The Voice of Oregon's Workers

Worker Power at the Capitol: 2019 Legislative Preview

Oregon AFL-CIO Season 1 Episode 11

On this episode of The Voice of Oregon's Workers, we sit down with the Oregon AFL-CIO legislative team to discuss how Oregon's unions are leading the fight for working people in Oregon's Capitol Building. 

From fighting for the rights of all workers to strengthening unions, our efforts in Salem stand as an example of why the Oregon AFL-CIO is a strong voice for Oregon's workers. 


  • Jess Giannettino Villatoro, Oregon AFL-CIO Political Director 
  • Alma Raya Santana, Oregon AFL-CIO Lead Organizer & Legislative Specialist 


  • Introduction by Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain 
  • Hosted by Oregon AFL-CIO Chief of Staff Graham Trainor 
  • Produced by Oregon AFL-CIO Communications Director Russell Sanders