Building Our Future

Andrea Pizziconi | Real estate as a catalyst for social change

Bert Broadhead

Can real estate development deliver social justice?

Andrea Pizziconi is a singer, songwriter and social entrepreneur. She is the founder of the Christie Company (a pioneer in affordable, mixed-use developments) and of Africa Integras (financier of education infrastructure in Africa) as well as the co-founder of Compositions for a Cause, which creates cause-related music to inspire activism for social justice.

In this podcast:

  • Educational infrastructure & real estate as a catalyst for regeneration
  • Funding with social capital - how to do it
  • Is private capital the answer to social issues?
  • The impact of building design on learning faculties and the role that taking care of other social needs plays
  • Looking beyond student housing when it come to educational real estate investment
  • Combining careers in music and real estate

Andrea’s recommended books are:

Her favourite buildings are:

Andrea’s technology to watch out for is those that can empower the end user of the built environment. Her company, Girls First Finance, is certainly one to watch in this regard.