The Introvert, Dear Podcast

Episode #23: How to Nail the Job Interview as an Introvert

Jenn Granneman and Bo Miller

An interview can feel like small talk on steroids for introverts. Only the stakes are raised as you need to put your best foot forward because a job you want is on the line. The thought is enough to give you sweaty palms and a queasy stomach. What’s an introvert to do?  

Today, we’re talking with Amanda Glover about how to nail the job interview.  

As a journalist at heart, Amanda combines her love for writing and business to help introverts create compelling resumes and interview stories. As an introvert who discovered personal acceptance late in life, she founded Rising Introverts to help introverts nail the job interview and generate greater confidence in their everyday lives.

Links Mentioned:

The Introvert, Dear Store
Looking for awesome introvert gear? Check out the new Introvert, Dear store and find funny and inspirational t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and much more! Click here to browse the selection. 

Other Resources
Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!