Building Our Future

Vanessa Hale | the changing shape of the real estate industry

September 27, 2019 Bert Broadhead / Vanessa Hale

Breaking down the barriers: the built environment in a post-digital world where sectors, silos and boundaries are increasingly blurred.

Vanessa Hale is Director of Research at BNP Paribas Real Estate and brand-new, and youngest ever, chair of ULI UK.

Vanessa has 20 years of experience in global strategic research across all real estate sectors in the UK and the US.

In this podcast:

  • The breakdown of traditional real estate “sectors” and boundaries
  • The role of technology in changing how we use buildings
  • The rising power of social value in real estate investing
  • Expanding the horizons of those working in the build environment
  • How to re-skill in a world of operational real estate
  • The changing face of later-living
  • Attracting talent to the real estate industry
  • The future of the ULI and how to get involved

Vanessa’s recommended book is Good to Great, Jim Collins. 

Her favourite building is the Monadnock building in Chicago for its role in driving innovation in building upwards during the late 19th century.

Vanessa’s emerging theme to watch out for is the role of public data in so far as how it interacts with the built environment; who will own it and how will it be used?