Mind of Snaps Podcast

CBD - What is it? How can it help? Discussion with Josh from Nature's Ultra | Episode 10 - Mind of Snaps Podcast

Josh with Nature's Ultra Season 1 Episode 10

There are so many misconceptions out there about CBD (Cannabidiol), so I had a discussion with Josh from Nature's Ultra to clear up some of the confusion. CBD could be helping you with anxiety, sleep, pain, stomach issues and more - even my dogs are on it now!


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Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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spk_0:   0:10
Welcome to the mind of Snap podcast with your host, Jeff A. She's a popular twitch broadcaster photographer on somewhere, and Mendel's advocates in this and future cast expect to fall on with snaps as she learns more about her mind in the world and her fellow humans. It could get messy, but stick around. You might just learn something as you enter the mind of snaps Hello and welcome to

spk_1:   0:38
Episode 10 of the Mind of Snaps podcast. This week we will be speaking with Josh from Nature's Ultra. This is the company that I get my CBD oil from, and he's going to be helping to answer all the questions we hear the most about CBD, as well as provide a bit more knowledge on what Stevie Dee is exactly and how it may be able to help in your life. Please keep in mind. While I do work with nature's ultra, I am not being paid to do this podcast, and it is not intended to be a sales tool. We want you to learn as much as possible so you can make informed buying decisions even if you choose to go with a brand other than nature's ultra. Also keep in mind we are not doctors or medical professionals. All of this information is based on what we know what we have researched. So if you have any questions past this, or if there's anything you want to research further, please do so please talk to your doctors If you feel that's necessary, do not just take our word for it. Do a little research on your own, but hopefully this will at least get you on the right track towards knowing what questions even ask about CVD. Having said that, let's get right into the podcast so excited about this one. CBD

spk_0:   1:55
is so awesome. Okay, so you may have

spk_1:   2:00
already spoken with our next guest if you use the live chat on the nature's ultra website or if you were there for the CBD discussion stream a few days ago on Twitch, he is not only a representative of a great CBD company, but he's also a CBD user himself. Josh, Welcome and thank you so much for agreeing to be a part of this podcast today.

spk_0:   2:22
Absolutely thanks for having me on snaps

spk_1:   2:25
for sure. Let's start off this podcast with a little bit about you. What got you into CBD?

spk_0:   2:33
Um, yeah, So I am a big proponent of, like, holistic medicines and looking for alternatives Vs loading up with, um, you know, synthetic and chemically made things. So when CBD started getting popular or started coming to the market, I started taking a look at it. I'm doing a little bit of research, Um, and really thought that, you know, after looking at all that, that this could be something that that I wanted to try and exploring after trying for myself, I thought, This is fantastic. Like we need to be sharing this, you know, with the community sharing, getting educating people about it because it had such a bad stigma. That's kind of how everything got started. I wanted to educate.

spk_1:   3:25
Okay, So you did a little bit of research realized that you liked it, that it was working for you, and then you teamed up with ah group of friends, right?

spk_0:   3:33
That's right. Yeah, I I group I got together with my friends that were very like minded, um, not only smart, um, in in, like, business and that kind of stuff, but they were very, um, open minded, and we're just as interested in exploring new things new trends as I was.

spk_1:   3:55
Yeah, and I from the people I've spoken to at nature's ultra, all of you seem to really be focused on helping, which I really like about your company. It just it makes so much sense when you're working with something holistic that you genuinely care and want to help people. And I love that.

spk_0:   4:13
Yeah, that was part of it. It's, um you know, we looked at it from two things. One, obviously a business perspective. But also, how can we make an impact? How can we help on these? These guys air. I said smart guys. And, um you know, we we put all our talents together and and here we are.

spk_1:   4:34
That's awesome. So the important thing here, let's go ahead and do a full breakdown of what CBD is and what people use it for.

spk_0:   4:45
Sure. Yeah. Um, So CBD is, uh Well, let me back up. So a lot of people associate CBD with with marijuana, which isn't necessarily far off, right? Our CBD comes from the hem stock, and it's th e free. So we don't use any of the flower any of the bud, right? So it's It's ah cannabidiol, which is a part of the plant that attracted out, um, that we use in. You can come in either like a full spectrum oil or a isil It which is what we use, like a more purified version of it. Okay. And, hey, as faras, the use goes, Ah, lot of people use it for, ah, a wide spectrum of things. I mean, it could just be for overall vitality, good energy. Or it could be used for more medical purposes. Far's, like handling anxiety and chronic aches and pains. So it's a very good, like, universal, holistic approach to medicine. Yeah.

spk_1:   5:52
I mean, I know. I I've been really loving it. What do you use it for?

spk_0:   5:57
I'm a pretty active guy. Um, you know, I got kids and we play soccer and all of that stuff, So I I use it if I know I'm gonna have a really active day. Um, and it just kind of it's kind of like, um I don't even know how to put it. It's kind of okay, all I got for us, I don't know how to explain it. It's not like an energy thing, but it's like a good feeling. Like I feel like I'm ready for the day. I feel like I have myself collected. I know I'm gonna be doing all this stuff and ah, you know, jumping from one thing to the other keeps me relaxed and focused. And and not the end of the day. I helps me sleep better.

spk_1:   6:38
Okay? Awesome. Yes. Since I've started using it, um, I've been noticing that it helps me a ton with sleeping through the night because I'm super sensitive. I hear the smallest noise in my house like a cross my house. And I'm alert and I am awake. What do I need to dio? How do I make this be quiet? And since I've started using CBD, I actually sleep through the night, which is so incredibly valuable. But I can totally see where you're coming from, where you're you have plans for the day and you're thinking this is gonna help me get through my day a little bit easier. It's gonna make these things a little easier on my body to like the natural aches and pains that you might have from going out and playing basketball for a day or whatever,

spk_0:   7:21
right? Yep, yep. That's absolutely right.

spk_1:   7:25
So we just did. Ah, stream the other day, Um, on my twitch channel, which I really appreciated You being there for us. Well, so a lot of the questions we're gonna discuss today came from that in one of the first ones that I wanted to discuss was related to kids. So you give CBD to your kid or kids? Correct?

spk_0:   7:46
Well, yeah. One of my daughters, I don't know, gets pretty nervous. She gets really anxious, and she's eight. So, you know, we I obviously don't give her a full dosage, but, um, I do let her use it occasionally if she was really worked up. She's the kind of girl that you know, it's a tummy upset and all that kind of stuff, and this is kind of just like a like a reset for her, like, this is gonna help you calm down. You know, it's it's a full, like you were saying with the meditation, and it's a full process, but, you know, it gives you that extra little bit of collecting yourself. Yeah,

spk_1:   8:23
absolutely. So obviously you wouldn't be giving this to your own daughter if you didn't believe that it was safe for kids. That was one of the questions that we got in chat. Is this safe for Children?

spk_0:   8:36
So that that's that's a bit tricky, right? Because there's not a lot of research on it for just regular kids and my regular. I mean, you know, no one with a severe medical condition if there have been some studies for seizures and stuff like that, but for anxiety in Children, you know, I'm not a doctor. We're not doctors here at Nature's ultra. Um, but But it was something that I felt comfortable with or my daughter and I just slow and steady tried it out. See if there was any, uh, adverse reactions. There wasn't. Obviously, everybody's different, and each parent needs to make that choice for their child. Um, and we can't come out say yes, 100%. This is safe. But if it's something that what's serious about maybe a small dosage or even try to roll on and see if it has any adverse effects. But, um, you know, it is something that we in my family that we do Yeah,

spk_1:   9:33
and that, to me, gives me a great deal of comfort with it. Because you have access to all of the information on this. You've got all of the ingredients. You see the extraction extraction process. You know what goes into making this and what's in it. And if you're comfortable giving it to your daughter, I would feel a lot more comfortable giving it to kids if I had any. So I'm glad that you even mentioned that this this is for your family as well,

spk_0:   9:59
right? Yeah. Yep. And again, you know, I can't make any recommendations for anybody else, but, um, you know, if you do the research a little bit of homework on your part, you know, you you I would imagine you would come to the same conclusion that that I have we use, you know, essential oils are organic. Um, m c t oil. So, you know, nothing in there is is harmful.

spk_1:   10:27
Yeah. Yeah. And I I mean, I feel the same way, and this kind of brings us to the next thing. So I know plenty. Just I guess put a bullet meant I do know plenty of people from my community as well, who have been giving this in small doses to their Children and have been reporting very positive effects. So you can't necessarily say I guarantee that this is safe for all Children. But if you look at the ingredients, it's pretty easy to look at and say, like, how could this even be bad? But still, you don't talk to a doctor if you need to do your own research and try things cautiously moving forward? Absolutely. But yes. So this this brings up the next thing we were talking about, how it works really well for pets. And you know, I don't have kids to me. My my dogs, my cat. Those aren't my kids.

spk_0:   11:14
You're for babies. Yeah. You

spk_1:   11:16
better believe that I would not give them anything that could potentially damage them like no chance. And this stuff works so well for my dogs. What got you guys into this? This discussion of getting this with pets? Did any of you try it with your pets first,

spk_0:   11:36
um, so that you know, when we were doing our initial research on CBD and the effects and you know how we could make this project work um, that's what we That's when we discovered that people are trying it with their pets and their they're getting the same results. So that that was part of the initial, um, focus was family. And, um, and pets, Right? So what we did, we did experiment a little bit with our own pets. One of our one of our partners. He's got really high anxiety dogs. And he tried a couple of drops and was like, Guys, I think that this is really on to something. So then we started doing our due diligence and researching, um, you know, the pet aspect. We found that people are giving it to their horses. Oh, wow. I didn't know that. Yeah, it sze incredible. So, um, you know, we didn't come out or haven't come out with a pet specific brand yet, But, you know, we started looking into the unflavored because it doesn't have any of the essential oils that may or may not have an adverse effect for your head. And we found that that it is been working, and it is a good fit. Wow,

spk_1:   12:57
man, I was an equestrian for a long time, and I'm just imagining when I used to help train some of the horses how much this could help with the horses and transition, the ones that just came to a new farm or maybe have no training at all. And they're scared and they're stress and they're just trying to get him settled in. I can't believe I didn't even realize that this that this had that application That's so cool. I'm gonna have to tell some of my friends about that, Um, but it's it's funny because I think I have been working with you guys. I think I had been using CBD for myself for maybe a month or two before. Like, I don't think we even talked about it for for pets. I was thinking about it one night, and I did some researching just basic CBD four dogs and I found so many. Resource is with these little charts saying it could be good for this. It could be good for this. It could be good for this, and that's when I reached out to Rick and was like, or any of these products pet safe. And he told me that that other people had already been working with the unflavored for their dogs and that it was that it was working that blew me away. I I started using it for the dogs right away, and I noticed the same effects that that I guess you guys have noticed. Two. I have two dogs. My pit bull is almost 11 and he's He's a poor, broken boy, like he has everything wrong with them that a dog can have wrong with him. He's got his legs are kind of bad, as back is kind of bad. He's got skin issues, allergies is ears, his stomach acts up and he gets really anxious like he is so super sensitive. If I raise my voice, even if it's not in anger, if I raise my voice out of excitement, sometimes he would get scared and, like, go in the other room and you'd see him with his tail between his legs, kind of walking away quietly. So for me, it was so nice toe to know that he's not gonna get the anxious shakes over stuff, and that was the first thing I noticed is I would give him the drops. It could be storming. There could be fireworks going on. People could be yelling and he's not hiding from us. He's not sitting there like shaking. He just seems chill. It's incredible. And then it had some additional reactions, which I wasn't expecting at all. It helped him with his stomach because his stomach used to add to his anxiety. So I haven't heard his stomach growl at me in forever, and his skin started getting better. His ears started getting better. It was incredible, so it helped him just kind of lead a normal life. Basically, he's like, more sprightly. He's got all this. Energy is bouncing off the walls these days, and my puppy is like the opposite because my two year old Italian master has separation anxiety. And if you've ever seen a massive, they are decent sized dogs like he can destroy my entire house in a matter of seconds if he's in the mood to do it. So this is It is so nice that I can give him the drops and then leave the house and do the things I have to do and know that he's not like anxiously tearing through things. It is so impactful on the dogs. It's so so cool.

spk_0:   16:13
Yeah. We've even heard of people that use it for, like, crate training. So they know that the dog has separation anxiety. But for some people, it doesn't make sense, but not have their dog created. Right? So they've been doing it to him while they're introducing Drake training and training, and it seems to be working. So we we hear stories like that all the time, which is where we're having, you know, we like hearing that kind of stuff. Yeah,

spk_1:   16:39
I wish I had had this when he was he was a smaller puppy because when I was trying to create train him, he did not do well with create training. He peeled the the biggest create we could find, like the biggest, heaviest duty crate they had available. Spent a lot of money on this frigging thing. And he he peeled it like a like a fucking banana. It does not go back together like there is no way to bend the metal and get this cage back together anymore. And I can only imagine him as a puppy how that would have helped him. And on that same note, do you Do you believe that this is pretty safe. Four young dogs as well for puppies.

spk_0:   17:19
Um, you know, there's just not enough research right now for puppies. It seems like it's it's, um, a little more gear, too. Or just the research I would ask for backup, just the research that we've seen and the result of We've had a lot of older pets, but But again, like same thing with kids, you could introduce it in small dosages and just see how it works. Um, yeah, but I mean, I I haven't seen anything that ah, that says it's that had a negative, um, effect on the animals. But I'm not event and I'm not a doctor. And you know, I have limited experience with my own pets, but But again, with the ingredients that are in and I just we just don't see anything that would be it would be harmful. Um,

spk_1:   18:08
and that's what I've got in my mind, too, is like What could go wrong with that runs right. There's so few ingredients. Well, eventually I'm gonna breed done, Zo because he's a beautiful boy and we'll we'll do some some light testing. When, when we have little puppies again to see if it helps because it just it made such a big difference for him because, you know, part of it is you feel bad. Not just that, but your house is gang torn apart. But you feel bad because like, what? What state of mind is this poor dude in that? He's just stressed tearing things apart because he thinks we're not coming back. It's nice to know that he's kind of chill and hopefully not sitting there pondering his abandonment, you know?

spk_0:   18:48
Oh, absolutely

spk_1:   18:50
awesome. So I'm trying to think of some of the other questions that we had on the, um during our live stream because we have so money. And I'm just I'm so excited that so many more people are asking about this now. What do you think is Is that the main question that you guys get cause you handle the live chat? What do you get so often on that?

spk_0:   19:12
A couple things that we get is you know, how much should I be using men? And we have a dosage chart on our website which during our our check of Tana traffic and that means people are curious about it. They wanna learn more, right? It's not just impulse buying. It's not just looking. They're educating themselves, which is which is why we put all those charts and blog's and stuff on there so that people can make an informed decision. So we hit that one, which you can find on our website and then also Regent, you know, is drug test. Will I pass it? Protest? Is this th see? Am I putting drugs into my body? And no, you're not instruct as safe. Like that way we get a certificate of analysis from our a supplier who proves that zero th d and then we also third party verify with the lab that gives us the exact same results. So it is tht free. That's what the drug tests are looking for. Eso you should have no problem with that.

spk_1:   20:13
That's that's awesome. And on that same note of the T H C free, um, I've had a bunch of people ask if pregnant women can take this

spk_0:   20:25
right. That one. Um, that one is a little bit trickier, right? There is no drug. There's no addictive part of it. Also, if you have medical condition and you're or you're pregnant or something like that. Please do your research and consult a doctor. Yeah, with our ingredients. I don't see anything that would make it unsafe. But again, not a doctor. But you should talk to a doctor. I think Maura and Mawr medical professionals are coming around to the idea of CBD, and they're more opened. Right then. It would have been 15 years ago and condemned you for having a drug, right? It's no drug. There's more research. And I think doctors are slowly coming around to the benefits of it. And, um, you know that the ingredients air healthy, right? So they would tell you if they're you're putting something harmful there in your body and and you look at the ingredient deck and it's just not there. Yeah, Yeah,

spk_1:   21:26
absolutely. And I have had several pregnant women from my community who have said they did talk to their doctors. They did everything, you know, smart. They were cautious about the way they went about it, but now they are using CVD, and I know one of my friends. She used the CBD religiously now, and she had been using teach see for years to help with anxiety and with her stomach and with all these different things. So when she got pregnant, it was like that, like, Oh, shit, What am I going to do for myself here? I can't take really anything. I don't like taking medicine. So CBD has been a godsend for her with her morning sickness, with sleep, with pain. So the people I know who are using it are loving it. And they did go those steps and verify, or at least you know, discuss it with their doctors that it was safe to move forward. And so far, everyone, you know, I haven't heard any negative feedback, which is so cool because any company you work with you're bound to get negative feedback at some point right and there's been none.

spk_0:   22:30
That's awesome. And I think people will recognize that in the next 18 months there's going to be so many more studies, so much more coming up out about it that they're going to see that it is safe and it is healthy. Uhm,

spk_1:   22:45
why the next 18 months?

spk_0:   22:47
I just think that is making such a big movement, and just about every state is talking about it the federal government is talking about it trying Thio figure out exactly what it is and how to create laws and that kind of stuff, which is, you know what they do. But but I think there's so many advocates out there and there's so much, uh, that they're discovering about it, that they're gonna can't hide it, but they're gonna You're going to see so much more research. And let's be honest, right? It could be a monetized business. And, you know, money does a lot. In this case, money could do very well for our industry. Yeah,

spk_1:   23:28
yeah, it really could. And it would just be so nice to have more awareness of more holistic methods, more natural things that might be able to help you. And, you know, we talked during stream about this too. This has potential to help with pain in such a way that that may be the future means that this helps potentially solve a little bit of the opioid crisis, because so many people are prescribed really heavy medication for pain. And this is so natural. You really like, I've I've had pain issues for a long time, and this helps so much. And I don't feel any of those gross side effects like I used to.

spk_0:   24:08
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, if if we can get people to find an alternative to opioids and stop it before it even starts, that that's the goal. Um, like we said on the chance, you know, we not a addiction breaking substance, it's, Ah, let's try it before you get go down that path. So absolutely, I think if we if we can, we can steer some folks or at least open their eyes or, you know, get them at least interested in looking into something like that versus loading up on chemically engineered something in a lab somewhere that you don't even know what's in it, you know that That's really a big thing for us.

spk_1:   24:51
Yeah, those names were It's like 27 syllables, and he don't know what it means. And there's 25 of those that just get listed on the label and then another, like page, several page packet of all the other shit in it, and all the things that it might make you feel bad or whatever, man, I wish I wish that this had been around when I was younger and I was struggling with anxiety. And when my stomach was really bad and I was having all these tests done to figure out what the cause of my pain was because I would have loved to have done this instead of going backwards, you know, if this didn't work for me, then maybe move into the next up or maybe used both, but I so wish that this had been around years ago in my life at least. And just to reiterate that this is not because that was something we talked about during streaming. I'm glad you mentioned it to this is not meant to necessarily solve the end result of what is the opioid crisis right now. It's not gonna get you off of it. We're hoping that it'll stop you from needing it in the first place,

spk_0:   25:54
right? That's exactly right. Yeah.

spk_1:   25:58
So on that same note, while we're talking about drugs, in a sense, you know this We don't consider this to be a drug. This is natural, but some people are still a little confused on that. If you were to take a ton of CBD can you od?

spk_0:   26:16
I have not seen anything that says that you can

spk_1:   26:20
Cool. I haven't. I haven't experienced anything. I kind of I kind of stress tested myself a little bit to see You know how it would feel if I took a decent amount of it versus just a smaller dose. Um, and this is you know, I got this question Thio as a relatively heavy th see use. Their people were asking if I needed a higher dosage of CBD, but I think because they're so different, I didn't notice that at all. I'm on the lowest dosages that you guys have of everything, and it seems to work really nicely for me.

spk_0:   26:51
Yeah, we haven't seen any correlation that says, you know, if you, um let's say you had a medical marijuana card right there could be legal anywhere. Um, and you were a habitual user, and you needed that for for what ails you. And then you switch to CBD. We haven't said anything that says you have to go right for the fit 1800 milligram. Siri's, um, we've been finding results, and, um you know, as more information comes out, you know will be always be posting Moritz where blawg and that kind of stuff. But ah, just like your story. We have seen all positive results. Yeah,

spk_1:   27:33
and it's It's nice knowing, you know, fairly comfortably, knowing at least that there's no chance of overdosing on it. And someone even asked me like what happens if you do take a lot? Do you feel kind of groggy? Do you feel sluggish? In my experience, I have not felt that at all. When I wake up in the mornings, I feel alert. Not like when I used to take a melatonin. I kind of felt like blah like I was in a little bit of fog when I first woke up, but I haven't noticed any kind of impact if I even take a ton of CBD and I really love that. So this does not get you high. Correct?

spk_0:   28:09
Correct. It

spk_1:   28:11
is non psychoactive, right? There is no th seeinit. There's nothing in it where if you take a ton of it, you're gonna suddenly start seeing colors or everything's gonna get weird or wonky for you,

spk_0:   28:21
right? And put things in perspective on that, you know, our bottles come out 30 mills, which is one ounce I mean, just think about that. Like one ounce chugging that Really? You know, the 500 milligrams gives you 500 milligrams. Your body's gonna use and absorb exactly what it needs. And anything else is just flushed through your system. Right? So, um, no. Why give God a 12 ounce bottles something and you just go crazy? Yeah, right. I mean, perspective, way Haven't seen anybody o d on CBD, but but also, you know, look at you. Your dosage writes a 30 mil bottle. Yeah,

spk_1:   29:04
because the bottles are like the size of those those little five hour energy.

spk_0:   29:08
Right? Right there. One else.

spk_1:   29:10
Yeah. Yeah, it's just It's so interesting. The more and more I use it, the more I learn about it, the more I'm just incredibly fascinated by it. And, you know, we talked about this kind of growing in terms of awareness and just, you know, in general we're seeing it in the news. We're seeing people study it more. What would you tell people toe? Look for? Because I've noticed locally, I'm starting to see signs that say CBD pop up everywhere, and then I go in cause I'm all excited now I'm like, Okay, I'm gonna write this down. I'm gonna look up their labels and see what's in. Um, what can you tell people like if you see this stuff out in the world, what's a good buying guide? Because I I did make it clear to people that while we are discussing a lot of nature's ultra products, we believe in awareness, not just plugging this particular product. So

spk_0:   30:00
how do they

spk_1:   30:01
find a good quality CBD and what should they be looking for?

spk_0:   30:05
So just like anything else, you want to look at the ingredient deck, look on the label, see what it says. There's different levels of purity for CBD. We do the 99.7% isolate what in pharmacy grade, they're also full spectrum ZX. It could be 83% all the way down to 14%. You just need to look at what they making claims for as faras, they're CBD, right? So they're not making any claims where there's no information on the purity or potency of it. Then that that should be a red flag, right? That they should be disclosing what you're getting. Yeah.

spk_1:   30:47
Yeah, and I know some things are being marketed a little bit differently. Um, there's, I believe, hemp seed oil that I've been seeing a lot of

spk_0:   30:57
Yeah, hemp seed oils and essential oil like a carrier oil. So that is, um, completely different.

spk_1:   31:05
Yeah, because I've seen some people saying I'm trying hemp seed oil. I'm so excited for this And I'm thinking, I don't think that's going to do what you think it's gonna d'oh! It doesn't. It's just It's so interesting, though, that this is at least becoming mainstream enough that so many places are attempting to carry it, even if they're not doing a great job of putting together a quality product for it. Um, like, I know I've mentioned to you guys into people in chat as well. I I get a lot of pictures now. People will send me a picture. Look, I just bought some CBD today, and then I go right away and I'm like, All right, time to Google and see what's in this. But I have not found one CBD oil that people have purchased locally. And please, you're welcome to to send me some stuff or talk about this in chat. But the highest I think I've seen was still under 10% actual CBD for stuff that you buy out in the world in the U K in the U S. Somewhere on a shelf.

spk_0:   32:02
Yeah, there's a lot of, um, there's a variety, right? And so he got It's gonna pay for you get what you pay for. Um and I think there's a lot of lot of companies out there that they're just I know I wouldn't say taking advantage of the marketplace. But there they don't know. They haven't done their research. They haven't looked into the effectiveness of it. So there's I think there's a lot of uneducated, um, not educators. Not smart, but just uneducated in the space about exactly what they're offering. As far as benders and companies go also also the customer. So you know, when people are looking at these CBD cos look at the page, see if they provide any data as far as, um, the purity or the levels of th see you. You know, if they can prove that they're zero, teaching stuff is important. Um, you know it. It's the difference between like like Walgreens Rite Aid and endorsed a product I Yeah, North was gonna tell you all about it. Why? It's so fantastic. And they're gonna have all their data. And Walgreens is gonna have three for a dollar.

spk_1:   33:14
Exactly. Yes, yes. That's a good way to put it to you. I'm going to start using that when people ask me about this because one of my friends from the UK sent me a picture of a bottle that she had bought, and she was so excited to try it because she heard so many good things. And the first thing she said is it tasted awful. Look, Well, that's your first run flag. If it tastes really bad, you might want to start looking for another company because it really doesn't need Thio. It's sudden. Ah, but then the next thing I did is I looked for the CBD percentage, and it was 2.6.

spk_0:   33:49
Yeah, two

spk_1:   33:50
0.6. Like what

spk_0:   33:52
does that even D'oh. Yeah, well, and and it could be a lone milligram as well.

spk_1:   33:56
Yeah, I think I think it was a 3 to 500 but it was just when I looked at the percentage I'm looking at my bottle like it says 99.7 and years as under three. I feel like you're probably not going to get the same impact as what I'm seeing. And then she tried the taste. It was like, This is awful. I'm never using it again.

spk_0:   34:15
Right, Right. So a couple couple things on on the taste. It's ours is the isil. It points is Brittles. And then the full spectrum is like an oil. So those oils are going to kind of have that. What kind of smell is ace is Where is is where we use the Iceland, which is very, very refined. And so e think that's part of the problem. And then also we used organic stevia due out of sweetener and organic essential oils. So everything that we're using is pure from nature. And as we know with most other prod products and that that's your best result, right?

spk_1:   35:00
Yeah. So did you guys go with the isil it instead of the full spectrum with that in mind? Or were there other factors that made you want to go with that? Like, more refined version?

spk_0:   35:11
Yeah, that that was part of it. But, um, you know, for for the effectiveness of that we have seen and the research we just like to that auction better on. We've got a very good relationship with our supplier, and we rely on them quite a bit, you know, for information and talking about the processing of all of it, way just felt that that was the most powerful, most effective of form and in life. So we got the 99.7% which is, you know, like, pharmacy grade. So is the highest you can get. And we wanted it, you know, not only have a safe product, but a well performing product. And we feel that the isil, it is the way to go.

spk_1:   35:53
Yeah. Yeah. And you know, you mentioned something a few minutes ago. You said, um, something relating to the cost. You know, you get what you pay for. That has been a common thing. I think that has deterred some people from trying it because well, like when you consider what it does and how much you might pay for a prescription that's capable of doing maybe 1/10 of what it's capable of, it kind of balances out. The numbers still can scare people off a bit. Do you anticipate the cost of CBD going down over time as it starts to be adopted? More?

spk_0:   36:26
That's that's hard to say with with the market's right, because there's still so many regulations and gray area, I do think it's kind of at a premium price right now. Um, I think that could change as a more broad, Um, education. More broad laws come about four our industry, but I don't see a dramatic change. But what I would imagine that that we would we would see something a little bit. Yeah,

spk_1:   37:00
okay. I mean, I don't consider it to be all that important, regardless, because I believe, like you said, you really get what you pay for here. And considering all the other things that I have attempted to do to manage all the things that C B D helps me with, I'm totally happy to pay it. But it is something that, you know, I was kind of curious because you see like like th see things kind of going down in price. Once there's this mass adoption, it's just it's so easy to acquire now, so it's a little bit cheaper. I was wondering if there was a chance of CBD going that same path. But even if it doesn't, you know I'm gonna be using it forever.

spk_0:   37:36
Right way? Just don't know. It's such a new industry and such a new thing. Um, I just don't have a good answer. I mean, it could No, you don't

spk_1:   37:48
have to have a good

spk_0:   37:49
answer. That is

spk_1:   37:50
really just kind of thinking. You know, I wonder if this is something that that you can anticipate even on your end, that your costs of production will go down if things become more readily available or regulations change or whatever.

spk_0:   38:01
Hopefully it doesn't curiosity, You know, it's not like gas, right where we realize how much we needed. And then the price goes up. Hopefully, yeah. No. Terrible. You're telling me my

spk_1:   38:13
eyes are all wide right now. Imagine people live without this. No, I can't do it. So one of the things that I did want to talk about two. And I don't know if you have any information on this. Um, one of the one of the questions I get a lot is how does this go with th see? Because some people use this since th see makes them more anxious and this does not do that. Have you had any Any studies? Do you know anything about their ability to interact with each other's T, T H C and CBD?

spk_0:   38:45
I I haven't. So I haven't seen any anything that says that they would offset each other. Um, you know, it is from essentially the same family of plants, right? And one is just doesn't have that last little bit in it. So it's not like if you were to drink alcohol and then take prescription pills, right? It should be no chemical compound in there that offsets air is damaging to do it yourself, right? So I think it's still fairly safe. Um, but But again, I don't have any personal experience with it, Um, and as not being a chemical engineer or a doctor like I haven't done any of those. So But we have had a few people ask that question when they say, You know what? I just smoked a little bit of marijuana. You had to go do something and I had some. I took a few, you know, a drops off R T B D and they've They've had nothing but good things to say. Yeah,

spk_1:   39:55
and I know my first experience with CBD iwas um, a flower version which I I don't really know. I guess that's a little different cause you're talking about you don't use any of the flour you use the stock of hem. Um but I've Ah, in legal states, I've been to places where they offer a T h C CBD blend. And before I even started working with you guys before I started doing all the research, it was kind of just known. If you want Thio, try something that is way more on the calming side than on the high side. I would always push them towards CBD. So, like my personal experiences, the blends If you're in an area where you can get a flower blunt, they go really nicely. But the CBD that I've seen in even legal areas locally, the actual drops, or or like gummies or Candies or whatever seemed to be like a lesser quality and have much less actual CBD in them.

spk_0:   40:51

spk_1:   40:51
I do think they go well together. If you are one of those people who does not get extra anxious when you smoke weed of T h c doesn't already impact you. Adversely. I think they go very nicely together. And it also helped me to not smoke quite as much. And this is what I always tell people when I'm advocating for CBD, is I? I love weed. I'm a huge advocate for this. We talked about it all the time. Even if it wasn't helping me with all these things that now Stevie D helps me with I would still be using it recreationally because I preferred over alcohol and all of that. But it's just, man, it is just so nice to get so distracted. My cat was bouncing all over my desk for a second there. You probably even heard her mellowing. Um, it is just so nice how calming it really can be. It really It really is just It's a godsend. What a great product.

spk_0:   41:44
Yeah. Good. Yeah. Like like I said, I don't have any personal experience with it. Um, but I can't imagine it causing any problems. Really?

spk_1:   41:54
No. And oh, that's what I was saying before my cat started putting her ass in my face. Um, I smoke less now. because it used to be because I use it for pain, for anxiety, for my stomach issues. Um, it used to be I was smoking pretty much consistently throughout the entire day. Now I'm smoking pretty much recreational e and I do that once or twice a day. And then the rest of the day my one dosage of the drops and then a few roll on applications is all I need. So T h c is great for all those things, but it's not always appropriate to be high. CBD is so great that you can have all that same stuff helped without that high,

spk_0:   42:36
right? Yeah. I mean, how do you like you said? How appropriate is it? Uh, you know, lets out a joint on the bus and just let it ride versus getting how your DVD roller. You know what I mean? Like, I Yeah,

spk_1:   42:51
big difference There wanted to be doing a little bit of trouble. One makes you feel a little bit better, right? And you haven't heard of anyone having a similar effect that they have with th see with CBD, right? Someone who's very anxious attempts to use it, and it makes them more anxious.

spk_0:   43:09
I have not heard that. No, no,

spk_1:   43:12
I haven't either. And that's one of the things I like the most is a lot of people I know who are scared to use th see because they've had bad experience, bad experiences in the past have said, you know, I I don't know if I can do this. And then I tell him the same thing. Like it's so nice. I have not heard of anyone getting Maur anxious from CBD. T h c is not for everyone but CBD seems to be for everyone.

spk_0:   43:35
Yeah, the anxious high part of marijuana's th see, we have zero that's gone. Yeah,

spk_1:   43:44
it's just so helpful. What a great

spk_0:   43:46
product. So I know. Where do you

spk_1:   43:49
see? Do you have something you want to? And

spk_0:   43:52
I was just on a quick side note. There is a small chance that we're gonna see you in Florida. Oh, just Well, there possibly

spk_1:   44:03
cool if you're there for guardian con. I'm sure people will love toe, ask all kinds of questions and find you wherever you're walking around.

spk_0:   44:11
You know, if we I'm just gonna put this out there If we get enough request to please be there. It's hard to say no, Right?

spk_1:   44:18
Okay, so you need the people to speak up and say Nature's ultra menace that guardian

spk_0:   44:23
kind need the people, Listen to the people. There

spk_1:   44:27
we go. Nature's Ultron, Twitter and Instagram. Guys it. I'm up. Let him up on there. Live chat. Tell Josh that you guys want him there. A guardian comes so they can hang out and have some roll ons available for you to try. Maybe some drops. There's something it really is just so nice. And I was even thinking about that because I'm doing that presentation at Garden Con. I'm so grateful that I have a new set of Rolen's because I'm imagining the like. I haven't done a presentation in years. The last one I did was on how to secure an in person meeting with a prospect via phone call like look like really boring shit, Right? That was in my corporate life. And that was probably like, 67 years ago,

spk_0:   45:10
eh? So

spk_1:   45:10
I'm imagining those few moments before I walk out onto the stage and I'm thinking, like the last time I did this, even though I don't get super, super nervous about presenting. There's still that little bit where it's like your body's rebelling against you. I'm like, I'm confident. I know what I'm doing. I am ready for this, but my hands are shaking a little bit. So I was imagining, like, using CBD.

spk_0:   45:34
Yeah, and I made a mistake for my day job. I had to go to New York by myself for an awards college and national war. There was several 100 people there and I didn't bring my CBD because it was just a quick in. And now and I'm like, I'm fine. I'm fine. I get up on stage like nuts. Okay. I'm not that fun. Okay. Oh, it's a bride. I'm like, uh and then you just word vomit in there like good health. I just

spk_1:   46:00
Yeah, I I had a nice little mental image this morning as I was working on some of the stuff for my presentation next month where I'm thinking like, how do I timed this? Well, so I'll get up to the room I'll apply. Possessed? No, the solace. No, no. Yes. Is that sauce? No. Unlike thinking which one's gonna be exactly right for me and imagine doing a quick roll on taking some deep breaths and then walking out onto the stage. And I'm like this. This is gonna be something, ma'am. That's not not Have my body rebelling against me when, like, I know what I'm gonna do. I know I'm fine with it. Despite social anxiety, presenting has never been like a huge fear of mine, which, I don't know, seems kind of, I guess, strange. But it is weird when I'm telling myself like I'm fine and I feel fine. And then I go to grab a glass of water and it's like, like about to spill out of the glass.

spk_0:   46:51
Yeah. Been there.

spk_1:   46:53
I'm so grateful. Well, good. I hope that you guys do go to guardian con. I think it would be really great for people to see you. And I'm sure they would love to be able to try some of this stuff.

spk_0:   47:03
I am really pushing for that, too.

spk_1:   47:08
Cool. So is there anything else that you feel is super important or just interesting? Like a fun fact about CBD that you want to share with anyone right now?

spk_0:   47:18
You know, really, for us, Like like we like we talked about is that we want to educate. So don't or websites look at a few things, you know, Look at the dosage chart. Look at some of the blog's look at some of the studies. Really Just get an idea for yourself. But by no means is this a super cells e gimmicky. Think, Look, Read the vlog. Read what other people have to say. We link other blocks in social media and other stuff all the time. Even other CBD companies. Yeah, we want to push the education part, but we want people to get in. It's getting understanding right before they form an opinion. Yeah,

spk_1:   47:59
and that's why I did a little recording of the intro before we started speaking. And I even included that we want you to learn as much as possible so you can make informed buying decisions even if you choose to go with a brand other than major is ultra, because it would be foolish to try and claim like you guys are the only good CBD company out there. Obviously, I chose to work with you guys like I approached you for a reason. But there are other products that air quality. It's just a matter of knowing what to look for and knowing where to buy. And the thing that I've taken away from a lot of the research I've done is you kind of have to buy online right now if you want a quality CBD oil.

spk_0:   48:39
Yeah, absolutely. And

spk_1:   48:41
it's it's unfortunate because it's you want that ease of used to be able to just go into a store and get something. But I just I haven't seen one thing presented to me locally from anyone's area, not just my own that comes anywhere close to nature's ultra or some of these other really reputable brands.

spk_0:   48:59
Yeah, that that's the trick right now is you know, with with some of the laws and having storefront stuff is e. You just really never know. And I think I think one benefit to Onley buying online is you get to see all of that information. Everything that you're looking for is right there.

spk_1:   49:19
Yeah, yeah, I always tell people if you don't go with nature's ultra basically Google high quality CBD oil looked through the first like 34 links there and do the same research you would do on nature's ultra, and you'll probably be OK because they're there for a reason. You know, the organic listings, not the paid ones. Boo kitty cat, Right? Not your time. Um, this actually, there was another point I wanted Thio to bring up. And I'm glad that we're time with local stuff because so many people, when I say, have you tried CBD, the first thing they respond with is Yeah, I've a pit.

spk_0:   49:57
Yeah, vaping is saving is, you know, something that that weren't just not into, Um I think one the quality is less because you have to make a a product that's soluble that could be used in that, um, application. And we can't guarantee organic and safe products that way. Um, so, you know, we we really I'm not saying we're against vaping where that's just not part of what nature ultra offers. And I think for people that are conscientious of ingredient decks and stuff, you really should look into what they put into that to be able to have a bit

spk_1:   50:38
Okay. Yeah. I mean, that's That's one of the things I know Rick and I talked about right away. Is this like how many people are using it for vaping, and the first thing he said is, well, it's it's just not as effective. And that alone would make me not want to use it via Veith. If even if it seems like it's like a fun, habitual thing, if it's not as effective. I mean the stuff isn't exactly cheap. I want the most potent version. I want it to work

spk_0:   51:06
absolutely, and and your body absorbs it differently

spk_1:   51:10
in here. Yeah, and the drops are are the most effective way. From what I understand, right?

spk_0:   51:16
Yeah. Yep, Suddenly will. Underneath their tongue, your body goes to work. Yeah,

spk_1:   51:23
and then on on a separate note. Obviously, there's. There's nothing that shows that Vaping itself is safe yet. So nature's ultra other companies that don't go go ahead with the Vape line. It's because of that. It's because there's no proof that it's safe. And if they don't have, like, a clear indication that it's safe to use, I know they're not gonna move forward with it.

spk_0:   51:45
Absolutely. I mean, safety and education are our main pillars, and yeah, you know, just just like with, uh, with, you know, our safety for kids. We're not gonna endorse it till we know. Yeah,

spk_1:   51:59
yeah, absolutely. It's just Here's the information. Here's what we're doing. And I think it does speak a lot to the product. Whenever you are saying I am using this for my daughter. I am using this for my pets and it's working and people know, obviously love your kids. They know that I love my pets. I think that that speaks to it a lot when you're trusting it with something or someone other than just yourself. Absolutely awesome. Is there anything else that you'd like to add? Then tow to kind of wrap this up and make sure that people have a good idea of what to expect from CBD or anything.

spk_0:   52:37
Um, you know, just to hit on a couple couple quick things. We do have the high grain isolate 99.7 CBD. It is drug test safe is, uh, you know, we get our industrial hemp from the stock, so it is legal in all 50 states. Andi, if someone's just curious, do a little bit of research. Uh, you know, if you get to a point where you want to try and you want to consider it, order a low dosage, and just and just see what it does. Yeah, Yeah.

spk_1:   53:06
I mean, you really can't hurt to try right now. That's the coolest part is when you look at the labels, you're like shit. Yeah. Okay.

spk_0:   53:14
Yeah, Absolutely. And then check. You don't do check out our website. Look at the dosage charge. Look at some of the studies that have been done. Look, att, The certificates that that prove that zero t h c Do all of that research. The last thing that we want someone to do the dump on our website by something and say I don't want this. This wasn't what I was expecting. I wanted this in that a little bit and get on with me. I'm happy to answer any questions. And

spk_1:   53:43
I tell people that all the time, trust me, he is not gonna be pressuring you to try and buy something. It is strictly education. If you wind up buying something else, no one is going to be upset because the end goal is you're using CBD. Correct. That's what we want. We want. We want you to feel good cause we're feeling a little better from this.

spk_0:   54:04
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

spk_1:   54:06
And then just to add to this is something we talked about during the stream as well. Please remember, like we said, we're not doctors. Do your own research. And then, in addition, don't expect anything to be a cure for anything. This this is very, very likely to help you with anxiety to help my sister. One of my sisters uses it for crones. I use it for I B s. It helps with chronic pain with headaches, migraines, all these different things. It really can be wonderful. But do your research, look into it. And, you know, don't just take our word for it. And don't just use this and expected to do everything. Keep on working on yourselves, your mental health and your physical health in addition to it.

spk_0:   54:48
Yeah. Don't Don't change your daily routine. Just this is meant to be added to it.

spk_1:   54:54
Exactly. That's a good way to put it. Awesome. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

spk_0:   55:01
Um, we as I said in the chat, we may or may not be coming out with some incredible awesome new flavors and sense male remain going wing wing. Right. And we may or may not be coming out with something that's a little specifically more targeted to pet. I don't know. I'm not at liberty to say that, but if I was a wing Bentley, Matt Clark, wait, wink. That's absolutely right. So we had a lot of exciting things coming. Um, we're so appreciative of our customers and the feedback that we're getting, you know, we would be happy to share your stories, leave a review, all of that good stuff, right? So people see your reviews, people hear your stories and and, you know, we we want this to be a team effort. We want our customers to be part of our story and help other customers.

spk_1:   55:56
Yeah, In general, you just want to help

spk_0:   55:59
educate and provide a healthy, safe product and helps people out. Yeah,

spk_1:   56:07
man, this this was so informational. Josh, thank you again for being a part of us.

spk_0:   56:12
Absolutely. Thanks for having me on. I'm kind of a rookie to all of this. I'm better behind a, uh, behind a keyboard. But this was so fun. Um, and I look forward to doing more. Yeah. Yeah.

spk_1:   56:24
If we get some more questions, and we'll definitely schedule another one of these so we can have him in a nice, easier to follow format s. So if any of you guys listening do have additional questions about CBD, like Josh said, feel free to hit him up on the nature's ultra website. You can also come into my stream, um, during live streams at any point and ask the way I may not be as knowledgeable, but I can at least speak to my experiences in the research that I have done. We really want to help educate because we believe in the power of this natural product. So remember to follow Nature's ultra on Twitter and Instagram to you guys. They're just majors ultra, right?

spk_0:   57:02
That's right.

spk_1:   57:03
Awesome. And then it's nature's ultra dot com for the website. And, ah, Josh, thank you again So much for this today,

spk_0:   57:11
since this was awesome, you're the best thanks for

spk_1:   57:13
tuning in to another episode of mind of snaps. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter at Mind of snaps. And if you'd like to help support the efforts of this podcast and everything else I'm working on, such as creating more mental health resource is securing more speaking engagement, having more mental health streams, et cetera. Consider supporting via the patri on which can be found at patri and dot com slash she snaps. I will also be doing, as I mentioned earlier, my first ever in person mental health talk at guard him con in Tampa next month. So if you are planning to attend, my session starts at 3:30 p.m. Eastern and will also be live broadcast on the Guardian Contra channel. Thank you again so much for all the support. And I hope you all have an incredible

spk_0:   58:02
week by wait.