Run it Like a Girl

Run it like a girl Top 10 - Hannah Taylor, Founder of the Ladybug Foundation

Hannah Taylor Season 1 Episode 47

Hannah Taylor was only 5 when she saw a homeless man searching for food in a dumpster on a cold winter day in her hometown of Winnipeg. Even at that young age, the experience was so profound for Hannah, that she began fundraising to help out.

By the age of 8, she had formed the LadyBug Foundation, a non-profit organization aimed at fighting homelessness and poverty. At 22, Hannah’s foundation has raised around 4-million-dollars to support shelters, missions, and food banks across the country.

For her work, Hannah has received an International Humanitarian Award and a Governor General’s Award. On this episode of Run It Like a Girl Hannah gives some sound advice to young people wanting to make change, she talks about why young women need to put more trust in their abilities and why not being able to do a front roll isn’t the end of the world.