Murder Metal Mayhem

Bonus Content - Brian Ward/Dark History & Horror Convention Interview

Pete Altieri, Chris Shawback, and special guest, Brian Ward. Season 1

Pete and Chris had the man behind the awesome Dark History & Horror Convention, Brian Ward, in the studio for an awesome 56-minute interview.  They talked about a variety of topics such as the history of the convention, Brian's love of true crime and horror, his incredible tattoos of serial killers and mobsters, a live Killer Cage Match during the interview, and what's coming up with this year's convention on October 26-27, 2019 in Champaign, Illinois.

Visit the Dark History & Horror Convention on Facebook and get your tickets to this amazing event for fans of true crime, horror, and mayhem!

Murder Metal Mayhem was the first sponsor of this event and will have a booth there both days, so come by and say hi!

Listen to all the past episodes and bonus content of Murder Metal Mayhem.