nail it. Oh, my gosh. That was some teamwork. D'oh! That's really good.

spk_0:   1:14:01
All right, Okay. I just have to get it out than the PlayStation for it than the Xbox one. This is really we've kind of gone into the history of, like, consoles and the technology. Do

spk_1:   1:14:11
you have any, like, fill in? You know what I wish I hadn't through? Would you talk to me? I wish I had looked into this from a perspective of, like, the people who made these things. Um, because money made me watch this movie. That was the history of computers. Basically, I can think of the name of it. But it was his. It was like the story between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and how like the computer came to be. And it was just There was so much shitty behavior and like so much stealing. And there was intrigue. And there's romance. There was so much. And now I'm wishing that I had learned about that. But how do you learn about that? With all these different game systems and developers and all that

spk_0:   1:14:58
you're like, Where's the romance and intrigue in the videogame development work?

spk_1:   1:15:02
That's what I want to know. Like some of the first consoles. Like what was going on at those companies? That's like, what was talk about each other light.

spk_0:   1:15:10
That's like an AMC style like TV show. Are you kidding? Like, you know, our long sort of a madman period piece format like halt and catch fire.

spk_1:   1:15:20
Yeah. Gaming. Boo. Ah, Um uh, so that brings us to like where we are now, Right? With all the all these councils that are in circulation and stuff.

spk_0:   1:15:34
The switch. The switch is incredible as well. I came off, came out after

spk_1:   1:15:38
taking it

spk_0:   1:15:39
the last two.

spk_1:   1:15:40
Everyone's cool. And has, um, they travel all the time and use their cool switches.

spk_0:   1:15:46
Luckily, arcade games have stayed 1/4. Some bummer. Well, you know, 50 cents, but ah,

spk_1:   1:15:54
there's some some beer kids where you don't have to pay for any of the games.

spk_0:   1:15:57
Well, that is just that's That's the Midwest. Okay. Yeah, well,

spk_1:   1:16:03
pretty great, right? That some of them, It's like it's like you pay five bucks. Or or I think if you just look buy something at the bar, you can play any of them. They're opened Unlimited games.

spk_0:   1:16:13
They're opening a new flat stick. Um, down closer to the water. Mmm. And, uh, it's above ground. I was like a

spk_1:   1:16:22
Oh, that is that is appealing as someone who's a little claustrophobic. There's areas, Celtics just that one time of being, like, a little cramped in there, and I just You done? Yeah. All right. What else do you have? Because otherwise, I think she's probably probably wrap this up. If there's nothing significant that stands out because we're a long time,

spk_0:   1:16:48
Yeah, we were like, Can I get a little more cheese? And I'm gonna get a little more cheese. And now we're trying to wrap it up, and there's a lot there that kind of just fallen out, but, uh,

spk_1:   1:16:57
yeah, I need to I need to learn about some of the back stories of some of these companies. Now. I'm very interested. But do it. That's for another time, perhaps

spk_0:   1:17:06
truly. All right.

spk_1:   1:17:09
Thank you, Riley. Thank you. This has been a great a great great If so, in my opinion, I might be biased. I don't know. But,

spk_0:   1:17:19
you know, I think it's Ah, I think it's the best one yet.

spk_1:   1:17:22
E concur um, well, fans. And there was a There

spk_0:   1:17:30
was no sophomore slump. Folks,

spk_1:   1:17:33
I'm excited for next week also. And for the week after that,

spk_0:   1:17:37
who the next two weeks are going to be here? The next few months are going to be

spk_1:   1:17:42
Oh, yeah. What next week is what? We're not good enough? Yeah, We were discussing the spinoff possibility. She's adjusting. She's waiting. She's waiting, but yes. Cool. Awesome. The next high history podcasts puff of past are gonna be Superfund also like this one. Potentially, potentially better. But who knows? You know, sometimes we're really good at stuff. Sometimes we're awesome. It's stuff. I think we're gonna keep learning things. I think we're going to keep getting more and more ridiculous.

spk_0:   1:18:17
What was the model from the last one? We were like, we're gonna get some stuff wrong, but like you're

spk_1:   1:18:21
gonna learn some. Yes. And I thought they learned something. Yeah, if not about gaming about themselves. Really, or about us. Yes. Sorry, but this has nothing to do with you. I really am. I was this year. Okay, we're wrapping it up. This has been another great episode of the mind of stamps. Podcast. You can find Riley hot sauce on switch Pushed that tv slash rather hot sauce. But also you got us.

spk_0:   1:18:59
You know, when I go live?

spk_1:   1:19:01
Yeah. On the other place. You'd like to direct people to

spk_0:   1:19:05
know Instagram. Just follow me everywhere, guys. Really hot sauce.

spk_1:   1:19:08
Yeah. Everywhere. Every band you can follow me at mind of snaps on Twitter and Instagram and you do, even though there's nothing on it yet, But there will be no do, um, and ice cream at which dot tv slash she stamps. And if you are interested in potentially supporting the efforts of the stream, the podcast, the nonprofit and all of the other stuff that we're trying to do with producing more mental health resource is you can consider supporting that through the patri on, which is patriot dot com slash She snaps. I can't believe I got through my own name that fast. That was almost almost too much for me. A second there, like all the tongue twisters. And I couldn't even say my name for a second.

spk_0:   1:19:49
That was pretty good. No, that was That was very like locked and loaded, ready to go.

spk_1:   1:19:53
That was just out of my brain to feel good about great brain. Hi, Brain. Support us through that thing. Alright, Alright. Thank you very much. Riley, you have yourself a wonderful

spk_0:   1:20:10
you guys there. You have one. Yeah.