Track & Food Podcast

Book Club: Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential

October 16, 2018 Jamie Mah, Mickey Mcleod Season 1 Episode 15

In the first of our monthly book club series, we tackle the book that put famed Chef and TV personality Anthony Bourdain on the map, Kitchen Confidential. A rousing and fun read, we discuss how the book relates to some our own experiences working in hospitality, how Anthony's personality was fuelled by some of the choices he made and what the significance of the book has come to be 18 years after it was first published. 

We talk about some the books most entertaining moments, from how he witnessed a bride cheating on her husband during their wedding dinner (gulp!) to Anthony's awkward recount of waiting to be interviewed for a job he desperately needed. Sex, drugs and alcohol fuel this journey and it's a ride we highly recommend. 

This was a fun exercise. Stay tuned to the end as we announce book 2 in the series.