A Server's Journey

A Server's Moment: Brag Boards

Rocky DeStefano

Find a spot in your business to celebrate your team’s successes. Whether work-related or otherwise, your team will love spotting a brochure from their latest show or a guest compliment posted next to the office.

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Speaker 1:

This is, this is your servers moment, every moment is a part of a survivor's journey and we hope this moment will be motivational for you for your journey of serving your customers, your coworkers, or your family. I'm rocky desk to final, and here is today's edition of a server's moment.

Speaker 2:

No mistake about it guys. You are entering a war zone today and we just want to give you a few tips and ways to be a better servant leader. So today we're going to talk about the idea of a brag board. Larry, do you know what a Brag Board is? No, I have no clue. So let's talk about this. I didn't know about it either, but I remembered back to when I did something great at school and what happened. I brought home a sheet of paper or a test and what? What am I parents do? Oh, they bragged about it. That's right. And they posted it normally on the refrigerator and the refrigerator. I don't know if that still happens, but it did when I was going up. So the idea is in some very apparent place in your business or your home, have a board where you are constantly updating it with positive things about your team. And this is really just like I would do with my 18 year old daughter or six year old granddaughter or grandson. You want to treat your team like that. So when you hear about somebody who's in a play, even if it's just a local community theater posted on there, hey team, let's congratulate and let's celebrate with lowest she made this in, into the woods. If you hear about somebody who maybe has a musical interest and they're performing at an open mic, put that up there. If they do a great thing on, uh, during the job, if they get a compliment, put that up there. This board becomes a way to connect and to brag about your team and for them to get an attaboy without them having to sit there and raise our hands and say, look at me, look at me. It's a chance for you to serve your team and doing that for them. Now, what do you do with your wife? I think your wife or your spouse, you can always think you put her on the refrigerator. That's what I wanted to know. If there would be a whole lot of that every day, if, if, if we were thinking our spouses. Alright guys, that's it for this moment. I want to remind you that on every Wednesday we do a deep dive here at a server's journey and you can subscribe and join us each and every week. I'm rocky desteffano. Thank you for joining us as together, we learned to be better leaders.