Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts

BEACH CORNER with Dianna Chycki - May 22.18 - COLETTE KENDALL - The Cockwhisperer

Dianna Chycki
Joining Dianna this week via phone is Colette Kendall.Colette Kendall will be bringing her smash hit “The Cockwhisperer – A Love Story” to Collingwood Simcoe Street Theatre on Saturday, May 26th kick starting her Canadian tour that will take her from Ontario to Vancouver.The title itself can be provocative however this is a wonderful and true one-person storytelling show about Colette’s quest for love, loving herself and ultimately, another being.Colette has been nominated three times for the Canadian Comedy Award for Best One Person Show, has garnered the Georgian Straight’s Critic’s Pick Award and has been honoured by the City of Hamilton with Arts Award for Established Theatre Artist.She is a mother of three children, owns a degree in biochemistry, an actress and executive director of the Staircase Theatre, an art incubator program with over one hundred events per month.Having worked with some well acclaimed actors such as “Laverne and Shirley’s Cindy Williams; Three’s Company’s Joyce Dewitt in the Stage West production of “Vagina Monologues” in Toronto Colette is happiest when performing her own work and is excited to be launching her extensive cross-country tour this summer with “The Cockwhisperer – A Love Story” and brand new show “Clit Wit! A Feminist Rude Awakening”.